The progress of both sides has not achieved the appropriate effect. Obviously, this is not the situation that shangguanyi wants to see, but now that it has been so, he can only accept it.

Fortunately, it is reflected from more and more reality that Wang Xingyi is indeed abnormal, so shangguanyi can now increase efforts to focus all his attention on him.

Looking at the past information, Shangguan Yi found that Wang Xingyi was indeed in the police station before, and at that time, when Wang Biao had the massacre, he happened to be the director of the police station.

Therefore, if Wang Xingyi wants to cover up the sky, it is not impossible to create some forged evidence and frame it for others to keep the case for inspection.

If someone can easily slander them in the future, Wang Xingyi still has a motive and a convenient way to commit a crime.

In addition, Wang Xingyi was a policeman in those years. If he really wanted to destroy a gang, it was not impossible, and he cooperated with Xiao Yiyan. It can't be easier for a gangster and a policeman to unite to destroy a gang.

As for Bai Mingtang, the failure of the negotiation may be just a coincidence, or they want to blame him for this, so Bai Mingtang will disappear this time.

But aren't they the fourth childe in his year? Why are the forms different?

According to the previous thought, the four CHILDES should act together, but now I hear Xiao Yi say two people. Shangguanyi thought it should be just Xiao Yiyan and another person. They acted alone and had nothing to do with the fourth childe.

Thinking of this, shangguanyi felt that something should have happened inside them.

Wang Xingyi used to be the chief of the police. When he thought of beifengyu and told him that grandpa was there, he said he couldn't help the police. So shangguanyi immediately thought whether Qiu Xiwen knew something about it, so he refused to help the police.

Refusing to help the police is not because of the identity of the police, but because of Wang Xingyi, so I left this lecture and don't help the police.

When I thought of this, many things were inferred. Shangguanyi thought it might be Wang Xingyi.

But now it's just speculation. There is no evidence. As a mayor, Wang Xingyi can't pull him into the water unless he has enough.

Shangguanyi should find Shengchuan first, but obviously Shengchuan is hiding now and won't let them find it at all. Therefore, Shengchuan is difficult to find.

Now the only new breakthrough is Bai Zheng. Shangguanyi always wanted to know who Bai was, but he didn't think it was Wang Xingyi.

Sure enough, he is a good chess piece. Bai Zheng knows a lot of things. No wonder he deliberately approached himself when solving the case before.

It's no wonder Wang Xingyi didn't worry too much though he kept himself careful. The most important chess pieces were actually placed beside him.

This also explains why Bai Zheng approached him on his own initiative, perhaps just because Wang Xingyi wanted to send him to his side and know what case he was investigating, either to protect himself or to look at himself.

Because Wang Xingyi is aware of shangguanyi's ability, he may also be vigilant. After all, he knows his ability.

The only thing Wang Xingyi doesn't know is the identity exchange between Bai Ziqi and Hao Feng.

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