Beifengyu returned to Shanghai after staying in Beiping for half a year. It can be said that he has experienced a lot in this half a year. He is very happy and feels that the scenery in Beiping is good.

Ji Luo is to solve the case, and he is a tourist. The scenery of the north wind is naturally better than that of Shanghai. He thinks so. Maybe he has lived in Shanghai for too long, so he is fresh everywhere.

Beifengyu went directly to Shanghai and went home. He didn't go back to his hometown with Ji Luo. That's because he suddenly missed Shanghai.

As soon as beifengyu got home, Xiaoyao rushed over and ordered someone to take a lot of rouge powder: "ah Yu, you're finally back. I think you're broken in the last six months!"

"I'm not going out to play." Beifeng said, glancing at Rouge powder and sighing: "I haven't had much time to draw Rouge powder in Beiping for half a year. I won't be able to do it soon."

"What have you done? Why have you been there for so long? I'm worried to death. You know I've been thinking about you at home. If you were here, I'd die." Xiaoyao said, and Beifeng language looked at him speechless: "why, I'm not back."

"Didn't I say I miss you? You said Ji Luo and Shangguan Yi would go. Why are you going with me? Isn't this your own sin?" Xiaoyao sighed: "if I couldn't go here, I would go to Peiping to find you."

"Why are you looking for me? I'm just going to be clean. Don't look for me. I don't want you to come." beifengyu said, glancing at Xiaoyao and continued: "well, I'm back, and I have power in Beiping. What are you worried about!"

"I've decided ~!" Xiaoyao stood up and looked at beifengyu and said, "I've decided to develop my power in Beiping, so I can know your situation wherever you go! Shanghai is too small."

Beifengyu looked at Xiaoyao and said, "I'm going to go to Tibet next..."

"Tibet?" Xiaoyao looked at beifengyu and wanted to say, but he stopped talking. He's going to Tibet... That's enough!

"Can you change a closer place?" Xiaoyao asked.

"As long as I've never been there, I want to go. You still expect to wait for your forces to get there. Besides, what forces do I need to travel? I'll just take a few more people!" Beifeng looked at Xiaoyao speechless. He wanted to tie himself around. Do you still need this? His people are everywhere and worry about being kidnapped!

"OK, ah Yu, wait for me and I'll do it for you." Xiaoyao finished, and Beifeng language yawned: "I'm sleepy. Go back."

After that, I went to the bedroom. I haven't slept in such a familiar bed for a long time. I miss it!

Beifengyu has rested for a few days and recovered almost. At this time, it seems that he hasn't seen Xiaoyao for several days. I don't know where this guy has gone. It's just that beifengyu always feels that Xiaoyao is sometimes very boring. Since he hasn't seen it, he won't be investigated.

About half a month later, one evening, beifengyu came back from the outside and hit Xiaoyao with a gray face. Xiaoyao looked at beifengyu and said happily, "ah Yu, I went to Tibet and have put my flag there. They said that as long as I put the flag there, I will be the boss there. You can go now."

"What Tibet?" Beifeng asked. Does Tibet have anything to do with yourself?

"Didn't you say you were going to Tibet?" Xiaoyao asked, looking at Beifeng language.

Beifeng language just remembered. I said it casually before. Unexpectedly, Xiaoyao still remembered it and went to Tibet in person. The disheartened man should have just returned!

"What nonsense? I just said it casually at that time. Tibet is so dusty. Will people who love cleanliness so much go? Can you use your brain when you do business? Obviously, I said it casually." when beifengyu finished, Xiaoyao looked at him helplessly. He worked hard for a long time. Unexpectedly, beifengyu didn't want to go at all, Obviously, it's a huge blow to Xiaoyao!

Seeing Xiaoyao's grievance, Beifeng language couldn't bear to look at him and said, "OK, OK, I'll go when I'm free."

Xiaoyao was very excited when he heard beifengyu say so. He hugged beifengyu, and beifengyu pushed him away and looked at him with a disgusting face: "go back and change your clothes and come back. It's dirty!"

Xiaoyao turned around and wanted to go. At this time, beifengyu stopped him: "well, it's also the leader of the school. It's good to walk in the street like this. Go back after washing here."

Xiaoyao was so excited that he almost hugged beifengyu again and was pushed away by beifengyu. But it was the first time that beifengyu asked him to take a bath in his mansion. Xiaoyao was really excited.

Since beifengyu said it and went to Tibet depending on the situation, Xiaoyao occasionally mentioned it and wanted to show off his power with beifengyu. They have all arrived in Tibet.

Beifengyu was annoyed for half a year and finally agreed to go. Xiaoyao bought a train ticket. They went to Tibet together. When they arrived in Tibet, beifengyu was abandoned by the strong wind. It's dusty! He looked at one side happy and carefree, very speechless.

After a night's rest, they went to see the carefree flag. When beifengyu came to the place, he actually saw a flag planted in a place, and this place... Is just a small hill!

"Are you sure this is a symbol of your rights?" beifengyu doesn't believe it. Xiaoyao is lying to himself.

At this time, a local came. Later, Beifeng language learned that when Xiaoyao came, he was cheated. That man cheated people from other places. He cheated Xiaoyao one hundred Liang. He knew that Xiaoyao wanted to spread his power, so he told him to put a flag on it. As a result, he made another one hundred Liang!

However, all this was cheated!

Beifengyu originally wanted to go back immediately under the pressure of anger. There's really nothing to bring here. For a person who is obsessed with cleanliness, being here is tantamount to death. The strong wind blew him with resentment on his face.

But when I got to the place, I found that the car was gone when they came!

Therefore, they can only go back by train, and beifengyu knows that they will stay for another night. The whole state is collapse: "I want to go home!"

Xiaoyao was so happy when he heard that he could stay one night: "great, Arabic, we can stay one night. Let's go back slowly tomorrow day."

Hearing what Xiaoyao said, looking at his smiling face, Beifeng language roared: "go away, Xiao gouyu!"

If the northern wind has been whispering over Tibet, the original Xiaoyao's nickname is gouyu!

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