Soon, Sheng Chuan and Li Qian rushed over and were surprised to see Wang Ling dead! Li Qian immediately cried. When Sheng Chuan saw Wang Ling like this, he thought of his novel, so he looked at Ji Luo and said, "is it really Wang Ling?"

Before Ji Luo spoke, shangguanyi took Wang Ling's piece of paper and showed it to Sheng Chuan: "is this Wang Ling's handwriting?"

"Yes..." Sheng Chuan looked carefully and determined that it was Wang Ling's note.

"It seems that she likes you." shangguanyi didn't say the case, but talked about the things that Wang Ling likes to spread.

"We still need to investigate this matter. After all, I think I haven't found Wang Ling's motivation." Ji Luo looked at Sheng Chuan and Li Qian and said, "can you introduce Wang Ling to us?"

"Wang Ling came from the countryside. Her family was poor, and her father often beat her and didn't study for her. She ran away from home and learned from her teachers outside the school. Later, she tried to enter the newspaper. It was not easy for her," Sheng Chuan told Ji Luo.

"This may explain why the pain killed the dead because both of the dead had acts of domestic violence." Ji Luo turned his head and looked at shangguanyi: "go to the police station and let's make a closing statement."

With that, jiluo took shangguanyi and left. Sheng Chuan was surprised and couldn't calm his mood for a long time. Li Qian stood still.

After jiluo and shangguanyi returned to the police station, shangguanyi took jiluo's arm and said to her, "your closing statement..."

"The case hasn't been closed yet. What's the closing statement?" Ji Luo looked at shangguanyi and said seriously: "I have a goal, but I don't know whether it's right or not. I just don't want my ideas to be known again."

"Don't think too much. Wang Ling took the initiative to hurt you, otherwise Sheng Chuan wouldn't say so. As for her death, even if she was framed by others, it has something to do with herself. If she wasn't harboring ghosts, would she hurt you?" shangguanyi looked at Ji Luo, obviously Ji Luo seemed to blame himself, but shangguanyi said, Since Wang Ling was chosen as a scapegoat by the murderer, there must be a murderer's reason, and Ji Luo is not wrong, because Wang Ling is really suspicious.

Ji Luo glanced at Shangguan Yi. He actually comforted himself. Ji Luo nodded and smiled at him: "I see. Thank you, Shangguan."

"Nothing. Let's solve the case together. I'll help you. Shouldn't you help me?" the last officer said leisurely and walked to the office, and Ji Luo returned to his position.

Ji Luo took a look at shangguanyi and went on working. This move was just seen by he Chen. He was a little upset. Ji Luo was too close to shangguanyi. How can he leave the police station?

Shangguanyi took the letter paper written by Wang Ling before her death. Since she wrote it voluntarily, she must leave some clues. Otherwise, she would not be willing to die for one person. Unless the murderer is Sheng Chuan, otherwise, there must be a clue. Shangguanyi has been wandering in front of his eyes with paper.

Ji Luo thought carefully. She immediately stood up and went to shangguanyi's room: "will it be? In fact, the author is the murderer?"

"You say Sheng Chuan?" Shangguan Yi looked at Ji Luo. He suspected it just now, but later denied it: "it should not be. Sheng Chuan has no reason, and when he kills, he will be recognized because he is a strange face."

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