Lu Haoran thought that even though he and Yue Zijun had been together for a period of time, to be fair, they had a friendship that was slightly deeper than a prince's, and just a little more coincidental than just meeting by chance. But it was only after they had parted that he realized perhaps that was not the case.

Lu Haoran had a very good temper. Although he would never become friends with all over the world, and rarely get along with people, but he rarely got close to people, even though their relationship was not close to Li Wenying. During this period of time, Yue Zijun's performance in all aspects was very normal, to the point where Lu Haoran had never felt that they had anything special about each other. However, he was able to naturally say some things that he shouldn't have said to others to Yue Zijun, and also very naturally do some things that he shouldn't have done to others after carefully thinking about it. Thinking back, he realized that it wasn't just him, Yue Zijun was the same as well. Their relationship was extremely close, and even towards Yue Zijun who was deliberately protecting her, it was only after Lu Haoran realized just how unnatural it was. At that time, he thought that Yue Zijun was born like this, but after thinking about Yue Zijun's personality, if he was just a casual friend, why did he have to worry so much? What's more, he felt that this sort of thing wasn't something that could be casually deceived.

The only difference was that Yue Zijun's appearance would always flash across his mind unintentionally, and he might even see his hallucination at some specific times.

In the end, even Lu Haoran was unable to control himself, so he could still see Yue Zijun even after closing his eyes at night. Lu Haoran even suspected that he was bewitched, but other than the figure that flashed past, the rest of the time was normal, and it did not affect him in the slightest. But the scenes of deja vu became more and more frequent, to the point that occasionally when he raised his glass to drink, he would feel a faint hand holding a glass of wine to toast him.

Lu Haoran was unable to control himself from thinking too much. In the end, he could even dream of repeating scenes.

The contents of the dream were messy and scattered. Many of them could be clearly remembered in the dream, but some could still be remembered. The ones most remembered were only these few scenes.

Lu Haoran didn't know where it was, and only saw the sky full of white snow. He stood at one end of the drawbridge, and another man pointed a sword at him at the other end. The bridge was not long, but it was very narrow. Only one person could cross at a time. The man with the sword pointed at him said, "I'll let you through if you leave your things behind." Lu Haoran was unwilling, the man immediately rushed over and stabbed his sword into the ground.

As for what happened afterwards, he did not know. All he knew was that this kind of scene would happen again and again at least once a few days.

The other was on a small boat. The boat was resting in a lake. The moonlight shone brightly, illuminating the surface of the water like a mirror. The two of them drank together, but as they chatted, they heard the man say, "Where did you hide your things?" Lu Haoran felt a wave of bitterness in his heart as he replied tiredly, but there was nothing he could do.

He felt that even though he couldn't do anything, he was helpless. He knew the other party's goal, but he couldn't avoid it.

Lu Haoran stood behind a person who was playing the flute with his back towards him. After listening for a long time, Lu Haoran finally asked, "Do you really like me?"

Whether or not that person had replied Lu Haoran did not know, but he clearly remembered that place which was filled with jasmine flowers, he remembered that he had gone there before, and that was Tian Xin Building. He also knew about the person who played the flute, although the person in his memories did not look clear, but Lu Haoran had a very clear answer at the bottom of his heart, and that person was, without question, Yue Zijun.

If it was a dream, then these dreams were too clear and repeated too often. If it wasn't a dream, then what was it?

Lu Haoran held his head and carefully thought back to it. Suddenly, an answer surfaced in his heart.

If it wasn't a dream, then it should be a memory. The memory he had forgotten.

However, this answer was simply too terrifying, and Lu Haoran was unable to accept it. Even after denying it to himself for a long time, he was still unable to escape from the entanglement of the Nightmare along with the pounding of his memories.

That: Do you like me! It was a sad question, but the pain in his heart didn't go away until he woke up.

He was the one asking Yue Zijun, while the Gentleman's Blade was the one asking Yue Zijun.

What did this mean? As a man, he actually asked Yue Zijun, who was also a man, whether she liked him.

If his dream wasn't fooling him, then he was crazy.

He was a seven foot man, why would he fall in love with a man?

Lu Haoran opened his mouth to laugh, but he couldn't. This was because he knew that no matter how strong his reason was, there was a voice in his heart that told him that this was the truth.

Although he did not know why he did not remember, nor did he know what had happened between them, that sort of feeling of going through hundreds and thousands of cycles was still lingering in his heart, to the point where he was unable to shift his eyes away from Yue Zijun the moment he laid eyes on him. After he left, he also followed him without hesitation.

At that time, he didn't even know why he had followed her, he just followed the feeling that she was following him.

The lost memories were gradually recovering, but it was not what he had expected. Lu Haoran was not anxious to remember the past at all. It should be said that the clearer the memory, the more afraid he would be. Afraid of remembering, afraid of the entanglement in the dream, afraid of the feeling of heartache. In the end, he decided to leave his home, despite his father and brother's attempts to stop him. He didn't want his family to find out what had happened to him.

Lu Family was not some martial arts family. Above Lu Haoran, Lu Family should have been considered as the law of books. Lu Haoran's grandfather had once been an official in the imperial court, and had been a fifth grade Zhizhou. After returning to his homeland, he had obtained some land outside the Poyang City, and became the only member outside. Lu Haoran's father was also a scholar's son, and it was only until Lu Haoran's big brother came that he gave up writing and started a business.

Overall, his Lu Family and painting had a deep history. Even if Lu Haoran's brother was a businessman, he shouldn't have anything to do with martial arts. When Lu Haoran was young, he was also focused on writing and learned all kinds of poems and songs. When Lu Haoran was nine years old, he met an old mister outside. He forcefully pulled him along and said that his muscles and bones were extremely suitable for training in the martial arts, and that he had stolen away Second Young Master Lu from the Lu Family with half a hand. Then, Lu Haoran left for seven years. The next time he returned, he was a sixteen year old elegant young man. He had a good blade technique and could not match the scholarly man anymore.

Lu’s father knelt in front of the ancestral tablet for a night, blaming himself for not being filial and being able to bring honor to his ancestors. The eldest son had learned martial arts from the second son of the merchant, which had been a huge blow to Lu’s father, who had been educated and read since a young age. But it was too late. Regret was useless. Lu’s father felt regret in his heart, but he could do nothing about it. He could only place all his hope on his grandson.

Fortunately, Lu Haoran's sister-in-law had lived up to her expectations, and was a pair of twins. One was a businessman and the other was a scholar, which took over Lu’s father's biggest worry. She was a lot more tolerant towards Lu Haoran, as long as he didn't learn to be bad and didn't cause trouble, she wouldn't bother to care about him.

Lu Haoran had been deeply influenced by the teachings of the scholars since he was young, and he had always been a modest and polite person, leaving some leeway for others to handle things. After a while, his friends in the martial arts world gave him the title of "Gentleman's Blade", which made him quite famous.

He was twenty and forty years old, and had never done anything earth-shattering before. The only thing he had done was to help Yue Zijun let him go. With this incident, Lu Haoran's name would resound throughout the entire martial arts forest, and no one would not know of it.

Although Yue Zijun acted out a show to take care of Lu Haoran, Lu’s father was afraid that his son would get into trouble again, so he insisted on locking his second son tightly in his home. If there were no major events, he would even bring a servant along as a precaution.

Lu Haoran could be said to have slipped away from home this time. When he left the Poyang City, half amused and half helpless, he realised that not only was he imprisoned by his father and brother, even the news about the martial arts world had been blocked by his father and brother, not a single word of it had reached his ears.

When he heard it, he couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

The people of the martial world said that Yue Zijun was being hunted down by various great sects. It was unknown whether he was dead or alive …

— — The content is from [Mick Read]

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