Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 1597: My own boyfriend in the book (3)

After work that day, Ye Yuelang finished typing and then uploaded the manuscript as usual.

His daily update volume is 10,000.

Seniors often say that the quality is not enough, and the update will come together.

So he has been working hard all the time, although it seems that it is of no use.

Ye Yuelang refreshed the backstage. The backstage that was originally unchanged seems to have changed today.

Ye Yuelang looked at the comment column, and there were a few more comments there.

At this moment, his heart beat fast.

There are hundreds of millions of works on Tiantao Chinese website, and readers generally only see works on various lists and recommendations. A contract like his cannot sign a work, and few people can see it, let alone comment.

Ye Yuelang's hand holding the mouse trembled a little.

He wondered, are these comments positive or negative?

If it is good, what is it?

If it was Huai Cian, would they say that his storyline was too complicated and the characters' personality was not prominent enough, or even that he made up nonsense?

At this moment, Ye Yuelang thought too much.

I don't know how long it took before he took a deep breath and controlled the mouse to click on the comments.

[Yan Xiacridine: The author wrote very well~ Come on, come on! 】

[Yan Xiacr: The brain is stupid, I feel that the author has dug a very deep hole, wronged.jpg]

[Yan Xiacr: Look what big treasure I found! There is actually a great writer here! catch! 】

All three comments were posted by the same person.

Time increases sequentially from bottom to top.

This reader has really seen his novel.

Ye Yuelang stared at the words "The author of Riwan is great", and his eyes were a little wet.

Has his efforts finally been seen?

The second sentence "brain stupid" made Ye Yuelang seem to see a young girl beating her head with a tangled face.

That last line of "great" and "come on" looks like a copy-paste of encouragement.

But this sentence is really very important to him.

Ye Yuelang pursed his lips tightly, and hurriedly replied under the second comment; [I dug some holes, if there is anything you don't understand, cute, you can ask me~]

Ye Yuelang tried his best to make his tone seem amiable, he didn't want to scare his only reader.

In reality, he is really a very dull and unpleasant person.

But online, he tries to be as gracious as possible so he might keep his readers.

After replying to the comment, Ye Yuelang refreshed the background over and over again, waiting for the reader to reply.

But the refreshes over and over again brought disappointment over and over again.

Half an hour later, Ye Yuelang felt that his right hand was a little stiff.

He lowered his head in disappointment, his eyes full of disappointment.

Sure enough, are those "great" and "come on" just polite words?

Saying a word is great and cheering, and then just slack off his book and never read it again?

Ye Yuelang took a deep breath and told himself that he was used to it, yes, he was already used to it.

It wasn't that no readers shouted "Come on" before, but every time he replied, that reader was long gone.

Later, he gradually realized that the "come on" was just a polite word.

Ye Yuelang looked at the background, and finally clicked the mouse.

He told himself that this was the last time, the last time there was something to look forward to.

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