Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 1619: My own boyfriend in the book (25)

If he had a choice, he really didn't want to exercise at all.

Ye Yuelang has been very homely since he was a child, and he has basically never exercised.

When he was in school, he was the last in the class every time in the physical examination, even worse than some girls.

After work, he didn't have much time to exercise.

Now to let him exercise, Ye Yuelang felt that it might be better to kill him.


Ye Yuelang glanced at Tao Yanxi.

If he died, he couldn't like her anymore.

Thinking of this, Ye Yuelang still felt that he exercised better, at least he could see Yan Xi.

"I just need to exercise." Ye Yuelang said in a low voice.

Tao Yanxi nodded, "Don't worry, I will accompany you to exercise together."

Ye Yuelang nodded, if Yanxi accompanies him to exercise together, he thinks he should be able to persevere!

"Then we'll exercise together when I'm better." Ye Yuelang said.

Tao Yanxi nodded and stretched out her little finger, "Come on, let's pull the hook."

Ye Yuelang paused for a while, but still stretched out her little finger and hooked Tao Yanxi's little finger.

In such a naive way, Yan Xi was able to figure it out.

"Pugogou, don't change for a hundred years, whoever changes is a puppy!"

As soon as Tao Yanxi finished speaking, she heard Ye Yuelang call out twice.

"Wang Wang!"

Tao Yanxi: ?

Tao Yanxi glared at Ye Yuelang, "What do you mean?"

"I... I'll call in advance." If he couldn't hold on, he would call that.

"No, no!" Tao Yanxi shook his head quickly, "Come again."

"Pugogou, it can't be changed for a hundred years, whoever has changed will not have Xiaojiji!" Tao Yanxi grinned, hey, this Ye Yuelang must not dare to breach the contract, right?

Ye Yuelang looked at Tao Yanxi resentfully, because Yanxi didn't exist.

But he didn't dare to say it, he could only look at her resentfully.

Tao Yanxi turned a blind eye to Ye Yuelang's eyes, anyway, he couldn't do anything to himself.

From now on, she will be what she says!

"Okay, that's it, take a good rest, I'll go home and get you something to eat." Tao Yanxi stood up and walked outside.

Ye Yuelang responded in a low voice, and soon fell asleep on the hospital bed.

Ye Yuelang stayed in the hospital for half a month before being discharged.

For the past half month, Tao Yanxi has served Ye Yuelang very well.

To be honest, if the doctor hadn't kicked him out of the hospital, he thought he could stay in the hospital for half a month!

After being discharged from the hospital, Tao Yanxi really fulfilled the previous agreement.

She took Ye Yuelang to sign up for a gym together and began to exercise slowly.

Ye Yuelang is still coding every day, but the updates are much less than before.

Now, he has two shifts a day, and one shift with three thousand words.

Fortunately, his grades are very stable now, so there is nothing too big.

After training for half a year, Ye Yuelang finally had two small abdominal muscles, and he didn't breathe much when he went up to the tenth floor in one breath.

Tao Yanxi was very satisfied with the result.

One day half a year later, when Ye Yuelang finished typing and was about to upload it to the background, the interface of Tiandao Chinese website was suddenly occupied by a few large golden characters.

["Tianxuan Change" today's bright moon]

This is... a sign that resonates with the way of heaven.

Ye Yuelang stared blankly at the words, and for some unknown reason, a trace of jealousy surged from the bottom of his heart.

That trace of jealousy entangled in his heart a little bit, making his face look ugly.

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