Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 1621: Little fairy man does not need to eat (no wonder) (1)

Tao Yanxi felt her body, as if there was nothing wrong.

She looked at the person in front of her with a look of vigilance.

"Ouch, you little girl is quite vigilant." He Darong said with a big smile.

Tao Yanxi quickly sorted out the original body's memory and determined that she did not know the person in front of her.

"Who are you?" Tao Yanxi asked.

"My name is He Darong." He Darong shrugged and spread his hands. "Since you're awake, hurry up and leave."

"Go? Where are you going?" Tao Yanxi asked.

"How do I know?" He Darong waved his hand, "Anyway, you can't stay here."

Tao Yanxi said "Oh", "I'll go now."

"Hmm." He Darong nodded again and again, staring at Tao Yanxi, as if to supervise her leaving.

Tao Yanxi lifted the quilt, put on his shoes, stood up and walked outside.

This should be He Darong's home. As for her, she is probably someone who entered here by mistake.

Tao Yanxi walked outside the villa.

As soon as she came out, He Darong immediately closed the door.

Tao Yanxi:  …

Tao Yanxi stood at the door and looked to the side.

The sweet smell seemed to come from the villa next door.

She took a few steps back and carefully observed the two villas.

The two villas are tightly attached to each other, only separated by a wall.

He Darong's villa looks more modern and indifferent, while the walls of the villa next to it are covered with flowers.

Those flowers are so delicate and lovely, they seem to imagine the world showing their best side.

Because the gate of the villa was tightly closed, Tao Yanxi could not see the beauty inside.

But she thought, it was probably pretty inside.

From the memory of the original body, she probably spied some things about the situation in that villa.

The original is the daughter of a poor family. Although the family is poor, her parents dote on her very much.

This also developed the original arrogant and unreasonable character.

Yuanshen is currently working in sales in a real estate company, but because he is too lazy and has a bad temper, he can only get a minimum salary of 2,000 yuan per month.

And this 2,000 yuan can't satisfy the original body at all.

In addition to asking for money from her family, she also borrowed money from everywhere and owed a lot of debts, which she was unable to pay in the end.

At this time, a mysterious person found her and told her that as long as she could pick a kind of flower in a villa, she would get one million.

One million, this is something that the original body can't even think about.

Hara agreed, and taking advantage of the moonlight, she sneaked into the villa.

However, before she could find the flower, she fainted, and finally died because she was allergic to some kind of flower or what.

After Tao Yan finished her original memory, she looked at the villa with the door closed with more curiosity.

Because the villa where the original body sneaked into was exactly the villa she saw.

Thinking of this, Tao Yanxi took a step forward and walked over there.

The closer you get, the stronger the scent.

The sweet smell lingered in her nose, making her unable to help but indulge.

After several minutes, Tao Yanxi came back to his senses.

She sniffed reluctantly, then took a deep look at the closed door, turned and left.

Just after Tao Yanxi left, the seemingly ordinary door suddenly flashed.

At the same time, in the villa, a man in a simple gown opened his eyes.

[Master, the girl came again, but she left again. 】A mechanical voice said in the man's ear.

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