Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 897: Nurse Sister VS Dual Personality Brother (22)

I wish Xinqiu went all out to win the championship and enjoy the praise and pursuit of everyone.

That is, the moment he got the trophy, he suddenly realized that he couldn't let people know his past, that dirty past.

Once those people know, they won't love themselves, they won't praise themselves.

They will only look at themselves with that kind of contempt, pointing at him, calling him J.ian.

I wish Xinqiu would not allow such a thing to happen, so after he successfully obtained the inheritance, he spent a lot of money to have someone forge an identity for him.

And he himself, also learned hacking techniques, little by little eradicated the imprint of his once unbearable existence.

Zhu Xinqiu is very talented, and what Tao Yanxi can find is very limited.

But these things are enough to destroy Zhu Xinqiu.

Tao Yanxi's voice was calm, but Zhu Xinqiu, who was opposite her, was not calm at all.

Tao Yanxi knew more than Mu Jingshi knew.

He clenched his fists, killing intent.

But at this time, Zhu Buhui, who existed in his body, wanted to break free.

I can't let Zhu Xinqiu kill Tao Yanxi, I can't!

Zhu Buhui slammed into the shackles and wanted to occupy this body.

However, Zhu Xinqiu's strength is much greater than his, and no matter how hard he collides, he can't break free.

Zhu Xinqiu's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he knew very well that Zhu Buhui cared about Tao Yanxi very much, and he would never let him hurt Tao Yanxi.

However, Tao Yanxi is not dead, and his secret opportunity has been exposed!

He will go back to the dark days when he was insulted and beaten by others. He doesn't want it, absolutely doesn't!

Zhu Xinqiu's eyes were red, he let out a roar, and attacked Tao Yanxi.

Tao Yanxi had already made preparations, she held Zhu Xinqiu's arms with both hands, and then pressed him under her body instead.

Zhu Xinqiu had a grim expression, and the veins on his forehead burst out, as if about to burst open.

Tao Yanxi lowered her head and kissed Zhu Xinqiu's lips.

Zhu Xinqiu widened his eyes and looked at Tao Yanxi in disbelief.

Tao Yanxi bit her lip, and the smell of blood spread between her lips.


A wonderful note hummed from Tao Yan's nose, a tune that Zhu Xinqiu had never heard before.

Zhu Xinqiu is extremely sensitive in music. Although he did not want to learn the piano voluntarily at the beginning, the instinct for music has been imprinted in his soul over the years.

Zhu Xinqiu subconsciously followed Tao Yanxi's humming to find the rhythm.

As he repeated the rhythm over and over in his mind, he only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

When Zhu Xinqiu fell into a coma, Tao Yanxi let go of Zhu Xinqiu.

Her face was pale, and there was some sweat on her forehead.

Tao Yanxi stood up, walked to Mu Jingshi's side, and squatted down to check her status.

Mu Jingshi is wearing a tracker, which is obviously not the handwriting of Zhu Xinqiu.

Tao Yanxi's expression changed, and the person who was going to save the heroine was about to arrive.

Tao Yanxi gritted her teeth and took Mu Jingshi out of the villa onto the road not far away.

Then she returned to the villa, brought Zhu Xinqiu out, and set off another fire.

Along with the raging flames, Tao Yanxi and Zhu Xinqiu also disappeared in S City.

When someone came, only Mu Jingshi was found. As for the person who kidnapped Mu Jingshi, he had long since disappeared.

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