Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 903: Peach demon sister VS prince brother (1)

She has no hands! ! !

Is she disabled?

Tao Yanxi thought in horror, but the next moment, she felt that she actually had hands, and it seemed that there were more than two.

Tao Yanxi:  …

What kind of monster did she possess!

[Xiao Yao, please pass me the background of the story. 】 Tao Yanxi said in horror, because she found that the thing she possessed had no memory!

Xiao Yao quickly passed the background of the story to Tao Yanxi, and Tao Yanxi also knew her identity.

She is a peach tree, a peach tree capable of producing large, fragrant peaches.

And the person who was talking near her just now was the elder brother of this life, but now he is only a ten-year-old child.

Speaking of which, the elder brother in this life is also a prince, although this prince is not liked by the current emperor, otherwise, he will not go to the peach tree alone to complain.

Tao Yanxi swayed his branches, it was the spring of March, and the peach blossoms were blooming just right.

Those peach blossoms fell from the branches and attached to the boy's body, as if putting a layer of clothes on him.

When Qin Jingfeng woke up, it was already night.

A lot of peach petals fell from his body, and his clothes were even stained with the fragrance of peach blossoms.

Qin Jingfeng stretched out his small hand and stroked Tao Yanxi's tree trunk, a grateful smile raised at the corner of his mouth.


Thank you for listening to me all the time.

Tao Yan swayed the branches, oh, no thanks~

Qin Jingfeng rubbed his stomach, it was already past dinner time, presumably his mother wouldn't let him eat.

Thinking of this, Qin Jingfeng couldn't help but sighed.

"It's very late, and I can't eat today." Qin Jingfeng murmured, "Tao Tao, have you ever been hungry?"

Tao Yanxi thought about it, did she ever go hungry? Of course there is, it is very uncomfortable to be hungry, she still knows this.

Tao Yanxi shook her branches and responded to Qin Jingfeng.

However, Qin Jingfeng couldn't understand what Tao Yanxi meant. He looked at the peach blossoms and rubbed against the peach tree.

"I should go back."

After Qin Jingfeng finished speaking, he touched the peach tree again, then turned and left.

Tao Yanxi saw Qin Jingfeng leaving, and looked at his back with some resentment.

Now that she can't transform into a human form, she can only watch Qin Jingfeng leave.

Xiao Yao seemed to be aware of Tao Yanxi's thoughts, and suddenly said, "Little Master, although you can't move now, you can still fall asleep~"

Falling into a dream is a relatively simple magic trick.

Tao Yanxi was so familiar with Xiao Yao that her head suddenly became enlightened.

Although she can't move her nest now, she can fall asleep!

Some of her peach petals were left on Qin Jingfeng's body. She only needed to borrow those peach petals to know where Qin Jingfeng was and what state he was in now.

Thinking of this, Tao Yanxi began to detect Qin Jingfeng's state.

The peach tree was planted in the courtyard of Qin Jingfeng's Pianhe Hall, and there was just one peach tree in the courtyard.

After Qin Jingfeng returned to his room, after drinking a few sips of tea, he lay on the bed and forced himself to sleep.

He put his hand on his stomach, which could relieve the pain caused by hunger to the greatest extent.

Qin Jingfeng's consciousness was dizzy, and he fell into sleep after a while.

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