Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 929: Don't be shy, brother painter (7)

When Tao Yanxi came back, it was already very late.

She was carrying large and small bags, and she almost had a shopping bag hanging around her neck.

Yu Hongwen heard the sound, opened a crack in the door, and saw Tao Yanxi who was trying to find the key.

"Do you need my help?" Yu Hongwen suddenly asked.

When Tao Yanxi heard the voice, she turned her head in surprise and smiled.

"Then trouble you."

Yu Hongwen opened the door and walked out.

"No trouble." Yu Hongwen said, and took a lot of shopping bags from Tao Yanxi's hand.

Although there are many bags, most of them are clothes or something, so they are not heavy.

Tao Yanxi unloaded the burden, took out the key and opened the door.

Yu Hongwen helped Tao Yanxi carry the bag to the living room.

"Thank you, how about I invite you to dinner? I just bought a steak." Tao Yanxi said.

Yu Hongwen originally wanted to refuse, but the words came to his mouth, but suddenly he didn't know what to think, he swallowed back what he wanted to say, and nodded instead.

"Okay, you sit down first." Tao Yanxi put down her bag, found the ingredients and started to go into the kitchen.

Yu Hongwen walked to the sofa and sat down obediently.

He didn't hold his cell phone, he didn't have anything to read beside him, and the TV wasn't turned on. He just sat there blankly with a blank expression on his face.

When Tao Yanxi came out to get something, she saw Yu Hongwen sitting there blankly and coughed lightly.

"Do you want water? I'll pour you some."

Yu Hongwen shook his head calmly, pursed his lips, and stood up suddenly.

"Can I watch you cook?" he asked.

Tao Yanxi was stunned for a moment, and the next second, a big smile appeared.

"of course."

Being able to take the initiative to ask for some things shows that Yu Hongwen's mentality is changing!

This is a good thing, how could she disagree?

"Just look at it, don't delay me." After Tao Yanxi finished speaking, she took what she needed, turned around and entered the kitchen again.

Yu Hongwen walked quickly to the front of the kitchen, stood up straight, and looked at Tao Yanxi so quietly.

The girl wore a bright yellow suspender skirt today, revealing her delicate collarbone. He could even see a small red mole on the edge of her left collarbone.

She also wears a wide apron, presumably to keep oil from spilling on her beloved dress.

Her movements are skillful, her white hands contrasting sharply with the row of black frying pans.

The smell of steak came from the air, and the steak was fried to the sound of his ears. Even if he didn't eat it, he knew that it would definitely taste delicious.

The light in the kitchen was very bright, and the light hit the girl, making her skin glow.

The girl suddenly turned around, tilted her head slightly, and smiled with frowning eyes.

"It's almost ready~"

Her voice is very sweet, like eating honey, and even the breath that comes out is sweet.

Yu Hongwen stood there in a daze, with a faint light flashing in his eyes.

Tao Yan saw that Yu Hongwen had been in a daze, scratching his head strangely.

The smell of soot in the kitchen is so strong, how did Yu Hongwen stay in a daze without changing his face?

"Mr. Yu?" Tao Yanxi called out again.

Yu Hongwen came to his senses when he heard this.

He pursed his lips and said with a hoarseness in his voice: "Call me Hongwen."

"Well..." Tao Yanxi paused, "Hongwen~ Then you can just call me Yanxi."

"Yeah." Yu Hongwen replied in a low voice, and it seemed that nothing had changed.

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