Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 936: Don't be shy, brother painter (14)

"I'll go with you too." Yu Hongwen's voice suddenly sounded.

Tao Yanxi tilted her head to look at Yu Hongwen, her expression indifferent.

Yu Hongwen didn't seem to notice Tao Yanxi's indifference, and walked straight to Tao Yanxi's side.

"I'll go with you, okay?"

The little policeman glanced at Yu Hongwen in embarrassment.

He did recognize that Yu Hongwen was the one who bail Tao Yanxi before.

Anyway, Tao Yanxi just made a note, and now her suspicion has been ruled out, so it should be fine to let this man go, right?

"Yes, but you can only wait outside." The policeman said.

Yu Hongwen nodded, "Naturally."

Tao Yanxi did not speak. She followed the policeman into the police station to record a statement.

As for the follow-up, she doesn't need to worry about it.

It was already six o'clock in the morning when the confession was recorded.

The sun has risen, and the sun shines on her body, but it does not make her feel warm.

On the contrary, the gloomy cold of last night has not yet passed, this morning, it is still a bit chilly.

Yu Hongwen held a cup of hot soy milk in his hand and handed it to her.

"Drink something hot." Yu Hongwen said.

Tao Yanxi took the soy milk and took a sip.

Very sweet, the store must have added a lot of sugar.

"Yanxi." Yu Hongwen suddenly called her name.

Tao Yanxi drank the soy milk in small sips, and let out a "hmm" from her nose.

"You are the smartest girl I have ever met." Yu Hongwen said.

Tao Yanxi chuckled, "That's because you've seen too few girls."

Staying at home every day and seeing so many people?

"No." Yu Hongwen shook his head seriously, his face was still pale, but his cheeks were stained with some blush.

"You are different from them." Yu Hongwen said.

Tao Yanxi looked up at Yu Hongwen, and Yu Hongwen's figure was reflected in her eyes, bright, clear, and spotless.

Yu Hongwen looked at himself in Tao Yanxi's eyes, despicable and vicious, cowardly and scheming, really ugly.

However, when his figure existed in Tao Yanxi's eyes, he actually had the pleasure of tainting her.

Yu Hongwen took a step back, his breathing became rapid.


Yu Hongwen thought so.

Seeing that Yu Hongwen's state was not right, Tao Yan asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

Yu Hongwen looked at Tao Yanxi and laughed.

He shook his head slowly, "It's okay, I'm just happy."

Yes, happy.

He hadn't been so happy in years.

It's like life has a purpose all of a sudden.

I want to draw her, the way she smiles, the way she weeps, the way she looks embarrassed, the way she rules the world...

Yu Hongwen just looked at Tao Yanxi like that, and his smile deepened.

Tao Yanxi fell silent, is my brother having a brain problem?

She looked at Yu Hongwen, his face was full of enthusiasm, as if seeing his belief.


Tao Yanxi was slightly startled, but did not reply for a while.

The number of pedestrians on the street began to increase. People hurried past them, occasionally giving them a strange look, but more people were rushing on the road of life and did not dare to stop.

The warm sunlight shone on Tao Yanxi's body, warming her slightly cold body a little bit.

Yu Hongwen looked at Tao Yanxi, who was plated with a layer of golden light, and his heart beat faster.

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