Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 939: Don't be shy, brother painter (17)

"Look at you." There was an obsession in Yu Hongwen's voice that he didn't even notice.

Tao Yanxi scratched her head, why did Yu Hongwen feel weird.

The look in his eyes was definitely not love.

On the contrary, it seems that she is regarded as an unsullied faith?

Wait, this is not what she wants!

If that's the case, how could she spend her life with him?

Is it his belief for a lifetime?

In this case, doesn't she want to live a life without love and love?

Well... Although love love this thing, it is not the most necessary thing in a relationship, but without this thing, it is a bit boring.

Moreover, she actually covets her brother's body for a long time, o(*////▽////*)q

Of course, Tao Yanxi did not dare to say these words in front of his brother.

"Yanxi, you are so beautiful." Yu Hongwen's voice interrupted Tao Yanxi's thoughts.

Tao Yanxi scratched her head and nodded, "Thank you, I think so too."

Yu Hongwen was choked for a moment, and always felt that something was weird.

Tao Yanxi patted Yu Hongwen's head and said, "I'm pretty too."

Yu Hongwen paused, how could a man be described as handsome?

Yu Hongwen wanted to refute Tao Yanxi, but the moment he touched Tao Yanxi's eyes, he swallowed the words that were on his lips.

Forget it, she likes it. Yu Hongwen thought so.

Tao Yanxuan saw that Yu Hongwen didn't refute anything, and there was a glint in his eyes.

It seems that his brother really regards himself as a belief-like existence.

This is really sad.

Tao Yanxi shrugged his nose, forget it, the soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come to cover it.

Tao Yanxi stood up, rubbed her nose and said, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"It's fine." Yu Hongwen also stood up and said.

Maybe it was because the kneeling time was a little long, and his legs were a little numb.

He held his leg, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tao Yanxi glanced at him and smiled, she turned around, waved her hand and said, "Okay, I'll do it at will."

"Yeah!" Yu Hongwen nodded, looking at Tao Yanxi's background obsessively.

For several days, Yu Hongwen would take the initiative to come to Tao Yanxi to report every day, just chatting every day, and the content of the chat was very unnutritious.

Tao Yanxi witnessed the process of an otaku turning into a talker with his own eyes.

Asking a question in several ways, turning it over and over and asking it, is really kind of annoying.

In the end, Tao Yanxi just hummed a few words at random.

According to Tao Yanxi's submission date from Xingcan Company, Yu Hongwen should draw the last character of the game heroine.

It's time for the heroine to become a strong woman.

I don't know what Yu Hongwen thinks. Instead of drawing pictures, he comes to chat with her every day?

Another week later, Tao Yanxi really couldn't stand Yu Hongwen's nagging.

On this day, she interrupted Yu Hongwen's Balabala and asked curiously, "Aren't you going to paint?"

Yu Hongwen was taken aback, "You know?"

Tao Yanxi nodded, "Well, I know."

When Yu Hongwen heard this, he didn't know what to think, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

"Drawing is not as important as you."

Tao Yanxi paused and asked with a hint of resentment, "Is it because there is no inspiration?"

Yu Hongwen's ears are slightly red, although this is also true, but the most important thing is that the character design is indeed not as important as Tao Yanxi!

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