Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 947: Brother spy, do you want a shot? (6)

There was indeed a laptop on the table in the bath room, which was dormant and had no password.

Although Xiao Dongdong felt weird in his heart, he couldn't hold back the joy of completing the task, so he directly turned on the computer and clicked on the file.

After he determined that it was indeed the formula, he inserted the spare USB flash drive into the computer and quickly copied the file.

After doing all this, Xiao Dongdong quickly left the bath room, but ignored the camera on the laptop, which was always on...

Early the next morning, Tao Yanxi took Xiao Dongdong to the company.

Last night, after Xiao Dongdong got the formula, he immediately sent the information back.

At present, the organization is checking the correctness of the formula, and he has to be lurking beside Tao Yanxi until he has finished checking.

Today Tao Yanxi is going to hold a one-day meeting on the development of new drugs, so there is only Xiao Dongdong in the entire office.

Xiao Dongdong checked, there was no camera in the office.

This also means that no one will see what he is doing in the office.

Xiao Dongdong was not sure about the authenticity of the formula, so to be on the safe side, he decided to check Tao Yanxi's computer again.

Tao Yanxi's computer has a password, and it took Xiao Dongdong an hour to crack her password.

However, the moment the computer was turned on, Xiao Dongdong was stunned there.

Because the screensaver of Tao Yanxi's computer is like his photo.

And it was the photo he took when he went to seduce her that night.

In the photo, he winked like silk, and the two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, revealing his delicate collarbone.

Xiao Dongdong never knew that he was like this in her eyes.

Xiao Dongdong froze there, not at all aware that the door of the office was opened.

"Does it look good?" Tao Yanxi's voice suddenly sounded, making Xiao Dongdong shudder.

Before his consciousness could react, his body was already attacked by a peach talk.

His right hand became claw-like and moved straight towards Tao Yanxi's neck, as if to kill her.

Tao Yanxi's eyes narrowed slightly, and she suddenly grabbed Xiao Dongdong's wrist.

"Why are you so enthusiastic?" Tao Yanxi had a smile on the corner of her mouth, she didn't seem to think that Xiao Dongdong wanted to put her to death.

Tao Yanxi grabbed Xiao Dongdong's wrist and pulled it into her arms.

Although Xiao Dongdong was a head taller than Tao Yanxi, Tao Yanxi wore 7cm high heels, so Xiao Dongdong was only half a head taller than her.

Tao Yanxi just leaned back slightly, and was able to look at Xiao Dongdong at the same level.

"Does it look good?" Tao Yanxi asked again, seeming to be very concerned about this issue.

Xiao Dongdong pursed his lips tightly, and his face turned pale because of his nervousness.


Xiao Dongdong's voice was very low. He tried to break free from Tao Yanxi's shackles, but he didn't expect that Tao Yanxi's strength was stronger than he imagined, and he really didn't break free for a while.

"I think it looks good too."

Tao Yanxi noticed Xiao Dongdong's struggle and let go of his hand.

"He's the person I like." Tao Yanxi glanced at the person on the computer screen and said.

Xiao Dongdong was shocked, he couldn't guess Tao Yanxi's thoughts at all.

Did she recognize herself, or did she not?

What was she doing this for?

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