Fall In Love with the Boss Every Day

Vol 3 Chapter 958: Brother spy, do you want a shot? (17)

After some cooperation talks, both sides are very satisfied with each other based on strength alone.

After finalizing the cooperation plan, the three met for lunch.

The three came to a Chinese restaurant. During lunch time, the Chinese restaurant was very popular.

As soon as the three came in, they were taken to their seats.

The seats at this time are two rows of two, so who Xiao Changdong sits in the same row has to be discussed.

"Xiao Changdong, elder sister misses you so much, come and sit with elder sister!" Hu Roufei said with a smile.

Xiao Changdong stepped forward, ready to sit next to Hu Roufei.

Tao Yanxi grabbed his arm, "We still shared the same bed last night, why are you leaving me today?"

"I..." Xiao Changdong wanted to refute Tao Yanxi, but was suddenly pulled by Tao Yanxi and sat down beside him.

Because of this, he missed the fleeting jealousy on Hu Roufei's face.

Her hands were under the table, clenched into fists.

"You two slept together last night?" Hu Roufei asked.

"Of course." Tao Yanxi took Hu Roufei's words.

She did not miss the expression on Hu Roufei's face just now.

She knew that Hu Roufei probably liked her brother.

This kind of experience is quite new, and many people liked or even loved their brother in the past.

It's a pity that before she can take action, her brother has all solved it.

She also had no chance to reach those people.

But in this world, Xiao Changdong probably doesn't know that Hu Roufei likes him, and Xiao Changdong has been staying in the organization, and his relationship with Hu Roufei should be good.

Speaking of which, she and Hu Roufei are really justifiable rivals in love.

Tao Yanxi's eyes flashed quickly, but in terms of ability, she still admires Hu Roufei very much.

What a pity, who made them both fall in love with the same man?

Xiao Changdong only felt that the atmosphere at the scene was a little embarrassing, but he couldn't tell exactly where the embarrassment was.

It is said that three women are in one play, um... Is it also a play for two women and one man?

Xiao Changdong scratched his head, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Changdong, look at what you like to eat, just order it." Tao Yanxi handed the menu to Xiao Changdong.

Xiao Changdong took over the menu and began to read it seriously.

Tao Yanxi and Hu Roufei looked at each other, sparks flying everywhere.

"Mr. Tao is really a good trick. He deceived my little Changdong so quickly." Hu Roufei said with a smile hiding her knife.

Tao Yanxi chuckled, "Sister Hu is joking, don't you know who Chang Dong is? If it is not voluntary, who can deceive him?"

When Hu Roufei heard this, she gritted her teeth angrily.

This Tao Yanxi is so shameless!

She naturally knew what kind of person Chang Dong was like.

That is, if someone sells it, you have to help others count the money!

She did not agree to the task originally assigned to him. No, she was really deceived by this woman Tao Yanxi, right?

Knowing this, she should have gone out in person in the first place!

Hu Roufei thought bitterly, but said with a smile on her face: "Xiao Changdong has loved her family since she was a child, and she is quite attached to me. You said that when we sent him here, we didn't have any hope, but Mr. Tao was kind to me. I'm willing to help my little Changdong."

Tao Yanxi glanced at Xiao Changdong who was ordering food, and suddenly stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around his waist.

"It seems that in the future, the object of his clinging will change."

Xiao Changdong: ? ? ?

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