Falling Dreams, Rising Hopes: Saving Mr. Boyfriend

Chapter 194 - Valentine's Day - II

Thinking about what Xu Yang had said earlier in the afternoon, Mei Qingyang sighed. She knew anything she does would make Yu Tian happy but what if he had any bad memories related to the day? She had not even asked him much about his actual history for she was not really sure if he should bring up the topic just yet. They did need to talk though. Should she also contact his psychiatrist and ask for advice?

In her thoughts, she reached the top floor of the dorm building. She paced back and forth in front of Yu Tian's room, but ultimately she went to Su Lang's place and flumped into the sofa.

"What is it my little sister? Why do you look so troubled?" Su Lang came out with Su Weixi who had her expressionless face on as usual. She had heard of the details from her brother the day Weixi had gotten sick. Since then, there was no progress between these two, although she had told those words so coldly to her clueless brother.

"Uhh… You have known the cause of your best friend's condition for quite a while, right?" she just decided to cut the chase and ask directly. She knew the topic was uncomfortable for Su lang, especially after she had told him off so harshly for not helping Tian when he could.

Their society worked like noblemen's society from the past or imperial courts from the history. Even as kids, for them, their family honor came first. And thus, Su Lang's hands were tied in how much he could help Yu Tian. And she understood this perfectly. But even now, when she remembered that New Year's day and how dejected and lonely and heartbreakingly sad Yu Tian had looked, she could not help but lash out on Su Lang.

And so, now she had to let her cousin know that she could actually use the information he had gathered on him to her advantage. And that she was not really angry with him per se, she was just frustrated with this whole wealthy-poor system where they could not even help their own friends out, even when heinous crimes were taking place against them.

"Why… why do you ask?" Dark lines appeared on Su Lang's face. Was she going to scold him again? He had already enough guilt regarding the whole situation, why did she have to humiliate him at every point?

"Brother, relax," she smiled. She had to make him more comfortable in talking about this. This was another major problem, people could just ignore talking about important issues in the society.

Everyone knew about torture prison, but no one would bat an eye. As long as it did not concern them, it was alright.

"I just needed some information, is it too much to ask?" she made a pitiful face. This brother of hers was also foolish to fall for her charms. But then, he was also receiving her friendship and love, so she also understood why he was ever ready to help her out. Ultimately, this is what their society had taught them, hadn't it? Spending monies on the people you care about is the best way to take care of them. Where were feelings and emotions? These guys had no clue about it.

"You need information from me? One of the nest hacker in the country? Don't joke with me," he scoffed but could not hide his pleased expression. Mei Qingyang laughed, how simple was her brother. He could be the craftiest guy when required, at least with her, he had his guard down.

"I need to know what Yu Tian used to do on Valentine's day in the past. Would Yu Rong call him every year?" she asked hesitantly.

"Hmm… I personally don't remember anything special on Valentine's. I do know he receives a lot of chocolates, as do I. But, other than that, he only goes for an hour long tea time with his aunt. And…" he paused and then looked at Mei Qingyang.

She raised her head from the tea she had been served by Weixi, "And?"

"And he has never gone on the leave after that," he finished. Meaning, she does not abuse him that badly. But since the tea-time is one hour, she does something after all. Damn it, chocolates were out because he would receive too many and what would she do if she were to just spend time with him?

"Okay, thank you," she answered gloomily.

"Why, were you thinking of doing something for him?" Realization dawned upon the guy finally as he inquired his sister who was just sipping the tea, lost in her own world.

"Yeah, but I don't really know what to do," she had a sulking tone.

"Oh? So there exists something that even you cannot figure out? Interesting," Su Lang said in a joking manner. Now that he had touched a hornet's nest, would he be spared?

"Oh? And what have you thought about your day dear brother?" Mei Qingyang counter questioned him, her muscles twitching on his jab and then she purposefully looked at his assistant standing behind him.

A tinge of pink started coloring Su Lang's cheeks. Why would this girl embarrass him again? He had already told her he had never considered Su Weixi as a woman. Although, his thoughts were definitely changing but she could at least stop mentioning it in front of the girl in question herself.

He coughed twice, "Weixi, why don't you my doc.u.ments from the library?" he ordered her.

"Understood," she replied in her robotic tone and headed outside. After closing the door, she looked behind. There were no doc.u.ments to fetch from that place! Why could he just not tell her to go outside? Why was that girl so important? Moreover, she had wanted to listen in on her master's plan. Why did he have to leave her out? She would also love to know which girl he was going to spend time with this year! Su Weixi tsked and then left the apartment.

"Ahahaha, brother, why did you not see that you hurt her feelings?" Mei Qingyang was observing both of their reactions. One was cluelessly spouting anything that came to his mind and one could just not do anything because she did not have authority.

"Hurt her feelings? What feelings?" Su Lang's ears instantly perked up. Did his sister really think that his assistant was interested in him too? He had thought that that girl would hesitate because of the difference between their backgrounds. Was he the one holding himself back?

"Aiyya, you really are so stupid. Never mind. I am not playing the cupid here. Just tell me ideas about what I could give him," she waved her hand. She was so done with this frustrating couple. Why could they just not sit down and talk about themselves to each other? Although, she needed to do the same with Yu Tian.

"I would say just make him something homemade. It does not necessarily have to be chocolates. Even if you feed him some meal made by yourself, he would be happy. Yu Rong is busy preparing for the board meeting, I doubt she will have time to spend with him. So, you can relax," he answered her question first.

"Is that source of information reliable?" Mei Qingyang asked.

"Yes. She has been really baffled by that mystery buyer. You sure you are not the one trading the stocks behind everyone's back?" Su Lang and everyone else was puzzled about the identity of that mystery buyer but Mei Qingyang had vehemently denied her own involvement.

"You think I have got that kind of backing or money? I could certainly do all this unethically but what's the use if I can't use any of those when the actual time comes?" Mei Qingyang has wished she knew this person too. It would be so much easy to work her plans then. This third party was proving to be headache. She had tried hacking into the relevant systems but to no avail. And if her hacking attempts also came to light, then her work till now would all go to waste. She would rather not take the risk.

"Fine, I understand," Su Lang stopped the topic right there. The girl's logic did make sense. She really did not have anyone behind her. Him and Yu Tian were the only people who could help her and if they did not know about it, then no one did.

"So, then brother. I need to borrow your kitchen. I will work based on your lead and let him have a feast tonight!" Mei Qingyang got up from the sofa and pulled her sleeves so that they would not interfere in her cooking.

"Tonight? But the day is tomorrow!" Su Lang exclaimed.

"Yes, we will start at midnight. I want to stuff him with food and love," Mei Qingyang smiled in a silly manner. The moment she imagined his lit face, her heart started racing. She prayed in her heart that Yu Tian would be happy with her efforts.

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