Falling Foe The Possessive CEO

13 Pile of designer clothes

A black car was parked outside. Rosaline took her suitcase and after listening to some kind and assuring words of her auntie and cousin, she left her home.

She wanted to talk to Mian. But neither she had time nor a heart. Because she was herself very worried.

The driver of the car seemed to be very gloomy and serious and didn't whisper a word from the beginning to the end. So the whole way, pressing silence dominated the car. Rosaline silently leaned back against the car and contemplated what rested ahead.

What did that man wanted from her?

As they approached near to their destination, Rosaline slightly opened her eyes and peeked outside through the glass window of car.

The roads became wider. Lush trees covered the roads and there were wide grounds either way. There wasn't any car visible anymore. No more traffic. The area was secluded.

The whole area was under Stafford family and no outsider was allowed.

The car pulled outside a building. It was a manor. Huge and splendid.

Rosaline stepped out timidly and adjusted her clothes.

"Miss we will take the luggage", a servant appeared.

Rosaline nodded and handed him the suitcase.

She tightly clutched her purse in nervousness as a man dressed in uniform appeared.

"You must be Ms. Wang?", he politely asked.


"I'm Jiangou Zu. Mr. Stafford housekeeper", he introduced himself and bowed, "Ms. Stafford informed us that you would arrive today"

Rosaline heart was beating. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't scared because she was. She was alone in a stranger territory and had no idea how she would be treated here. Although she had acted strong and determined in front of her family, inwardly she was frightened.

"Please follow me Miss", he said and walked into the mansion.

Rosaline silently followed. The inside of the manor was also splendid. Everything was glittering and shining. It was so neat and tidy. Every minute detail was taken care of.

Rosaline could not count on her fingers how much it costed.

"Miss. you must be tired from your journey. Take a rest in guest room until servants place your luggage in Mr. Stafford room"

Rosaline heart stopped.

Was she going to stay in his room?

"Mr. Zu, could you arrange another room for me?"

Jiangou Zu was puzzled. She was his mistress so it should be natural for them to share the room. Right?

"But. Mr Stafford instructed us to arrange his room for you"

Rosaline bit her lip.

"I'll talk to Mr. Stafford"

"As you wish Miss Wang", Jiangou Zu acquiesced

Lunch was presented to Rosaline in the room. Once a room was arranged for her, she entered it.

The room was a medium size. She could tell the furniture was expensive and everyone of it exceeded what she had spent till now.

When she inspected the cupboards, she found a whole new stock of designer clothes. She was amazed. A lot of expensive shoes were arranged in another place. Rosaline never had so many shoes in her lifetime. There was also a whole stack of expensive jewellery made of diamond and gold.

But Rosaline was not someone who paid much attention to worldly things. So a few pieces of clothes or expensive jewellery was incapable to win her heart.

But she couldn't help but wonder why?

Was it all arranged by Mr. Stafford? Or was it arranged by someone else?

Didn't that person want to make her regret?

Rosaline had been thinking about the worst possible treatment. But as far as now, she couldn't detect anything bad. She had been given a beautiful room, sumptuous lunch and every luxury one could think of. That had diminished a few of some fears.

At least Damon was not some psychopath who would seek his revenge by starving her or doing something similarly obnoxious to her.

As a deep frown covered Rosaline face, the door to her room opened and a certain someone about whom she had been thinking, barged in.

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