Falling Foe The Possessive CEO

6 Contract of slavory

So had followed the downfall of Rosaline Wang family.

Rosaline was an orphan. Her parents died when she was six in a car accident. She had no siblings. So her Uncle family had adopted her.

Her uncle and auntie were very nice to her. They took care of her like their own daughter. Even they privileged her more than their own children. Her cousins were also exceptionally good to her. Specially Jiang, her male cousin, protected her like his own little sister.

They lived a very happy life together.

Until suddenly things started to turn.

Wang family business that was led by her cousin and uncle started to fall. Investors denied to invest in their company. Their products were banned in market. A couple of failed deals and all their savings were lost.

They were blacklisted from a lot of places.

Their company was about to go bankrupt.

If things were to go on like that, it wouldn't have taken a month for them to end up on streets.

And to worsen the things, their uncle health deteriorated under constant stress and pressure. He ended up with a heart attack.

Money was required for the surgery.

And they had no money.

Rosaline was very worried those days. She was still in university. It looked like she would have to drop. In their home, the environment was full of sadness and depression. Auntie wept the whole day. Her little cousin who was still fifteen years old at that time was bullied at school because of their family condition.

All their family friends turned their heads away at their condition.

It was as if some fearsome power was stopping them from even sympathizing with them.

Rosaline also thought that it was too suspicious.

How could all this suddenly happen when things were going smoothly?

Could it be that someone of them had offended a noble who was very powerful?

But how could it be?

Those powerful men ran in the upper circle of autocratic community. There was no possibility that anyone of them would even get a chance to meet someone like them.

But that obnoxious feeling was always there.

At that period of time, Amy was her greatest support. She never turned her back on Rosaline unlike rest of her friends who started to avoid Rosaline like some disease.

Things were supposed to fall down soon until one day when Wang family received an envoy sent by that formidable man, whose power trembled the hearts of countless powerful businessmen, who was so notorious for his ruthlessness that it made the president of the state to change his course to avoid offending him, that man who was known to wipe out three generations of a family of a journalist for simply publishing something about him.

That man-Damon Stafford.

The head of the Stafford family.

His envoy conveyed a letter that was a last hope to save the hundred years of history of Wang family. A last hope to save her uncle life.

That time Rosaline was still clueless about what was happening.

But that letter held a condition for his help. A condition that was going to change Rosaline life forever.

However after a lot of consideration, Jiang, the current head of family in the bad health of his uncle had to agree with a heavy heart. He signed at the contract. Rosaline signs were copied by someone and deal was finalized.

He had no other choice.

He only hoped that Rosaline would understand him one day and forgive him.

Because at one side was his little cousin whom he loved and adored more than anything else in this world and at the other hand was their family name and his father life. He had a hard choice to made. And he couldn't be blamed for choosing his father and Wang family over Rosaline.

Rosaline only knew that everything got better. Her uncle got his surgery. He returned home healthy and happy. Their company got back on normal tract.

She was told that someone powerful had helped them and loaned them a huge amount of money. But she also observed that something was different. Her brother Jiang started avoiding him. Whenever she saw him, he looked down as if embarrassed and angry at himself.

And guilt washed over all his face.

She didn't take it that seriously. Until one day her family was suddenly visited by that benefactor who had helped them one year ago.

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