After graduation from University, he was unemployed.

One night in the group chatting, I met a woman. I had a good chat. I wanted to go out and open a room, but I didn't expect that the other party would have a bright future.

What I remember most clearly at that time was that when I entered the hotel, I saw a wedding dress on the bed, and I asked whose it was. The pretty girl said it was for fun.

When taking a bath, I was blocked by others. A man came into the room, who was the fiance of the beautiful woman, and beat me up.

The woman's name is Xiao Ru, because the man has a small three, specially came out to fish, angry man.

I'm stupid and I'm the shield.

After being beaten home, I was very depressed, but later that woman also reported me. That year in our city civil service examination, I saw that a man was recruited in the women's prison, so I signed up. Originally, I didn't enter the interview, but the person who got the first in the exam said it was cheating. My score was fourth, so I was postponed and entered the interview.

During the interview, the chief examiner was the woman who caught me that day. Because her legs were very long, I named her big long legs.

I didn't know at that time, but later I learned that others couldn't buy a position with more than 100000 yuan. Because I was blocked by the long legs, I was sent to the women's prison.

Well, a lot of things happened during this period. Let's talk about it later. After the background explanation, I'll start from the beginning of going to prison.

On the day I got on the job, I came to the City prison with my red head documents and educational background. When I took a taxi, the driver told me that the place was unlucky. The prison was already depressed, and the women's prison was more insidious. He asked me to come out quickly after visiting relatives. He could wait for me. He didn't know that I was going to work.

At that time, I remember very clearly that the prison gate was closed very tightly. When I first knocked on the guard glass, the people inside directly pointed at me with a gun. I took out the red headed document, and the talent inside called to let me in.

Prison guard is the most strict one. Basically, if you enter something privately, you can basically get it into the hands of female prisoners.

Generally, prison staff don't go through the gate. The first time I went in was brought in by Sister Liu from the side door. If anyone has seen the prison, they should know that the side door is very small, and they will pass alone.

Just went, that sister Liu's attitude towards me was very bad, just like how much money I owed her, but later I learned that I forced a relative of her to come in, so this dog day has such a big complaint against me.

After entering the door, the first thing is to leave the cell phone with the guard. Under normal circumstances, cell phones are not allowed in prison.

After I was brought into the prison, I had the impression that it was clean and desolate. Although it was a modern building, it was cold everywhere. It was unpopular. I felt cold and flustered. I didn't know whether it was the function of my heart or what. Later, when I asked others, some fortune tellers said that it was the evil spirit inside. Generally, the people who just entered were acclimatized.

I was taken to a small house by Sister Liu. At that time, I thought it was to go through the entry procedures. But after I went in, the cabin was empty and there was nothing. Sister Liu told me directly that you took off your clothes.

Did I say that?

That elder sister Liu impatiently scolds me, you deaf, let you take off clothes first, ah what?

I didn't understand at that time and asked, "why? "Then sister Liu said to me with a black face:" are you questioning me? You are questioning the boss, right? You don't want to do it. You can go. Get out now. "

at that time, her lung was almost exploded, and she almost slammed the door and left. Later, sister Liu said that it was the rule to check whether the people who came in had brought any contraband.

In fact, it's not just the prisoners who need to be checked when they go to prison. Anyway, when I first joined the job, I was picked up by an old woman.

After I took off my clothes, she asked me to do a few actions. Anyway, she wanted to see if there was anything hidden. After that, she asked me to put on clothes.

Humiliation. I felt humiliated at that time.

After that, sister Liu took me to an office. She told me to wait and knock on the door. There was an old female voice: "come in." As soon as Sister Liu went in, she nodded and bowed, and her tone was like a Pug's hum: "director Zhang, we've recruited a staff member. We're here today. Do you see me?"

The old woman's voice reached me through the open door: "come in."

I knocked on the door, went in and saw an old woman, about 40 years old, with glasses, short hair and police uniform, sitting behind a desk with glasses looking at the computer screen.

When she heard me coming in, she raised her head and gave me an official smile and said, "Xiao Chen, sit down. You can see that the young man is really energetic. He is a good-looking man. Xiao Liu, you go out first and arrange a dormitory for Xiao Chen. I'll talk to Xiao Chen."

After hearing this, the little Liu nodded and went out. The instructor maintained well, with some fine lines at the corners of his eyes, but with black glasses and the temperament precipitated from the years, he gave people a special intellectual feeling.

However, I have found a very interesting phenomenon, the heart fluttering fierce.

The instructor stood up and said to me: "Xiao Chen, drink water. I'm Zhang instructor. You can call me sister Zhang. If you don't understand anything, you can come and ask me."I sat on the sofa, took a paper cup of water from Zhang instructor, and said with a smile, "thank you, Sister Zhang."

Instructor Zhang seemed to be surprised that I called her sister Zhang directly. She had a strange look in her eyes. Sitting in front of the computer, she didn't look at me. She put her hand in front of the mouse and moved. The image reflected from her glasses made me a little excited

Director Zhang simply talked to me about prison affairs and my professional affairs. Later, she said: "Xiao Chen, we lack a psychological instructor in this prison. You know, female prisoners often stay here, and there will always be psychological problems. She once recruited several female psychological guidance, but they can't do it. This is the only way to recruit you, a man You should work hard to live up to the expectations of the organization. "

When she said this, someone knocked at the door. The female prison guard named Liu said, "it's me, director Zhang."

Director Zhang stood up from behind the desk and asked sister Liu to come in. She came to me. I quickly stood up. She was not high, and her head reached the tip of my nose. However, the chest was not small and the police uniform was bulging. This is a familiar woman.

She patted me on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Chen, you must work hard. I believe you can do it. In this way, you can go to the dormitory with Xiao Liu, arrange the place to live, and then go to the office. If you have anything, you must come to me." When she said this, she had a big swing on her chest.

I looked at the director's face and nodded.

Then I followed sister Liu out, when I went out, I scolded a rascal in my heart. I say that for wool, because as soon as I went in, I saw the reflected image from the guide's spectacles. It was actually two bodies entangled together! How lonely is NIMA in the end, in the daytime, watching porn in the office?

Although the director had a good command of the degree of chatting with me, there was a strange light in my eyes, which made me know that the old woman must have missed spring!

They say how chaotic the women's prison is. I just met a counselor. It's interesting. It's really interesting!

They all say that these thirty are like wolves and forty tigers. It's true that this is true.

I don't know where the dormitory I live in. I follow sister Liu in front of me. I pass a school yard surrounded by barbed wire. Sister Liu used to face me and said, "don't look at the school yard."

If she didn't say it, I might not have seen it. If she said that, I would have stolen it. I thought it was something. Take a closer look. In the school yard surrounded by barbed wire, there are several people in dark clothes. Take a closer look, I'll go. It's not a female prisoner!

This is the first time I have seen female prisoners, and it is similar to the female prisoners in the cage. I see them, and those female prisoners also see me, even if I don't twist my face, they also see me.

For these female prisoners, I was more curious. I wanted to steal a few more glances, but I couldn't think of what happened next.

the female prisoners who were close to me on the school field were crying and running towards me. It was like seeing the madman running in the village when I was a child. I was stunned and cried: "man Man, man

Have you ever seen a lunatic or a psychopath, or have you ever seen a monkey in a zoo cage?

Those female prisoners seemed to be crazy, and they ran towards me. The fastest one had already arrived at the edge of the wire wall. She tried her best to pull out her arms from the hole in the wire. The cotton padded clothes were rolled up by the wire, revealing the white flower arms and shaking the arms crazily: "man, man!"

More prisoners gathered around, some learning from the first person to reach out, some pulled the barbed wire and swayed, and some female prisoners, using both hands and feet directly, began to climb the barbed wire.

I have no doubt that if I fall into their hands, these people will tear me up.

Sister Liu, who was by my side, called out to the prisoners: "get out of here. What waves are you bitches? When you see a man, you wave up and yell. One person will lose one point!"

I don't know what this point means to them. But just now, they were like female prisoners who had taken aphrodisiac. When they heard that they wanted to deduct points, they did not shout or make any noise. However, their eyes were red and my heart was straight. Although there was no movement, it was more like the tranquility in front of the storm.

At first, I didn't understand why the women in prison looked like lunatics. Later, I learned that in that environment, it was not only the heart and physiology, but also like a normal person entering a psychiatric hospital. You feel that the psychiatric hospital is depressed enough.

Prison is more fucker. Women's prison is more crazy than men's.

At that time, sister Liu scolded me for a while and said to me, "it's all you've done. A great man, come to a woman's prison and see what they're doing!"

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