I went to CCB to withdraw all the money on the bank card, including my own work and financial aid. There were more than 4000 in total, which was the savings of my life.

Kid, 9587 and one more kid.

The 9587 family was in the countryside. I felt like I was in mourning all the way. I was depressed. When I arrived at her house, no one answered when I knocked at the door. I heard some noise or a man's voice inside.

I quickly entered the door, but I saw a scene that made me extremely angry. In the yard, an old lady with white hair was kneeling there with a thin little child in her arms. She was white haired, with wrinkles and gullies. She was silent. A group of men were around them. I was in a trance. I felt like I was back in the old society, and she was kneeling down and sobbing The two grandparents and grandchildren are more like a heaven asking picture of crying out for injustice!

I pushed aside the men and tried to help the old lady. The old lady was touched by me, and her body trembled. She cried: "I really have no money, no money. I'm dead. My daughter-in-law is dead. My son has run away. I don't have any money!"

When the child in his arms heard his grandmother crying, he broke away from his arms and took a sharp bite on my hand. I took a look at his eyes. It was like the wolf cub who was in a desperate situation. From that look, I saw the intention of killing. It was impossible for him to appear in this age group.

I painfully said: "I am your mother's friend, hurry up, don't do this, tell me, this is how."

When I said this, I went back to the men around me.

Later, we found out that these people came to ask for money. After 9587 died, the urn was sent back. They knew it was a dead account. They came to ask for it quickly. It was to force death!

I don't say how dark this human nature is. I said to them, "this woman died just a few days ago. If you come here to make trouble, are you afraid that she will come to you and take the money, can you sleep at night? Not afraid of her staring at your bedside? "

As he said this, something fell out of the room. The child had loosened his mouth and ran into the room. After a while, he came out with an object in his arms.

The remains of 9587 just fell to the ground. Even if it was me, when I saw the affairs of this evil sect, I also felt that the back was tight. Those people's faces were blue.

At this time, the door suddenly heard the sound of footsteps, a little girl breathlessly drilled in, we two eyes, at the same time called out: "is it you?"

It wasn't someone else. It was su Xiaojie. After she came, she took out a stack of money in a hurry and said, "I'll pay the money. Don't force grandma and xiaochenchen."

One of those people had a bad look at Su Xiaojie, and her color was squinting. Indeed, as a pure girl like her, everyone would want to conquer her. After taking the money, he counted it and said, "it's thirty-six thousand in all. All of us are clean. Little girl, do you have a boyfriend?"

I took a step forward and said, "take the money and go quickly. What's the matter? I'm Xiaojie's boyfriend. What's the matter?"

The whisker nodded and backed away. At last, he pointed to me and left.

After they left, the four of us came to the house. Su Xiaojie asked me why I was here. I said that I was a prison staff member. I came to see if there was any difficulty. Then she took out the 4000 yuan and said that it was our staff who made up the money. I hope they can work under them.

Su Xiaojie is 9587's younger sister. When I heard about 9587 in prison, her eyes turned red again. I haven't said the inhumane treatment she received. I said a word. No one would have thought that 9587 died. You should be sorry. The 10-year-old child suddenly cried out. My mother was not dead, but was killed by you. It must be, it is you, you!

The voice was hysterical and angry.

My words got stuck in my throat and I didn't know what to say.

Later, when she was about to leave, Su Xiaojie said to me, "Chen Kai, you are a good man. You must help my sister. I know I know my sister died

Su Xiaojie said this, frown, spotless eyes are full of firmness, she continued: "even if you don't help me, I will check myself, I will certainly check."

What kind of person is Su Xiaojie? She looks soft and weak, but her character is extremely tough. She has the gentleness and toughness of the south. In order to pay off the debt, she even wants to go to the bath center. This kind of woman is tough and heartbreaking.

I stayed in 9587 for an hour and chatted with Su Xiaojie for a while, but I knew very little about 9587. It was a miserable life for a housewife with a child and a mother-in-law on it. It was miserable, but there were not many doubts. The only unusual thing was that 9587's husband suddenly left a few years ago, and there was no news at all.

When I came back to my home, it was dark. The reason of 9587's death could only be found in the prison. In fact, the best way was to contact the female prisoners in 403 prison. When 9587 died, they were all around. At that time, I couldn't see the female prisoners directly, so I had to wait and wait for the prisoners in that prison to see a psychiatrist.When I returned to prison the next day, director Zhang called me directly. The first sentence was, "Xiao Chen, did you go to 9587 yesterday?"

I was flustered and said, "no, I was at home yesterday, playing games."

Zhang Zhizhi's eyes were straight, like hooks, which made my hair hairy. At this moment, she couldn't see the temperament of that intellectual woman.

After a while, she sighed and said, "Xiao Chen, I know you have a sense of guilt in your heart. But, let's go. Don't check it. Don't check it. It will kill you."

When I said that last sentence, I heard Zhang guide gnashing his teeth.

Zhang's face changed suddenly, and he began to smile. He stood up opposite his desk. With some feelings in his eyes, he quietly said to me, "Xiao Chen, have you thought about it?"

I looked at Zhang Guizhi, who was well maintained. Suddenly, I felt sick. What's wrong with me? She is nearly half as big as me.

Director Zhang's body pressed over, vomited at me, touched my face with his hand, and made me feel goose bumps. When I was thinking about the reason to leave, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Zhang took a step back, changed his expression in love and said, please come in.

Then Liu Hong came in and said, "director Zhang, the autopsy report has come out."

Zhang's expression changed, and he called out to Liu Hong: "what autopsy report, nonsense, put it down, get out! Xiao Chen, you go out too! "

When I heard this, I was shocked. When I came out with Liu Hong, Liu Hong glared at me and said to me: "don't talk nonsense, you're finished!"

Until I came to my office, I was still thinking about a question, that is, whose autopsy report is, 9587? However, the ashes of 9587 were not sent back early. The prison was sent to the crematorium directly, and the faces of the family members were not allowed to see. But why did the autopsy report come out? Even if it was delayed for a few days, it was not a case of death. Why do we need an autopsy report?

I want to see the autopsy report. I think there must be a cause of death of 9587. People will lie, but the data will not, nor will the dead.

In my tangle, whether to sell their own color to cheat Zhang guidance, that Zhao Ke came to call me, said today is the fifth, let me go to see the new prisoner.

The fifth day of each month is the time when new prisoners are recommended.

It's my first time here. I guess it's to let me know the environment and prevent people from breaking down.

It seems that Zhao tiefang is not familiar with the new team, but there are also a number of other people who are not familiar with the team, except for a few other people who are not familiar with the team.

There were several policewomen with guns in the two rows of the gate. After about five minutes, the gate roared and finally opened.

The door finally opened, and it happened that the sun was shining from the East. I felt a little dazzling.

The first one is an armed police car, followed by a prison guard's car, which is also a escort car. The prison guard's car is a kind of car similar to a big bar with a picture of police on it. After the armed police in front of them get down, they stand together with the prison guards with money. After queuing up, the door of the prison guard opens, and a female supervisor above shouts, and the prisoners drive It started to go down.

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