Bell The long legged phone rang at this time.

Big long leg made a silent gesture to me and picked up the phone himself. When I saw her like this, I actually gave a breath. The short meeting just now made me feel soft, which was more frightening than a fight.

Long legs and then basically did not speak on the phone, but the expression on her face was getting worse and worse. In the end, her face was as heavy as water. After hanging up the phone, she came to my bedside and said to me, "Chen Kai, take good care of yourself. I have something to go first."

When he said this, the expression on his face was a little strange, but it was quite abnormal.

I didn't leave long legs. I said that I was ok here, and then she left. I was wondering who the call was from, whether it was prison or old Tang. It was estimated that it was Lao Tang who was more likely to call. Although Lao Tang had a good impression on me, he knew that I like long legs. I didn't know what it would become. After all, for a family like them, it is necessary to get married Find the right person!

Status, it's his goddamn position again!

I have some helpless and merciless grasp their own hair.

Dudu, the door of the ward was knocked up. I said, I came in, and then saw a tall girl with a cap and a duck cap. She came in gray. She was the Miao Miao student who was very clever and strange! She pressed her voice and asked me, "are you here alone?"

I nodded. She laughed, threw her backpack on the chair, and said, "I knew that you, the unlucky devil, have no pain or love. If you are hurt, you must be alone."

I was said by her heart sour, want to rob her a few words, but the little girl did not play according to the common sense, a flying body, directly threw himself on the bed, scared me almost the same as the conditioned reflex to lift up the injured leg, just put down, that seedling fell on the bed, if I don't take away the leg, this son of a bitch just hit me.

I roared at the little madman, "you crazy man! I hurt my leg! What should I do if you are hurting me! "

Miao Miao lay on my body and giggled and said, "don't be angry. If I broke it for you, I'll accompany you! So stingy

Nima, is this a stingy thing? It's Laozi's leg. Don't be so careless!

When I was reasoning with Miao Miao, the door of the ward creaked and opened. Then I saw the long leg that had just left appeared at the door again. Her expression was shocked at first, and then she slowly lost her expression. I hastened to open my mouth and explained, "sister Ru, she, this, I, is not..."

Miao Miao got up from my hospital bed, stood up, lowered his head, did not speak, so he put his mother's face to the big long leg and said, "Oh, Hello, I'm sorry, I let you catch the traitor in bed."

Big long leg face expressionless said: "it's OK, I just came back to tell you that Liu Hong may not be able to work in prison, you don't worry, it's OK, you continue to recuperate."

He didn't listen to my explanation, so he took the door and left.

The Miao Miao was on one side. At first, he raised his eyes to the door. Later, when he saw that the long legs had really gone, he raised his head and said, "I'm scared to death. I'm so nervous. It's just like being caught in bed. It's exciting."

I was a little angry at that time, but Miao Miao was just like this. She helped me several times, but I couldn't really get angry with her. Some of them were dissatisfied and said, "Miao Miao, you encouraged me to pursue Xiaoru. What are you doing now? Do you think we are not chaotic enough?"

Miao Miao shook his fingers and said, "no, no, no, this is a process. Your feelings must stand the test. I think you are a good man, and I will try my best to help you test it."

She then revealed her own standard small tiger teeth and dimples, a vivid image of a small devil.

Fortunately, Miao Miao didn't continue to play tricks with me and said, "OK, it's OK. I'll come to you for something. I'll show you something good."

She took out a newspaper from her bag and handed it to me. I was still a little angry and didn't want to read it. Miao Miao tut opened the newspaper for me, then pointed to a plate and said, "Stinky donkey, read it quickly, don't be angry with your husband."

I patiently looked down at a news, which said "a man in a park in TJ city was stripped of his clothes and tied to the bridge fence after being robbed". The following is a long list of reports. The most funny thing is that there is a photo with mosaic. But even if it is mosaic, I can recognize it. This is Zhou xiaopang!

I grabbed the newspaper and asked Miao Miao in surprise, "you did it!" Miao Miao got up from the bed, pointed the little head quickly, and said, "yes, yes, I'm very good. Please reward me and sleep with me for one night. It's such a happy decision."

I turned my eyes and looked at the little reporter who was not in proper shape. I said, "I forgot. Last time you went with me, how could you do it? It seems that this week, the little fat man has to carry his back! However, it's really annoying. I beat him up and took off all his clothes. Now I don't know how this son of a bitch is mixed up in the circle of the rich second generation. "Miaomiao tooted his mouth and said, "it's really what I did for you. I'll separate myself into two..."

I said, "change your sister!"

Miao Miao:

I talked with the impudent Miao Miao for a while, and suddenly remembered how she came here. I asked her, and she said, "this time, you have a program in prison. I also went there. You are the host. I have seen you. You are so handsome on the stage."

I wonder: "you also went, then why I did not see you?" Miao Miao puffed his cheek and said, "there is only one person in your eyes. It is a hero who saves a woman prisoner and Liang Zhu's. where can you see my village woman?"

I was amused by Miao Miao, a village woman. If this girl were a village woman, there would be no city people in the world. Miao Miao continued: "I saw that I was injured. I didn't know if you would die. Then I took a taxi to follow you and then I came here."

Speaking of this, Miao Miao suddenly frowned and asked me one thing: "Chen Kai, did you offend anyone in prison?"

I don't know what Miao Miao means by saying this, but I can't admit that it's my own saying when I killed Liu Hong. It seems that I didn't offend anyone except Liu Hong in prison. I answered Miao Miao's words and asked, "what's the matter?"

Miao Miao tilted his head to think for a while and said, "it's OK. Maybe I think too much. It's impossible. You just came out of prison. If I hadn't been in prison before, I wouldn't know what happened to you."

I said, "what are you talking about yourself?"

Miao Miao laughed at me and said, "I said, I'm going to sleep with the stinky donkey tonight."

It's getting late now. It's been a long time since the performance. In addition, I had an operation or something. So it's dark now. I have no way to deal with this neurotic seedling, but she is unwilling to help me finish cooking, and she really does not want to go.

I have been staring at Miao Miao, but Miao Miao is thick skinned. He doesn't look at me at all. He stares at the light on the roof of the house. That doesn't count. The little madman zipped his collar and exposed his chest a little more, which directly made my combat effectiveness negative.

I knew that it would be impossible to consume so much. I first said, "Miao Miao, are you really not going to leave? If you don't go back, your mother will worry about you first!"

Miao Miao said: "no, last time I went out with you, my mother didn't care. Besides, I said I would sleep with you tonight." I said, "I am disabled, don't make trouble for me."

Miao Miao said: "disabled people are OK, I can be on it." I, I didn't react at the first time. Later, I realized that this was a yellow joke. I was powerless to the madman. I had to close my eyes and ignore her.

Today, I was very tired. In addition, the anesthetic on my leg has not been completely lowered. So I closed my eyes for a while, and I actually fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, I felt a cool hand touch my neck, I was vaguely scared, but then realized that this must be the Miao Miao little maniac who didn't leave, and rushed to my bed again. I opened my mouth and wanted to say, "Miao Miao, don't make trouble."

But before this word was said, I felt that the cold hand directly covered my mouth. The hand was so big and thick that it was not Miao Miao's small hand at all! Then there was a cold and hard thing on my neck. The thing on my neck was so sharp that I felt like it would pierce my neck!

I was scared to urinate at that time. I woke up completely. I opened my eyes and saw a big black figure standing in front of me!

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