Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 101 - I'm Betting Everything

King Lawrence's eyes landed on the young woman who caused a huge change to his only son in just a short time. Though he never thought that he would have to go to an army base to see his son's lover, he admitted that she was an honourable soldier. The way she smartly dressed up herself in a presentable way said so.

The King had been to the army during his younger days and he learned that one of a soldier's honour was the way they wore their uniform. Smart and it should also abide by the rules just like this young woman did.

Abruptly rising from her seat, Yelena walked towards the father of Felix. Her mind went blank but she at least followed the protocol by bowing. "Your Majesty." She doesn't know anything more to say!

"Are you Yelena Arista? My son's girlf... " The King paused when he realized the engagement. "I mean fiancee." He corrected.

"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you." She could barely compose the words! She almost said that she didn't expect to see him but decided not to. She was confused, wondering if this visit was planned beforehand. Did Felix know it? But he didn't say anything to her!

She thought that she didn't make it too obvious but the King saw through her. He may not be a great father but he was always an intelligent King. "I know that it would be surprising. I came without notice and no one knows about it, except my wife. Not even my son." He explained.

"It's fine." She became more and more nervous unlike ever! "Please take a seat." She gestured and the two sat down on the chairs.

King Lawrence observed every reaction and behaviour of the Captain. Though he didn't make it that obvious, the Captain could still feel it and that makes her more nervous.

"Would you like to have some drinks? Coffee or some cold drinks?" She asked but she hardly met his gaze.

The King slightly smiled at her expression. "I'm fine. I just had one with your grandfather. I mean the General."

Yelena raised a brow. "Do you know -"

"Do I know your grandfather?" King Lawrence interrupted her and finished the question for her. "I know him. He's a great soldier and when I see you, I realized that you look just like him."

"Thank you. That's a huge honour." Yelena formally responded.

"You can talk to me comfortably. It might not be easy but I would appreciate it. I don't come here as the King of Edeladon but as the father of Felix." King Lawrence said to her in a calm voice.

"Did Felix told you anything about us?" The father added.

"He didn't talk much about himself. But... I'm well aware of the complicated relationship between our countries. I also know that you won't be able to accept me that easy." She frankly stated what was in her mind which earned her a slight smile from the King.

"You are much frank than I thought." King Lawrence remarked.

"I was taught to be frank." She replied with almost an awkward smile.

"When? In the Army?" The King asked.

"No. My late brother." A faint smile appeared on her face. Being frank was one of the things that her brother always taught her but she only followed it after his death.

"I can call you Yelena, right?" He asked her to which she nodded.

"Then tell me, Yelena. Why did you join the army? To serve your country? To protect the people? Or is it your family's wish?" The King asked while observing all her reaction. When she listened to his question, he saw a hint of sadness in her eyes.

She didn't give any physical or verbal response until she finally shook her head. "It's to finish the things that my brother couldn't. He passed away in his first year as a Commissioned Officer." She made a deliberate pause and finally met the King's gaze.

"I never aimed nor dreamed to serve my country or the people. But now, it's one of my greatest pleasure in life." She added.

Her response made the King quiet for a while. He sat still but his mind doesn't. Many questions which he liked to ask her crossed his mind until he decided on the question. "Then you must be well aware of this. You will need to leave everything if you decided to take the path that leads to my son. Your job which you loved, your country which you used to protect. Will you actually be able to do that?"

She already knows and decides on that. But whenever she was reminded like this, she was always hit hard! She could even felt her throat running dry! "I know. I'm willing to do it." She muttered.

The King noticed every single expression which the young woman felt. It made him want to ask her more because he saw how hard she felt to answer the recent question. "Don't you love your job and your country?" He asked once again.

"I do." Her response comes faster than ever which made the King raised a brow. "But I also love your son."

"Then what about your duties?" The King only wanted to know what she really thought deep inside her. So, he cornered her by asking her hard questions, one after another. It's the purpose of his sudden visit - to hear her answer without any preparations, which he succeeded.

She took a deep breath as she felt lost and unprepared. "It's my decision to chose Felix. I can't guarantee that I won't ever regret my decision but... even if that happens, I will still be with the one I love."

She slightly smiled and continued, "My grandfather once told me that everyone needs to feel loved to be happy. If a let go of your son, I'm sure that I will regret. I might even live my life unhappily, missing the love that he gives me."

"And if I chose him, I might also have some regrets such as missing my normal life and my job. However, one thing is guaranteed. That I will always be loved."

"Do you mean that both the choice is a risk for you?" The King asked, feeling amused by her response which was beyond his expectation. He thought she would tell him that she loves his son more than anything else, including her job and her country! He thought she would say that she was firm in her decision!

"Yes. But I'm still taking the risk by choosing to holds Felix's hand." Her response was firm this time.


"Because it's worth to give a try. I mean that I'm betting my everything on your son's love - my country, my job and my happiness." She trailed off.

Her response put the King in dazed and made him quiet for a while.

* * *

While the King and the Captain were having a serious conversation, the atmosphere that in one office of the Silveren Army Headquarters was also quite solemn.

Lt. Gen. Haric Geraci raised his head to look at Colonel Arias who was standing in front of his desk. The young Colonel was always his favourite among the officers. His wish of making him his son-in-law also seemed to be slowly coming true which made him thrilled.

But today, it was different. Colonel Arias behaviour was very different. He always treated the Lt. General with respect as he was the person and superior he looked up to. But this time, there was a hint of anger and disappointment in Arias's eyes which the Lt. General didn't fail to notice.

"Arias, if you have something to say, then say so. Why do you keep on standing there looking at me like a ferocious beast?" Sitting in his chair, Lt. General Haric calmly said to the young Colonel.

Arias tried his best to calm himself. He narrowed his eyes that were once filled with anger and he slowly loosened his fist. He only did that out of his respect for the man sitting in front of him. He reminded himself that nothing was sure yet, so he should remain respectful.

He took a deep breath and finally spoke up. "Sir, is something going on between you and Colonel Maverick?" He asked.

"No. Why would you ask that?" Lt. Gen. Haric simply replied.

"If there's nothing, then why would Colonel Maverick said that he is just your dog?" Arias questioned his superior who was also the father of his girlfriend.

"That's nonsense. When did that happen?" The Lt. General retorted as he rose from his seat.

"Last night. He came to me, drunk, and say many things." Arias replied.

"Why did you even believe the talking of a drunk man?" Lt. Gen. Haric snapped. His face was plastered with disappointment.

Sawing the Colonel standing still without saying a single word, Lt. Gen. Haric continued, "Arias, I treat you as my son. I even favoured you more than my own son and put trust in you! How can you doubt and question me just because of a drunk talk?"

"I know. I also respect you more than anyone else. Now, you're the father of a woman I loved, so I want to be trusted by you and make you more proud than ever before." Arias uttered. "But Father, if you really treat me with sincerity, can you be honest with me just once?" He asked, much more like a pleading.

"What do you want to know, Arias?!" Lt. Gen. Haric scowled. Trying his best to be patient, he bent and pressed both his hands on his desk.

Arias always had one question for the Lt. General but he always forced himself not to. Even this time, he was told to ask the question but he was still a bit reluctant. Maybe he was afraid of what the answer might be.....

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