Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 104 - A Pain In Her Heart

"Here." King Lawrence returned the phone to the Chief Guard, Darien who was standing next to him.

The young Chief Guard with a well-built body respectfully took the phone from the King's hand. "Is the Crown Prince's fiancee that unique, Your Majesty?" He asked his King.

Recalling about the young woman he met a while ago, the King's lips curved into a smile that was hard to describe. What was on his mind? Chief Guard Darien had no idea. "She has something in her which drawn other people. I cannot confirm anything yet but I think I should try to know her well. She's worth the try." The King remarked.

"What if you accept? I mean, the Queen is -"

"Nicola will understand. She may be hard to handle at times but she never goes against my words." The King's face softened at the mention of his wife. "That's her greatest charm." He commented with a genuine smile.

However, his face turned gloomy when he thought of all the hardships the couple might face if they insisted to be together. If she was not a soldier from a foreign country with whom they shared a complicated and messed up relationship, he would have no reason to not accept such a great young woman into his family.

Family. It's quite a warm yet private word. But for the Valestra's, it cannot be private nor simple. The only reason was that the word 'royal' was added before 'family' and the royal family is the face who represented Edeladon.

* * *

Felix entered Moray Hospital just to check on his cousin and to inform him that the task was done. But when he reached the floor where Gina's room was located, he saw a very unexpected - Yelena was standing next to the door of the room.

"You're here? Why didn't you tell me?" He calmly said as he walked to her.

Yelena turned to the right and when she saw Felix, she smiled. "You're done? I didn't want to pressure you."

He stood before her and pulled her closer to him. "I think you can't wait to see me." He whispered which made her chuckle.

"Are you sure that it's not the other way round?" She confidently asked, recalling how he pestered her to tell him the details of the conversation.

He quickly nodded when he realized the unfinished business. "Tell me now." He said eagerly.

"I already said that we will talk over dinner." She said with an almost teasing smile which made him growled.

"I think you and my father plan to let me die out of curiosity." He bluntly remarked.

"You should learn to be patient, Your Highness. I can't really stand impatient men." Her appealing lips curled into a playful smile.

She was right. She can't stand people who have no patience as patience becomes one of her most positive strength ever since she was trained in the army. But if it's him, she always finds herself making an exception. Besides, he already proved to her over and over again that he could be patient if necessary. As always, knowing the timing was everything.

"I'm well aware of that, Captain. You have a habit of reminding me repeatedly, so it's already engraved in my mind." He tapped the side of his head with his index finger while his gaze never leaves her.

"Then be patient for 2 hours." She remained confident while meeting his gaze the whole time.

"I will." He said and finally laughed. Two hours? That's not much time!

"You've returned? How did it go?" Hearing Lexus's voice, the couple immediately darted their eyes to the door where the Brigadier was standing.

"Yelena, you're also here?" Lexus said when he saw the Captain.

"Yes. I hesitate to enter because I heard that her condition is not good. I don't know if she will welcome me." Yelena muttered and her eyes swept the room which was visible due to the glass doors.

"You should just come in. She will be fine." Lexus calmly said to her while Felix wrapped his arm around the back of her neck and gently patted her on the shoulder with an assuring smile on his face.

"I handle the Duke of Aswald. I made some preparations so that he will return to Edeladon right away or at least, tomorrow morning." The Prince said to his cousin.

"That's great! I'm so glad for your help, Felix." A smile of relief appeared on the Brigadier's face. He seemed to be tired but his eyes twinkled at the good news.

"No need to thank me, Lex. This is also my business." Felix said, feeling thankful to see his cousin's smile. It had been a while since he saw the Brigadier's genuine smile.

Lexus briefly glanced at the room and then looked at Felix again. "She wished to meet you. I ask her to try writing something and... she writes your name. Can you go inside and meet her just once?" Lexus narrowed his eyes, feeling sorry for asking such a favour. "I tell her that you will be handling the matters of her father. I think that's why." He added.

Felix stood still without uttering a word. He was well aware of Gina's condition and he doesn't know if he would be able to treat her that way. To be honest, he was always reminded of Cara's sufferings whenever he saw Gina. It was not easy for him to treat her well. After all, she was still the woman who harbored feelings for him and tried to have him by using many means!

When he was aroused by Yelena's grip on his hand, he turned his head to her, seeking for her opinion. "You should go." She calmly said to him.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "I won't do it if you're not okay." 

"She's sick, Felix. Don't let her down." Yelena smiled to reassured him that it's fine.

"Okay." He raised her hand and gently planted a kiss on the back. "I won't take long."

She nodded and he entered Gina's hospital room while Yelena and Lexus remained on the corridors.

She watched him making his way to the woman who used to be obsessed with him. Yes, obsession. That's what she called and it was always a poisonous one which blinded a person.

She would be lying if she said that she was completely okay but she was not insecure enough to get jealous or to compare herself with a mentally ill woman. As always, she was confident in his love for her. Felix never failed to make her feel that.

The Prince sat next to Gina's bed while the latter look at him the whole time. He often went to this room but he never made the initiative to try talking to her and he never sat beside her bed. It was the first time.

He wondered what to say to this woman whom he always despised. But her current condition and that worthless father of hers made him pity this woman.

If that kind of man was her father, just how suffocating and tormenting would her life be?! Feeling unloved by one's own parents, that's the dreariest feeling a child could ever felt while growing up!

"Gina." He called her name for the first time in many years. He would always call her 'Lady Gina' or 'My Lady' to create a distance between them. The last time he called her with just her name was the time when Cara was still alive. "I take care of your father, so he won't bother you for a while. But you should recover during that."

Gina seemed like she wanted to say something but she couldn't utter any word. She keeps on staring at the Prince while he narrowed his eyes at her. For the first time in years, the coldness and contempt which was always evident in his eyes whenever he saw her, was not there! His gaze was not warm either, just calm.

"Gina, I'm willing to forgive you for all your crimes as long as you're not the one who killed Cara. I can let go of everything but not that." He paused and took a deep breath. "Then tell me. Do you kill Cara?" He asked her. He didn't know what to expect but for his cousin's sake, he truly hoped that she was not the one.

He let out a breath which he didn't even know he was holding when Gina slowly shook her head. He saw tears coming out of her eyes that fell to the side of her face.

"Do you know the culprit?" He asked again but she didn't respond. Her eyes contained a hint of fear. Was she blackmailed?! He could barely sit still now!

"Can you write the name of the one who makes you like this?" He asked but still, there was no response. He was dying to know the culprit but he also knows that forcing her won't solve a thing.

He grabs the tissue on the table and gently wiped her tears. "You can take your time. Lexus is here, so he won't allow anything to happen to you. You're safe with him." He said to her with a calm voice.

He saw her slowly lifting her hand towards him. Her body was so weak that even the slightest movement made her feel the pain. Besides, she rarely moves.

He knows what to do but he was reluctant a bit. After a few seconds, he finally holds her hand that was reached out to him. He inwardly reminded himself that she was mentally ill and he shouldn't worsen her condition.

While he holds her hand and wiped away her tears with his other hand, Yelena stared at him from outside the room. She knows very well that he didn't have feelings for that woman. She was the only one he loved, the one who owned his heart but... seeing him like that, why did she felt a pain in her heart?

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