Five minutes passed and the Captain was still following the man whom she identified as Mr. Iselin. Now, her pace had slowed down a lot and Lt. Col. Lucas was also walking just next to her.

"What is this about, Captain?" The Lt. Colonel asked Yelena while maintaining their pace.

"There's someone who I search for more than a month now. I think I saw the man." Yelena never took her eyes off Mr. Iselin. She wanted to make sure that she didn't miss this chance! She had already waited for so long!

"Sir, I'm sorry but please return without me. I need to sort things out." She said to Lt. Col. Lucas.

"No. I can't just leave you alone. You are not even familiar with the roads here. I will go with you but don't worry. I won't interfere as this is your personal matter." The Lt. Col. stated while he repeatedly glanced at the woman next to her. She seemed so determined that it put him in awe! It made him wondered what other side will she had in her.

Yelena didn't respond and quietly followed the patriarch of the Iselin family. She hoped that if she keeps on following him, she might be able to locate where Nolan Iselin was.

Did the family stay here in Silvervale all the time? It's not far from Silveren City but why was it so hard to track them down?! Countless questions crossed her mind at once.

Another five minutes passed and she saw Mr. Iselin getting inside a single storey building. Reading the sign which was hanged on the building, the Captain blinked in surprise. Greya Old Age Nursing Home?! Could Nolan Iselin be treated here?!

Losing no second, she hurried inside the nursing home with Lt. Col. Lucas following her. After walking passed many rooms and corridors, Mr. Iselin finally entered one room.

Carefully, Yelena approached the room and took a peek of the interior through a little part of the door that was transparent. There, she saw Nolan Iselin lying on the bed with the grandmother, Mrs. Iselin sitting next to him.

Was this the reason why they couldn't track him down? They searched for him in hospitals and not an old age home! That didn't even cross their minds!

She became more alert when she got a glimpse of one other person in the room. Thinking about the possibility of the extra person being the one who helped the Iselin's, she adjusted her position, trying to take a look at the man. The transparent part of the door was only a small one, so it's hard to see through everything.

The unknown man was standing there facing the walls. As such, she could only saw his back. Pressing her body against the door, she waited and waited for the man to turn around, to reveal his face. She could also felt her patience that was almost running dry! She even thought of barging inside and confront the people inside but... that's one of the silliest decision!

She didn't know the identity of that one person inside the room. She didn't know what she was up against! She had no information on the one she was about to face. So, losing control and fret out would even make her lose the war before she even got the chance to start!

After what seemed to be forever, the mysterious man finally turned around, not even knowing that a pair of eyes was eagerly waiting for him to reveal his face!

Landing her gaze on the man's face, the Captain's eyes widened in shock! No way! What does this mean?! Wasn't that Colonel Maverick Yaris, the legend of the Silveren Army?!

Tightening her grip on the door, she tried her best not to make any sound and covered her mouth with the other hand. Just at that moment, maybe the intelligent Colonel sensed the eyes that watched him. He darted his eyes to the door but the Captain was quick enough to move to the side!

"Sir, let's get out of here." She muttered to the Lt. Colonel and the two officers rushed out of the corridor yet not a single sound of their footsteps could be heard.

Feeling uneasy, Colonel Maverick stepped out of the room, observing the corridors with his keen eyes. When he noticed nothing suspicious, he walked inside the room again and had a conversation with Mr. Iselin.

The two officers fled from the nursing home as if they were some fugitives. In no time, they reached where their car was parked and quickly get inside the car.

Noticing the Captain's anxious yet pale face, Lt. Col. Lucas asked, "Are you alright? Shall we just return to the base now? You don't look good."

"Yes, please." Captain Yelena nodded and closed her eyes. She didn't understand what she just witnessed!

Why would Colonel Maverick be there with the Iselin's? Could he be... No! She shook her head. Judging from his voice, that man on the video didn't seem so young and there's no way that man would be the Colonel!

Then... the video and letter that she received crossed her mind. Could he be the one who sent her those things?! But why?!

She recalled Nolan Iselin who was lying on the bed in that nursing home. He seemed to be in a much better condition than the last time she saw him. It was clear that he continued receiving treatments.

One thing came to her mind. If Colonel Maverick was the true culprit, rather than treating Nolan Iselin, he would want him dead!

She should inform Morris right away but when she suddenly realized that she was not alone, she refused the idea. She would only startle the Lt. Colonel more! It's already bad enough to have him follow her to that nursing home.

Trying her best to clear her mind for the time being, she glanced at Lt. Colonel. Lucas. "I'm sorry about that, sir. Did I trouble you?" She asked him.

"I'm fine. I'm more worried about you, Captain Yelena. You seemed so shocked there. Is it some secret?" Lt. Col. Lucas asked as he smiled to reassure her. Maybe he succeeded as it calmed her nerves in even the slightest bit.

"Yes. It's a very huge secret." She responded.

"Then I'll be the lock for that secret. I won't say anything to anyone. I mean, about our visit to that nursing home." Just like he promised her before, he didn't take a single peek of the room. He promised to not interfere, so he only stood next to her. He had no idea of the things she saw in that room.

However, he admitted that he was curious. She seemed to be a bright and confident woman. What scene made her turned pale in the blink of an eye?!

"Thank you, sir. I would appreciate that." Yelena slightly smiled and then stared out of the window again.

She decided to confront Colonel Maverick, but not now. She should calm down and think clear first. Rushing things and losing control would bring her no good! She already waited for 6 years and she couldn't afford to destroy it by one silly act.

"Do you know that you're not the only one who came from the capital? One more officer is here just before you reach the base. You will also know him." Lt. Colonel Lucas stated, which made Yelena aroused from her thoughts.

She suddenly realized that Colonel Maverick was also tasked to come here. They were the only ones who came from the capital. Besides, only 5 officers were invited to inspect the demo.

"Yes. I heard before I came here. It's Colonel Maverick Yaris." She replied. Her voice trailed off when she uttered the name.

"Have you seen him before?" The Lt. Colonel inquired.

"Yes, a few times." The scene she just witnessed was repeatedly replayed in her mind, making her more and more impatient.

"That's great. He was just above my batch that made him my direct senior. He was truly great even during his training years. He Is one honourable man." Lt. Col. Lucas smiled as he complimented the legend. Colonel Maverick's influence in the army was quite huge compared to his young age.

"I guess so," Yelena muttered. She also used to respect the legend and look up to him but now, after sawing him in that room where he was not supposed to be; she was not sure anymore. 

After they reached the base of the Zaro Special Forces, Yelena stayed in her room and didn't even eat dinner. All she could think of was that scene, Colonel Maverick with the Iselin's.

Even when the demo was presented right before her eyes in the night, she finds it so hard to concentrate! Given the fact it was the reason why she was there, she forced herself to try her best in concentrating. At that time, she thought that time passed by so slow to the point where it might drive her crazy!

She realized that she must do something to stop the torturous feeling that killed her from the inside! She must talk to Colonel Maverick.....

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