Matthew and the other two guards left the villa right away in the Prince's order. Speeding up their pace, they drove to Joey's Cafe where Yelena was there for the last two hours.

From time to time, Matthew checked the location through his phone and she was still there. He didn't even know if it was a good thing or a bad thing yet he truly hoped for it to be the former.

The Prince had gone through a lot these days and if anything happened to her, he won't be able to cope with it. Though Matthew didn't know much about the Prince's past compared to Cayden, he witnessed how much the Prince loved this Captain and ensuring her safety was as important as protecting the Prince.

After around forty minutes drive, the three reached their destination and hurried out of the car. The Cafe was located in one of the most famous hill resorts of Edeladon. They walked up a bit and rushed inside the cafe. As the cafe was a large one, they split up and search for the woman in each different direction.

"I don't see the lady." One guard said to Matthew who was the Vice Chief of the Prince's Guard. They were standing in one corner after they finished the search.

"I don't see her either." The other guard followed suit.

"But her phone is still here," Matthew whispered, looking at the map on his phone. He thinks of calling the Prince but he was afraid that the latter would lose control. Preventing all kinds of rumours was also one of the guard's jobs. "Let's look once more," Matthew instructed and they split up again but this time, they exchange the area which they searched before.

Walking past many tables, Matthew's keen eyes swept the cafe. His fingers anxiously tapped his thigh, even assuming the worst. But when he walked past one table, he instantly halted his movement.

Blinking, he turned around and walked back to the table he just went passed. He narrowed his eyes and observed the woman who was alone. Placing both her hands and head on the table, she was sleeping peacefully.

Peacefully?! Matthew rapidly blinked again. He and the others spend the last two hours, anxious and worried, just because she was sleeping here peacefully?! He was glad that she was safe but he can't stop himself from sighing.

After hearing out Cayden with the Prince, he already understood that the Prince's situation was not good. His problem was not trivial. His safety was at risk and so does this young woman. That's why he was so anxious, just like the Prince.

Adjusting his earpiece, he informed the other two guards. "I find her."

Shifting his attention back to the Prince's fiancee, he debated what to do. Would he wake her? But given the fact that she was sleeping here for more than two hours, it's clear that she was tired and she needed rest.

Matthew called the Prince and informed him that they had found the woman. He also told him that she was sleeping.

"Bring her to the villa as soon as she wakes up." That was the Prince's order. 

The other two guards came to him and Matthew put down the phone. When he narrowed his eyes, he saw her opening her eyes. She was finally awake.

Slowly opening her eyes, Yelena realized that she was still sleeping in the cafe. After having a cup of coffee, she placed her head and hand on the table, enjoying the view of the city through the glass walls. Then she fell asleep and only woke up now!

She glanced at her watch at realized that it was almost 6 p.m. Her eyes grew wide in surprise and she almost panicked until... her eyes landed on the three men who were standing next to her. When she recognized one of them as Matthew, she instantly frowned.

"Greetings, My Lady." Matthew and the other two guards bowed.

"Did your 'Prince' send you here?" She asked as she rose from her seat and took her bag. She deliberately enunciated the title.

"Yes. His Highness told us to escort you. He is in the royal family villa." Matthew responded respectfully.

Yelena glanced at her watch once again. She knew that it was late and judging from how she much slept here, it's normal for Felix to be worried so she decided to not make a fuss about him breaking his promise. But she still had many places which she would like to visit.

Before she came here, she did the research and pick out some famous places in the capital which she would visit and she still had about three more places to go.

"I still need to visit some places. You already check that I'm safe and sound, so just return for now. Give me the address and I will come after I'm done." She said, looking at Matthew.

"It's late now, My Lady. His Highness is so worried about you and I can't return without fulfilling his order." Matthew pointed out how the sun had already set. Darkness was scarier when an enemy was around. 

"Matthew, just inform your Prince. I still need around one hour." She paused when an idea crossed her mind. "If you're so worried, you can come with me. You're a friend so I won't be uncomfortable with you." Briefly glancing at the other two guards, she added, "But send back the others."

"But -"

"If not, then all of you can return." Yelena simply said, interrupting Matthew. "The more time you waste, the more late it will be. Besides, even if something happens, are you sure that you can protect me? I think I will beat you at that." She added with a playful smile.

Ever since she had gotten close to this guard, she loved to tease him around. But she didn't lie. One of the most elite Special Force Captain won't lose to a single Royal Guard.

Being left with no other choice, Matthew told the other two guards to return and inform the Prince. Then he left the Cafe with the Captain.

Yelena's next destination was a famous Art Gallery in the capital. She was never a fan of art but after she went to that exhibition in her country with Felix, she finds herself mesmerizing by the beautiful arts. They had something in them which draw her to them. But still, she thought that the last work of Colonel Arias's late brother was the best in her eyes. She still couldn't forget that unique work.

"How many places do you still need to visit?" Matthew asked Yelena the moment they stepped out of the art gallery.

Giving a deep thought, Yelena replied, "Two but it's late now. So, I will only visit one." Her face brightened up at the thought of her last destination. She had seen many pictures of it and she was in awe of the place.

For around twenty minutes, they walked up the road which leads to a big cathedral. It was one of the highest places in the capital. Surrounding the cathedral were trees and benches which were placed for the visitors.

The cathedral alone was breathtakingly beautiful but it was not the only reason why the place was famous. At a few metres before the cathedral, there were walls but only about three feet high. Standing next to the walls, one was provided with the best view of the capital, especially at night time. As such, the place was quite crowded even though it was already 7 in the night.

"This place is what you are talking about? It's hard to believe that it's your first time in our country, My Lady." Matthew remarked, standing before the walls and next to the Captain. Through his phone, he could see all the places she visited in the evening and she had a great choice.

"I do my research well," Yelena said with a little smile on her face. "Have you been here before?" She asked.

"Maybe twice. I'm busy with my job." Matthew responded. His job was to ensure the Prince's safety wherever he goes and he rarely had time for himself.

"It must be hard to work for the royal family," Yelena commented. She had read many articles about the royals and realized that their lives were filled with events and representing the country. It seemed like a rosy one which she didn't envy.

"It's hard but it's an honour. I work for the future King and he is a great man. When His Highness takes over the throne, our country will surely see great development." Matthew wondered how the Prince dealt with his most trusted man who betrayed him. He puts himself in his shoes but he didn't know if he could do the same. It will be one of the hardest decision! 

"I hope so," Yelena replied in a low voice. Somehow, she felt small. She might be good in military affairs but she had no idea about the administration of a country. Not to mention that she was not a citizen of Edeladon. She knew nothing about this country. Will she be of help to the Prince if she indeed became a royal? She was not confident.

Standing still, her gaze was fixated on the enchanting view yet her mind was fully occupied by the future until she heard a voice.

"You seem to have quite a fun today." The Prince was standing there just a few steps away from her.....

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