Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 133 - The Old Friends

"What are you saying, Arias?" Lt. Gen. Haric grunted. His displeasure was clearly evident in his face. Why was Arias suddenly talking about the things that happened 7 years ago?!

"I know that you are well aware of what I'm saying, Father. You were in charge of watching over our batch. You were the best and most perfect supervisor whom everyone could approach but not in the case of those three." Arias recalled the unfortunate incidents which were the biggest loss of his batch. "What's more strange? Two died and one disappeared." He muttered.

"Are you saying that I'm responsible for those incidents?" Lt. Gen. Haric Geraci promptly asked. Talking about those past incidents were always avoided and he wasn't entertained by the sudden mention. It's been 7 years!

"I only want to know why you didn't do anything about the accident the three friends suffered. They were hospitalized for weeks and they could never be the same since then. The mentor I knew will never turn a blind eye to that big of an accident unless... there is something he wanted to hide."

"Arias!" Lt. Gen. Haric snapped. He was always a calm man yet Arias's words made him lose his cool. "You should know better than to say that." His voice was stern but it doesn't discourage the Colonel at all!

"You made them separately treated while they were hospitalized, forbidding everyone to visit them! The cause of the accident was also never clear to us. Several months later... " Arias made a deliberate paused as he realized that his tone was very high now. "One died due to an accident. Strangely, it took place in the mountains during the training. It was followed by the suicide of the other one and the remaining one suddenly disappeared."

Lt. Gen. Haric heavily sighed. Was Arias trying to test his patience? He should know better than to do this!

"Mentioning the misfortunes of your batch, what is it that you want to know? I made an investigation for the accident and they said that they get into a fight. They were the ones who were adamant about ending the investigation. We tried to keep it a secret because I don't want them to lose face in front of their batchmates." The Lt. General patiently explained.

"Is that so?" It was more than clear that Arias didn't buy what the Lt. General said. His face said everything. "Father, do you know that everything is too much of a coincidence? The change in Maverick's behaviour, the accident of the three friends and Marvin Arista's death; I have a feeling that it's all intertwined." His voice firm and unyielding.

"Why do you dragged in Maverick again? What does he have to do in this?" Lt. Gen. Haric asked. Somehow, his voice was desperate. Maybe he felt helpless with all the things Arias said to him!

Arias observed his future father-in-law and realized that this conversation was getting into nowhere. He decided to stop for now. "I said everything like you told me to but I think you're unwilling to give me the proper answers. I will stop it for now. But I want to ask for a favour."

"Before you ever do anything, please always remember that you are Ella's father. You are Captain Eleanor Geraci's father and the one who has the biggest influence in her life. Please remember that." Without waiting for the father's response, Arias rose from his seat and walked out of the office right away.

Lt. Gen. Haric stared at the disappearing form of Arias and the moment the door was shut, he hardly slammed the armrest. "Just what did Maverick said to him?!" He growled.

After quietly sitting alone for a few minutes, Sergeant Cayce made his way to the office and saluted him. He stood before him at ease.

"What is Colonel Maverick up to these days?" Lt. Gen. Haric asked the Sergeant. He gently tapped the tip of a pen in the armrest, repeatedly. His gaze fixated on the pen for the whole time.

"Nothing in particular, sir. Just work." Sergeant Cayce responded.

"He only works yet he creates a problem between me and my soon to be son-in-law." Lt. Gen. Haric remarked with a heavy sighed. He wondered what would be the best way to amend the situation. He adored Arias and he didn't want any argument between them.

Meanwhile, Arias who stormed out of the Lt. General room felt lost. Was he doing the right thing? What if he was wrong and everything was just in his head?!

Confronting the Lt. General required too much courage and energy! It was one of the hardest things he had ever done in his life! Maybe he admired and respected him too much.

Inside the Headquarters, he was sitting on a bench under the tree, trying to calm himself. He even finds it hard to breathe for a while!

"What are you doing here?" It was Colonel Maverick who was standing in front of him. Maverick was narrowing his eyes at him and he also seemed to be flustered.

Arias have to look twice just to make sure that the man was Maverick. Why? Because it had been years since Maverick approached him first, let alone talk to him; except that night when he was drunk.

"Are you really Maverick Yaris?" Arias asked with a slight scoffed. Did the sun rise from the west today?!

"You look unwell but I think I'm mistaken." Colonel Maverick paused and observed Arias just for a split second. "I'm leaving."

"Wait. I have something to ask you. Let's talk." Arias abruptly rose from his seat, halting his old friend.

Maverick frowned at him. "Then come to my office." He bluntly said and walked away with Arias trailing behind him.

This reminded him of the old days. Even during their training years, Arias was the one who made efforts to befriend Maverick. The former was the playful type while the latter was the aloof and serious one. They were the complete opposite but somehow, Arias persistence win over Maverick and they became good friends though it didn't last for long. Maverick had a change of heart but Arias never know the reason.

Arias's eyes swept around Maverick's office and when his eyes landed on the desk, his lips curved into a small smile. "You are still a perfectionist. Everything is neatly arranged." He remarked.

Handing a cup of tea to Arias, Maverick sat opposite to him. "What do you want to say?" His face remained impassive.

Arias took a sip of the tea and his expression became a little sincere than before. "That night, you came to me while you were drunk. Do you still remember what you said to me?" He asked, choosing his words carefully. In all honesty, he still cared about the Lt. General. After all, he was Ella's father.

"Did I came? I know that I was drunk but I don't remember anything." Maverick promptly said. He folded his legs and calmly sat there, staring at Arias.

Arias remained quiet for a while but his gaze was fixated on his old friend. After a few seconds, he finally spoke up. "You are lying."

"What makes you think that?" Maverick was still calm and composed. Well, it was always his greatest strength but Arias was no different. He too rarely lost his composure. After all, they were the best not only in their batch but also in the whole country!

"Do you forget that we used to be best friends? I know you well than you thought and right now, I can tell that you're lying." Arias replied.

"You're still the same," Maverick smirked. "You are right. I'm lying but I don't want to say anything about that night." He simply said.

"Did the Lt. General reprimand you for it?" Arias asked. "That makes sense." He murmured as he narrowed his eyes at the floor.

Maverick chuckled at his words. "I said that you are still the same but I was wrong. The Arias I knew will never say that about the Lt. General. Why? Do you think that there's something wrong with your 'respected hero'?" He asked sarcastically, enunciating the last two words.

"Do you really have to say that?" Arias grunted, glaring at the man opposite to him.

"It's strange. You never tolerate any criticism when it comes to him. Besides, I hear that you will be his son-in-law." A mocking smile was seen on Maverick's face but Arias was not offended. He knew that his old friend behaves this way only to people he was closed to. He had a hidden menacing behaviour beneath his cold and aloof nature.

"I respect him but this had nothing to do with me dating his daughter." Arias paused before he said, "I love Eleanor."

"I'm aware of that." Maverick mused. It's the first time the topic 'love' was ever brought up between the two old friends!

"You know?" Arias asked. He doubted that.

"I've seen you with her, once. You are completely smitten with that Captain. Besides, you're not the only one who knows me well. I know you well too." Maverick glanced at Arias and continued by saying, "You are not one who can be forced."

Arias remained quiet, processing what Maverick said. He was right. Ever since he was young, he was stubborn despite being a good son.

"Do you really have nothing to tell me? Including that night." Arias asked to which Maverick simply nodded.

"Don't pay too much attention to me, Arias. I'm not worth it. You should live your life in peace, as you did until now." Maverick calmly advised Arias as if he was an older brother caring for his little brother.

Arias didn't understand at all. "What do you mean?" He asked. He was not worth it? What was he talking about?!

Maverick took a deep breath and forced a little smile. "We might not see each other again. I'm planning to resign after a few days."

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