Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 142 - Without Her, I'm Nothing

Last Night in Edeladon 

"Hello, Alonzo. I want to ask you something." Felix asked his cousin who was on the other line. His gaze was still fixated on the map of Silveren City.

"What is it?" Alonzo was casually sitting in his hotel room with a wine in his hand. He was having fun thinking about how he would tame the daring fiancee of this dumb cousin of his.

"You said that Yelena gets off near Serin Park, right? Did her phone was with her? Did she perhaps forget in the base?" Felix deliberately assumed, inwardly hoping for one answer.

Alonzo was too fixated on thinking about what will be the most tormenting for his cousin that he didn't even think much before he answered, "She took her phone with her. I even saw her talking with someone on the phone as soon as she gets off from my car."

He was smiling victoriously when he thought about how desperate his cousin would be to find out whom Yelena talked with. He would be crazy about searching for someone who didn't exist!

Felix's face turned gloomy at his cousin's words. That was not the answer he hoped for. "I got it. Thanks, Zo. Take good care of yourself." He ended the call right away. 

Feeling troubled by his thoughts, Felix sat down on the chair propping his elbows on the desk. His hand curled into a fist and he pressed his forehead against it. "Why?" He muttered.

Matthew who was also in the room instantly stood before the desk. "Your Highness, is something wrong?" He asked.

The Prince glanced at the laptop once again before he narrowed his eyes at his phone which was placed on the side of the desk. "Why did Alonzo lie?" He whispered. Was he mistaken?

"Matthew, my cousin said that Yelena gets off near Serin Park. The ride from the base to the park needs at least 45 minutes but... Yelena's phone was already switched off 30 minutes after they left the base. To make things more complicated, Alonzo even said that Yelena talked with someone on the phone after she gets off." The Prince wondered why his cousin would lie to him. In his opinion, Alonzo had no reason to do such a thing!

He thought about all possibilities until... one thing crossed his mind. The enemy was nearer than they thought. He even knows all his movement! Apart from his personal guards, only his family members knew that he was spending his time in the villa during the past few days and it was clear that the enemy could locate Cayden's location by following them from the villa!

No way! He shook his head! Alonzo wouldn't do such a thing!

"Are you suspecting Prince Alonzo?" Matthew promptly asking, understanding the Prince's reaction.

"Be careful with what you say. He is my cousin. Maybe he is mistaken." Felix snapped. Was he trying to fool himself? Even he didn't believe what he just said!

Matthew had worked long enough under the Prince and he can read him most of the time. He didn't fail to do that this time as well. "Your Highness, your fiancee's life is on the line. It won't be harmful to open to all possibilities. If you have doubt, then we can check them out. So that you won't have regrets." He respectfully said to the troubled Prince.

Matthew had a point and the Prince hated to admit that. After a few seconds, he finally rose from his seat. "Let's go to Jewel Palace." He said and stormed out of his room with Matthew following him behind.

Entering the vast Jewel Palace, it was more than quiet as it was already past midnight. Losing no time, the Prince instantly entered his cousin's room. He looked around the room but nothing caught his attention. When he saw the door of Alonzo's studio slightly open, he walked in the direction and entered the workplace of his cousin.

Switching to the lights on, the Prince was stupefied at what he saw! On three sheets which were supported by a tripod stand, there were portraits of the same woman. Wasn't that Yelena? What's more? One of the drawings was splashed with red paint, making it resemble blood!

It was the first time he stepped a foot inside Alonzo's studio as the artist was extremely sensitive with others entering his studio. Every royal member respected his privacy.

Felix walked towards the painting and reached out his hands to touch it. His cousin was drawing several portraits of his fiancee? Does that make sense?!

"Your Highness." Matthew stood beside him and looked at him pleadingly. He wanted the Prince to make a decision. What if it's too late?!

Hardly squeezing the sheet of the drawing, Felix narrowed his eyes at the floor. "Summon the Director of National Intelligence Agency. I want this to be handled in secret." He commanded.

With that said, Matthew bowed and left right away. Felix returned to his room and after more than an hour, Matthew returned with the Director of NIA. By this time, it was almost 2 in the morning.

"I want you to choose ten of your best agents to go to Silveren with me for an operation." The Prince said to the Director. "My father already talked with the Prime Minister and the authorities of Silveren Government as this matter must be kept confidential. The Prime Minister and the King already gave their permissions and by the time we reached Silveren, you will have a written order in your hands."

The Director was flustered at the sudden order for a mission but the Prime Minister and the King already consented, so that's a done deal. "I understand, Your Highness. But I must know the nature of the mission to brief the agents. Can you give me some details?"

Felix remained quiet for a while, reluctant to spoke up. But the Director was right. The agents must be briefed for them to perform well. "My fiancee is missing. She is from Silveren, so you might wonder why the agents from Edeladon have to do this. It's because the prime suspect right now is someone from this country." He explained.

When he informed his father, he didn't inform him about Alonzo. He only said that he was from Edeladon. But the King and the Prime Minister trusted him enough to give their permission. It goes the same with the Director of NIA. Though the latter was flustered with the news such as the fiancee from Silveren and a missing case, he promptly agreed.

"I will tell the agents to be ready right away. At what time would you depart?" The Director asked, respectfully.

"After two hours." The Prince replied to which the Director agreed.

Then the Director called the high ranking officials of the NIA to picked ten agents right away.

Just as planned, the Prince and Matthew along with the ten elite agents depart for Silveren. Telling the agents to be on standby, the Prince go to Moray Hospital. Lexus was also there at the Prince request. But he still doesn't know about Alonzo. The reason why Felix was there was to confirm his doubts.

Before he entered Gina's hospital room, he told Matthew to track Alonzo's location through his phone. Then he entered the room with the dumbfounded Lexus.

Felix stood near the bed and narrowed his eyes at Gina who was staring at him. He had heard that she spoke up once in a while though she hadn't completely recovered yet. He had a question for her.

"I already know who you are afraid of, Gina. Now, I want to hear from you personally. I don't have time because I have to save my woman. I don't want to be late again like that night." Cara Laria with blood resurfaced on the Prince's mind, making him shook his head, hoping to brush it away.

"Tell me. Is Alonzo the one who made you like this? Did my cousin really... " He made a deliberate pause, feeling hard to finish his words. Never once did the Prince thought he would say these words! "Was he really the one who killed Cara?" His voice trailed off.

Lexus's eyes grew wide at the Prince question. What was his cousin talking about?! Feeling puzzled, he shifted his gaze to Gina who was lying on the bed with a face full of horror. Was it true? Why did Gina make that face?!

"Answer me, Gina. If this is the truth, Yelena is in grave danger right now! I won't forgive you if something happens due to the delay!" Felix growled, losing control of his temper.

Lexus rushed to Gina's side and hold her. "Gina, answer Felix. This is a very important matter. Did Alonzo really kill Cara Laria? Was he the one who threatened you?" Lexus asked. His voice was desperate yet calm. He fixated his warm yet anxious gaze on her. She was safe with him. He wanted her to feel that.

Gina looked at Lexus and like he always did, he made her feel protected. She slowly let loose of the blanket which she tightly squeezed due to anxiety and fear.

"Answer me," Felix repeated himself, taking a step towards her bed and Lexus tightened his grip on her hands.

Gina finally nodded her head. "Yes." She muttered just a single word with almost a stuttering voice but it was enough for the Prince. He got what he wanted yet it broke his heart to a thousand pieces! Why?!

He didn't have time for this. He might lose Yelena if he was too late! He'd rather die than lose her!

Then Matthew walked inside the room. "Your Highness, I locate Prince Alonzo. He is in an old warehouse which is about one hour drive from here."

"Tell the agents to get ready. We will go there right away." The Prince ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness." Matthew rushed out of the room to comply with the order.

Felix tried to leave too but Lexus holds him back. "It's dangerous, Felix. You don't even know how many men Alonzo has."

"I don't care. I need to protect Yelena. Without her... I'm nothing." Felix brushed away his cousin's hand. For now, nothing comes first than rescuing Yelena!

"Then I'll come with you. I won't allow any harm to come to you." Lexus firmly said. He was too determined and Felix couldn't talk him out of it. Gina's room was guarded ever since an enemy visited her and Fabian will also be in the room, so there's nothing to worried about.

Along with the ten agents and Matthew, the cousins left for the warehouse, desperately hoping that they will not be too late.....

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