Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 144 - They Were Too Much For Him

Yelena was taken to Moray Hospital by Lexus and the agents. The doctors immediately gave her treatment and due to the wound on her head, she was taken to the OR right away.

Her family were also informed and they rushed to the hospital as soon as they heard the news.

When Felix reached the hospital, he saw the whole Arista family in front of the Operation Room, anxiously waiting for their daughter's surgery to finish. Seeing the pain and horror on their faces, the Prince was suddenly overwhelmed with guilt.

He was the one who caused their anxiety! He was the one who puts Yelena's life in danger! He was the reason why she was in this condition! For her, he was dangerous! These facts repeatedly echoed in his ears, driving him to the brink of insanity!

"No!" He suddenly shrieked and covered both his ears with his hands. However, the voice won't stop, making him lose his mind.

Lexus quickly ran to him and hold him. "Felix, what's wrong?" He asked, his eyes filled with concern for his cousin.

"Don't touch me!" The Prince brushed away his cousin's hands. He glanced at the Arista's and he saw them worriedly staring at him. If they knew that their daughter was like that because of him, will they still care about him?! He doubts that and just the feeling was so tormenting for the Prince!

Cayden's betrayal, Cayden's death, Yelena's abduction, Alonzo's true evil nature and what he did to Yelena; they were too much for him!

"Felix," Lexus muttered. Had his cousin gone mad?! 

"Felix." Mrs. Arista said as she looked at her daughter's fiance. She rose from her seat and made her way to him. Just when she reached out her hand to touch him, the Prince's eyes widened. He suddenly turned around and ran away from the place.

"Don't worry. I will look out for him." Lexus said to the family and ran after his cousin.

"Felix! Felix!" Lexus called for the Prince and when he finally catches up with him, he grabbed him on the hand to hold him back. "Where are you going? Yelena is still in the OR."

Felix continuously shook his head. "I can't! I can't d-do this." He stuttered. His face was pale and cold sweat was forming on his forehead. Right now, he was wrapped up in fear and swallowed by guilt!

Even if Yelena woke up, what will he say to her? He can't even face her family!

Lexus holds Felix in both his arms. "Get to your sense, Felix. She needs you. You can't run away like this. Imagine how downhearted she would be if you are not with her when she wakes up. This is not your fault, Felix. You're innocent!"

Lexus was trying his best to bring back his cousin to his sense yet the latter shook his head harder and harder.

"Felix!" The Brigadier finally snapped, raising his voice at the Prince. "You should think of Yelena. Don't you love her? Please!" He paused and let out a sigh. "Get a grip of yourself! You must be strong for now."

Strong? Felix felt as if he was paralyzed! He even couldn't think anything properly! How was he supposed to be strong?!

"Can't you just let me go, Lex? I think I'm going crazy." His voice was pleading yet desperate.

"No. You don't give up on me when Gina was fighting for her life. I will do the same. So please, try to clear your mind. Do it for Yelena." The Brigadier begged. His heart pained to see his usually strong cousin in such a state! The things he went through were so much! They were more than enough to make him experience a breakdown.

For Yelena! The Prince never hesitate to do anything as long as it's for her. But this time, he finds it so hard! However, his own words repeatedly echoed in his ears the next second.

'I will always be there for you.'

Can he keep that promise he made to her? In this situation? He narrowed his eyes and stared at the engagement ring on his finger. This was proof of his promise to her. He remained still that way as if he was a statue.

Lexus realized that his cousin needs time to compose himself. He shouldn't be alone but that's what he needs now. As such, he pulled him to the hospital garden which was just next to the building. He made him sat on the bench under a big tree.

"Stay here and come back in when you are ready. Don't go anywhere else." The Brigadier firmly said. He was now acting like a true older cousin.

He took Felix's phone and unlock it through the latter's fingerprint. He even installed a GPS tracker which he connected to his phone. Then he left the Prince alone though it was a hard decision.

Even after Lexus left him to be alone, Felix sat still as if he was paralyzed. However, his mind was clear and the scenes in his imagination were vivid.

Cara Laria covered by blood, the corpse of Cayden who was murdered and the unconscious Yelena; all of it were because of him.

Cara died because she loved him, because they met. Cayden won't have died if he didn't get tangled up in his messed up life! Now, Yelena was in an OR with an uncertain situation because she loved him. He was the main root of all these tragedies!

Time passed by second by second until it formed half an hour. By this time, it was almost 5 p.m. in Silveren. He received a text message from Lexus saying that the surgery had just finished and it went well. Luckily, the wound on her head wasn't deep and there was no internal damage either. She will wake up soon.

The news was like oxygen for the young Prince who felt suffocated. Based on his strength alone, he couldn't break free from the guilt that chokes him. The good news helped him but the dreary guilt was still inside him, deeply rooted.

He wanted to run to his fiancee who was still unconscious and hold her in his hands. He wanted to embrace her and share her pain. He wanted to be with her and never leave her side but... did he even deserve that? After she went through such things because of him? He didn't think so.

He can't bring himself to show up in front of her, not after his cousin did that to her. Not to mention that he was the one who failed to notice his cousin's evil nature!

The Prince continued to sit in the garden quietly, without uttering a single word. The sun had set and now, it was 7 in the night. He couldn't return to the hospital building and he couldn't run away either. What would he do? He lost his way.

Then he received the second message from his cousin.

'Yelena just wake up. Come and see her. She's in VIP room 7.'

She wakes up! Will she look for him? Imagining how disappointed she would be, he couldn't help but abruptly rose from his seat. Not thinking twice, he ran to the building as fast as he could.

He reached the room in no time and when he was about to enter, he instantly halted as if someone holds him back. He can't bring himself to enter the room!

Through the glass portion of the door, he glanced at her and saw her lying on the bed with barely opened eyes.

"Where is Felix?" She muttered in a low voice. She still remembered how he came to her rescue.

"He is on his way here." Lexus calmly said to her and her face brightened up a bit. That hurt him even more!

'You silly woman! You still smile after going through that?! Are you crazy?!' He reached out his hand but the door blocked him. Besides, they were a few steps away.

"How much does it hurt, my daughter? What kind of psychopath do this to you?!" Mrs. Arista wailed. Her heart broke at the sight of her daughter! Those thick bandages on her head; how much did she suffer in just a day?!

Mr. Arista thought that this incident had something to do with that video as they were still not informed of the details. However, he won't say anything, not in the presence of his wife who had weak health these days!

"I'm fine, Mom," Yelena replied to her mother but one thing crossed her mind. She blinked at the realization. "Where is Colonel Maverick? I have to meet him. Please call him for me, Father."

The father's face turned pale at his daughter's request. He bit his lip, hesitating to answer. But when she stared at him hopefully, he couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"I'm sorry, Yelena. But Colonel Maverick was found dead today. I received the news two hours ago." He informed her with grief.....

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