Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 155 - It's So Quiet

"We'll leave now. Our flight will take off soon." Holding the wheelchair where Gina was sitting, Lexus slightly smiled at Yelena.

Yelena glanced down at Gina with concern. "Will you be alright? What about your father?" She asked.

"Don't worry about me. I will see my father one last time. I have something to tell him. After that, I will cut ties with him." Gina let out a breath and then smiled. "I don't want to be a coward anymore."

Yelena felt relief to hear that. She also thought that it will be better to be an orphan rather than having a father like the Duke of Aswald. "Good luck on that. I hope we will meet again soon." A shadow of sadness was on her face when she thought of Felix.

"Don't worry, Yelena. After I return, I will try my best to help Felix. You will hear from him soon." Lexus understood her feeling and assured her.

"I hope so," Yelena muttered and forced a little smile. "I won't delay you anymore. Have a safe flight." She bid goodbye to the couple and they left the hospital right away.

Yelena glanced at her wristwatch and realized that it was almost 4 p.m. There was still some time left before dinner, so it would be great to learn something.

She went to her mother's hospital room and when she reached the door, she instantly halted, staring at the two men inside through the glass portion of the door. Her father was standing near the window while Jason Moravsky was sitting near the bed with all his attention on the Chairwoman.

She watched how the young man who wasn't even blood-related was staring at her mother with concern and love. If she was a stranger, she would have thought that Jason Moravsky was the son of the patient! Somehow, she felt at ease because she realized that her mother wouldn't be too lonely during the years that she neglected her. She was glad for that.

Deciding to give him some more time, she took a seat on the bench near the door. Then she takes out her phone. Should she give a try again? But after failing for a week, she didn't have much hope. But still, she tried calling Felix once. Just as she thought, the phone was still switched off. How long must she wait? Just a week feels like years!

Though she always told herself not to, she finally lost control and called Matthew. She only wanted to know one thing. Was Felix in too much pain? If possible, she would fly to Edeladon right away but... Felix needs time. She should respect that.

Meanwhile, in Edeladon, Matthew was with the Prince when he received a call. Having no idea of who it might be, he takes out his phone. When he saw the caller ID, he raised a brow. It's been a while since he received a call from her.

Feeling troubled, he glanced at the Prince who was quietly standing still, staring out of the window. What would he do?

"If it's urgent, answer the call." The Prince's voice was low and calm yet it had lost its enthusiasm.

Matthew narrowed his eyes at the name displayed and bit his lip. "It's not that, Your Highness. It's... " His voice trailed off, hesitating to continue.

"What is it?" Felix asked with his usual calm voice.

Matthew remained quiet for a while but when he saw the Prince turning around, he finally muttered, "It's your fiancee."

The Prince brow was raised in the slightest bit while Matthew maintained his silence. Very soon, the phone stopped ringing, turning into a missed call.

Matthew who was glancing at his phone, darted his eyes to the Prince when he heard him say...

"Give me your phone."

Baffled, Matthew stood still but when he realized that the Prince was still waiting, he quickly approached him and handed the phone to him.

"Give me a minute," Felix said as he turned around. Then Matthew left the room right away.

Until now, Felix never knew that a single call would need this much courage! He tried to press the call button but he halted, his hands still in the air. Can he really do this? It's been a week, so he knew that she would be very worried now. Telling himself that he must muster up his courage even just once, he finally called her through Matthew's phone.

With a heavy heart, Yelena was about to enter her mother's hospital room when she received a call. Without expecting much, she looked at the caller ID and when Matthew's name was displayed, her heart jumped. Losing no time, she quickly answered the call and took a seat again.

"Matthew, I thought that I won't get to talk to you." She promptly said without even waiting for the man on the other line to speak up. But when she received a response, her heart skipped a beat.

"Yelena," Felix muttered her name in a very low voice.

She abruptly rose from her seat and her heart was beating faster than ever! She could even hear the sound of the rapid thumping of her heartbeat! Then pressure rushed through her whole body like adrenaline! She tried to speak up but instead, she ended up covering her mouth.

Felix didn't expect the silence. When she took longer than he expected, he was starting to feel worried. "Yelena, are you there?" He asked, anxiously clenching his fist.

"I finally hear your voice." Yelena sat down once again and heave a sigh of relief. "I think my heart was about to stop beating." She gently breathed in and out repeatedly.

If this was still the strong and confident Prince, he would find her response very amusing. But now, a sense of guilt was still lingering in his mind, tormenting him and forbidding him from smiling. Nevertheless, her voice still warmed up his cold heart.

"Felix, I don't intend to trouble you. I won't ask you if you are fine because I know the answer. I only want you to know this." She paused, nervously squeezing the fingers of her other hand. "No matter how much time you need, I will wait. Now that I hear your voice, I won't cause you more concern but... if you need me for whatever purpose, call me. If you want to see me, just make a single call and I'll be there right away."

She always prioritized many things over him but now, he was the one she wanted the most. She was willing to put aside everything else as long as he needs her. Other things could wait.

'I'll be there right away.' This sentence repeatedly echoed in his ears. It reminded him of the time when she was abducted but he was miles away. He turned around and glanced at the small globe which was placed on his desk. "I hate the distance between us." He murmured.

His words broke her heart but the tone pained her more. All his lively voice was gone. She missed the lovely sound of his chuckle and laughter. Will she get to hear it again?

"Shall I come to you?" She asked. Suppressing her emotions, the words escaped her lips with much difficulty.

Though he couldn't see her, Felix still shook his head, slowly. "No. I don't want you to see me like this."

"Really? Then tell me if you change your mind." She tried so hard to sound normal. She should be strong for now. That's what he needs. He was slowly breaking and if she breaks too, what will become of them?

"These days, I wondered what if I wasn't adamant in finding the truth? If I just accept what happened, things won't be this mess up." Felix paused, narrowing his eyes at the floor. "The truth only brings harm to me and the people I love." His voice trailed off at the thought of all sufferings caused by the bitter and cruel truth.

Yelena didn't know how to respond. After hearing him say that, how was she supposed to respond anyway?

After a few seconds, she finally broke her silence. "At least, you do the right thing. No matter what, I'm proud of you."

For a while, Felix blankly gazed at the outdoors. The beautiful nature surrounding the villa; such a beautiful view was provided right before his eyes but all he could see was darkness. Everything else was invisible in his lifeless eyes.

"I really miss you." He whispered after what seemed to be forever. "This villa was the best when you were here. Without you, it's so quiet... and dark too."

Hearing this, she closed her eyes and tears made their way out, rolling down her face. She couldn't suppress them anymore!

"I miss you too and I love you." She barely brings herself to utter these words. The man she loved was completely broken! What will she do? How was she supposed to save him from the darkness?!

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