Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 164 - Confess The Truth

When Yelena stared at him with a small yet confident smile on her face, Thomas Faery felt a bit nervous. Did he underestimate this young woman? No wonder she was the daughter of Vanessa Arista! Like mother, like daughter!

"Chairwoman, I'm only trying to express my happiness on realizing how capable you are. Don't get me wrong." He said as he slightly lowered his head.

"Oh!" Yelena exclaimed, slightly raising a brow. "Did Mr. Faery think that I'm serious?" She lightly chuckled. "I'm only joking. This is my office, not a base."

Thomas Faery forced a smile despite how uncomfortable he felt. "You're right, Chairwoman. How things work in the two places are very different. I hope you can adjust well."

For a few seconds, Yelena quietly stared at him as if she observed him and that only made the man felt more uncomfortable. After what seemed to be forever, she finally said, "I'm well aware of that. Thank you for worrying about me, Mr. Faery." She faked a little smile once again.

Thomas Faery left and all her calm facade dropped. "That sly fox. I have to do something with him." She muttered, staring at the door. How dare he investigates her!

Shaking her head, she rose from her seat and went back to her chair. She glanced at the computer which was on the left of her desk. She scrolled it down for a while but when she came across a certain article, all her movement were halted at once.

What was this?! She read the heading of one article and she clicked it right away. Her eyes grew wide as she read the contents. Trying to figure out what was going on, she quickly picked up her phone which was placed on the right. She tried to make a call but before she could do that, she received one. What a great timing!

"Felix, what's going on?" She promptly asked as she answered the call. She was about to call him but he called her first. She even forgets that it's just the second time they talked to each other ever since he returned! What's more? He called her for the first time!

"Yelena." He only muttered her name but it was enough to bring her back to reality. She finally hears his voice again!

Yelena shut her eyes and let out a breath. She opened her eyes and clenched her fingers out of nervousness and excitement. "You called?"

"I think you see the article." Felix who was in his room in the palace said in a low voice. He finished talking with his family about an hour ago and that leads to the article which was published a few minutes ago.

"You're holding a press conference? Are you okay with doing that? I don't want you to push yourself so hard." Yelena's voice was full of concern for him. The article states that the Crown Prince of Edeladon will be having a press conference but the reason was not revealed. That triggered the curiosity of the media and the people more!

"I will be fine." Felix paused and think about what he might need to say in the press conference. "About us - "

"I'm okay with it. Expose everything and let's end this matter. Only then you will be able to move on." Yelena quickly said before he could finish his words. She already knew what was troubling him.

"After the press conference, you won't be able to have a quiet day. Are you sure about this? I can conceal your identity." Felix asked.

"No matter what, we are bound to reveal someday. I think it's better to reveal it ourselves before some nosy reporters exposed us." She paused and said, "If you conceal my identity today, the press will stop at nothing to find out about me. I will still be exposed sooner or later. So, it's better this way."

Felix fell silent for a while after he heard her response. "I think I take away the freedom and normal life which you valued."

Just like their last phone call, Yelena was hurt by his low and lifeless voice. She recalled how he always chuckled at her words or actions. When will that Felix be back?

"I value you more." She muttered.

Felix narrowed his eyes at the ring on his finger. "I heard about you. You follow in your mother footsteps and take over the company. It will be hard for you. I'm sorry for not being there." 

"I have reliable people who helped me, so I'm doing fine. Don't worry about me." Though she missed her life as a soldier, now that she had went down this path, she thought that it wasn't that bad. But still, she had no intention to continue walking this path. She will only do it until her mother recovered.

"You also shouldn't push yourself too hard, Yelena. Take care of yourself. I will come to you after everything is settled. Please hang in there until then." Felix glanced at his wristwatch. "I have to go. It's time for the press conference."

"Alright. Take care." Yelena puts down the phone and blankly stared at the screen for a while. His words had made her felt at ease in the slightest bit. Then she quickly turned to the computer and enter a link where the press conference will be broadcast live.


Felix entered the conference room in the palace which was swarmed with reporters. He was instantly greeted by the countless flashing of camera lights. He first bowed and stood behind the lectern, facing the reporters. He tried his best not to let the pressure get to him.

Of course, he had did many press conference in the past but this was different. He was about to tell the ugly truth!

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming here on such a short notice. Today... " He paused, glancing around the reporters. "I'm here to confess the truth that concerns me and the royal family."

Confess? Everyone in the room exchanged glances with each other. The flashing of the camera lights become much more than before.

"I bet everyone here might already forget about the Ciza Apartment case that happened 4 years ago. A young woman who was an orphan was found dead in her apartment." He said with much difficulty and slightly narrowed his eyes but he quickly glanced straight at the front again. "It shocked the whole country but the case died very soon after it was concluded as a suicide. But today, I want to tell the whole country that it was not suicide, but... a murder case."

Everyone in the conference room raised a brow at the Crown Prince's declaration. As such, questions were endlessly thrown at him.

"Can you please explain, Your Highness?"

"Please tell us the details."

"Why did you personally addressed this matter after 4 years? Do you know the victim?"

Felix secretly clenched his fist, trying to strengthen himself. He must do this! He can!

"The victim... " Everyone shut their mouth when he spoke up. Then he continued. "Cara Laria, the victim was my lover at that time."

What?! Lover he said?! The room was filled with murmur and questions once again.

Even Yelena who was watching everything through the screen was holding her breath. However, she was fully concentrated on the Prince who didn't seem to be okay at all.

"I followed the case for the past 4 years because I had a feeling that it wasn't a suicide. Then a few days ago, with the help of the National Intelligence Agency, I find out the culprit who killed her and disguise it as a suicide."

"Now, everything is set to reopen the case. Witness, evidence and confession; all are ready to bring the culprit before the law but... he won't be charged just for murder. Abduction, threatening the witness and some other charge will be added."

What the reporters heard were already beyond their expectation. Now, they had become curious than ever!

"Your Highness, who is this culprit you mentioned?"

"What do you mean by abduction and threatening? Please explain, Your Highness."

"Do you mean that the culprit makes other moves?"

Felix fell silent for a while before he said, "Around two weeks ago, the culprit abducted someone who is connected to me. He abducted her and harm her. If I and the NIA Agents didn't reach there on time, we might end up having another murder case."

The room could never be quiet ever since the Prince declared that the Ciza Apartment case was a murder. Even now, the curious reporters were bombarding questions at the Prince.

"Who is this second victim, Your Highness?"

"Is the culprit someone you know?"

Yelena who never took her eyes off the computer screen finds herself nervously clenching her fingers. The time had come to reveal their secret and it will be followed by the most shocking truth!

"The victim... is my fiancee who currently served as the Acting Chairwoman of TR Group, Yelena Arista." The moment he finished talking, the Prince slowly loosened his fist that was already clenched for a while though he noticed the amazement on everyone's faces!

No words could explain how shocked the reporters were at that time! Their faces said everything and no explanation was needed!

Abduction? Fiancee? The Acting Chairwoman of TR Group?! Everything was news to them? On top of that, a shocking and unbelievable news! Little did they know the most shocking one wasn't even revealed yet.....

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