Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 18 - To Accept Him Is To Give Up Her Country

In the buzzy street of the capital of Silveren, two people stood still with their gaze fixed on each other. One look at the other with hope while the other one's face was plastered with guilt!

Yelena finds it really hard to answer Felix's question. She can see his pain through his eyes which made her feel guilty. She should control herself and always create a distance between them so that he won't have futile hope.​​

But why did she always change completely whenever he was around? Why couldn't she control her feelings? As far as she could remember, she was always so good at that.

"Don't be silly. It's a promise between families which already lasted for almost a decade." She brushed him off with a faint smile. "You will also have a wife soon." She added.

"Promise between families are not that important to me. If there is someone I love, I will try my best to marry that person; and that's you." Felix frankly confessed to Yelena as he stared at her right in the eyes.

Yelena could feel how serious he was! His gaze was so strong that it made her turn her head away from him; so she would be able to put herself on hold. She looked anywhere but him.

She didn't know what she just heard was good or bad news. But she knew one thing for sure - she cannot accept him.

To accept him is to give up her country, her job and the truth which she searched for six years! She cannot afford to do that; so she chose to remain silent.

Felix understand her feelings. He reminded himself not to push harder for now. He had advanced to the next step so this should be enough for now.

He was confident that she would open her heart very soon. He already saw some progress when she talked to him comfortably.

He was willing to do anything if it's for this woman; but his roots and identity were an exception. Just like her, he was also a man with responsibilities. If possible, he would spend his whole life in Silveren just to be with her!

Feeling burdened by his own thoughts, Felix glanced at Yelena with sadness. He realized that he will be leaving after a week. How hard would it be to be miles apart?

Soon he brushed off the negative feelings and tried to cherish every moment with her.

* * *

The Silveren Army Headquarters stood tall under the vast sky. The honourable place was lively as always.

The premises was one of the broadest in the whole country with a number of buildings, quarters, trees and all. Several parks and shops were also present to satisfy the families of soldiers living there.

Captain Yelena walked out of Lt. Gen. Gavin's office after giving reports and chatting for almost an hour. Though she was in a hurry, the Lt. Gen. had so many questions that delayed her more than expected. She heaved a sigh of relief after the suffocating hour.

For soldiers, spending even a single minute with a superior was a challenging task. They had to be active and alert all the time not to make mistakes.

It was more harder when it comes to a high ranking officer like Lt. Gen. Gavin. But the man favoured Yelena a lot for her achievements and her background came with a plus too. As such, it made a bit easier for the Captain.

After pondering for a while, Yelena decided to paid her grandfather a brief visit. The grandfather's office was located next to the building where she was currently at.

She had not seen him since she returned from Belden; so the old General will be pleased to meet her. She smiled at the thought of meeting her grandfather and walked down the building.

The moment she stepped out of the building, one figure in uniform appeared on the scene. Yelena instantly frowned at the sight of the man. Of all people here, why did she run into this man? He was the last person she want to cross path with!

Maybe the man saw her. His pace became faster and in no time, she finds him standing before her.

"Captain Yelena, you're here." The man grinned.

Yelena forced herself to hide her displeasure. She really wished to jeer at this despicable man; but she resisted the urge to do so. She must remember that she was a soldier. She stood in attention and salute the man.

"At ease." Major Ellis Geraci commanded. He was her 5 years senior in the Army.

Judging from the way he gazed at Yelena, one would thought that the man can't wait to devour the woman. He looked at her as if she was his prey which he hunted for years.

This was why Yelena hated to cross path with him - his obsession for her which always drive him crazy!

She tried to walk away after greeting him but the man stopped her.

"Let's have a cup of coffee together." His tone proved that he didn't plan to take no as an answer.

"I'm afraid not, sir. I came here in the middle of a mission. I have to return right away." Yelena's voice remained respectful.

As of now, she was wearing her uniform and this man was one rank above her. She should still be careful no matter how much she despised him! Offending a superior will bring her no good.

"It will not be long. A few minutes will do." He fixedly gaze at her with a wolfish grin. He was thrilled to meet his little subordinate again. As he take a closer look, he thought that she had become more beautiful than when he last saw her.

Maj. Ellis father was Lt. Gen. Haric Geraci. He was one of the most reputable Lt. Gen. in Silveren Army. Everyone knows that Lt. Gen. Haric was the frontrunner to become the next General after Yelena's grandfather retired.

Just because of his father's influence, Maj. Ellis thought that he was free to do whatever he want.

Yelena pursed her lips. Now that her superior asked for just a few minutes, she cannot totally refuse him. But she didn't want to spend even a single minute with this man!

It can't be help! She felt disgusted at the sight of him! She thinks of a way to get out of this situation until she heard a familiar voice.

"Major Ellis Geraci."

The Major and the Captain turned their head to the direction where the voice came from. A man with a badge of Major General on his shoulders and collar was approaching them. They both salute the man who possessed a formidable presence.

"It's rude to delay a soldier who is on a mission." It was Major General Ethan Arista who came to his daughter's aid. "At ease." He commanded the two young officers.

The father was about to go to his daughter when he spotted her coming out of the building; but Major Ellis beat him at that. He decided to observe them but when he witnessed how his daughter was put in a dilemma, he rush over to aid her.

"I apologize, sir." Major Ellis instantly changed his attitude. Even though he was boiling with anger on the inside, he didn't want to put himself through another trouble. Besides, the influence that Major General Ethan Arista had in the army was huge.

"You may go now."

Major Ellis saluted the man once again and walked past him. But he immediately stopped his movements when he heard the voice.

"Wait, Mr. Geraci."

The man didn't addresed him with his rank but his name. Major Ellis was bewildered! He turned around to face the Major General again.

"As a father, I advise you to stay away from my daughter. I won't tolerate such scene again. Besides, my daughter is already taken."

The father's voice was calm but Major Ellis understood right away that it was a warning!

Major General Ethan's formidable presence and with his warning adding fuel to the fire, Major Ellis immediately walked away from the father and daughter like a scaredy cat.....

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