Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 180 - If Only He Could Turn Back Time

Yelena pressed her left hand against the side of her head. She couldn't believe what just happened!

"Ella, answer me. No!" She shook her head and picked up her bag again. "Where are you? I will come to you." She was anxiously waiting for Ella's response but...

"Yelena, do you still remember the thing we often say during our training days?" Ella muttered from the other line.

Her response only made Yelena felt more anxious. Just what was she thinking?!

"Like it or hate it, we already choose to walk down the path of a soldier. So, let's be an upright soldier till the end." Ella who was alone in her room slightly smiled. "That's what we always say."

Yelena took a seat in her bed, helpless. "Ella, you will regret this."

"I know," Ella said, staring at her family photo which was always placed on her desk. "But if I turn a blind eye to it, I'll regret more. What's more, I don't want to lose you or Arias."

"I don't want you to get hurt either," Yelena argued. The more she stared at the thing in the parcel, the more she worried about Ella.

"I already made up my mind, Yelena," Ella said and took a deep breath. "As I said in the letter, the hearing device I sent you is connected to the one I secretly planted in my father's study. He always handled everything in his study, so it will be very useful."

"Ella, think twice - "

"I have no time for that, so I sent it to you. But please, inform me if you know anything. All I want to know is the exact truth. Even if this gets exposed, you don't have to worry. I will handle everything. As you said, I'm his daughter no matter what."

Yelena tried to speak up but...

"I'll hang up now. Please don't let my efforts turn to waste." Ella instantly ended the call without even waiting for Yelena's response. Then she stared at her family photo again. "You did the right thing, Ella. It's the right thing." She repeatedly reminded herself though it was like impossible to convince herself!

Yelena slowly puts down her phone and stared at the device in the parcel. Was it really the right thing to make use of this?! Though it will surely be more than useful, she finds it hard to make a decision.

She won't have to hesitate if she was the one who planted the spying device in Lt. Gen. Haric's study room but... it's Ella who did this. Besides, she was well aware of how hard it would be for her friend.

She sat still in her room with her gaze fixated on the parcel. She had no idea of what to do!

* * *

The Next Day 

When it was evening, many articles regarding the case of Prince Alonzo was published as the court had announced its decision in the afternoon. 

With two murder cases, abduction, threatening a witness and creating a fake suicide note and some other crimes under his name; Alonzo was sentenced to life imprisonment. What's more, he was stripped of all his royal titles and was reduced to a commoner.

Just before Alonzo was taken to prison, he was allowed to meet his mother as per the Crown Prince's request. Felix takes his aunt to the detention center where Alonzo was detained. He will be sent to prison right after this meeting.

For the first time in a few weeks, the mother and son sat on a chair opposite to each other while Felix stood behind his aunt. The room was very quiet and no voice could be heard yet the mother never took her eyes off her only son who was now convicted of murder and many cases. After what seemed to be forever, Princess Gianna finally spoke up.

"During the past weeks, I never stopped wondering how my only son grew up to be this kind of person. But I raised you without a father and... I am responsible for all your actions, Alonzo. I failed in raising you to be a decent person."

Alonzo who was narrowing his eyes at the table during the whole time, darted his eyes to his mother when he heard her. He tried to say something but... his mother shook her head and that made him shut his mouth.

He might be a heartless man who was blinded by jealously and the feeling of being unloved and neglected. However, his mother was the one whom he truly loved and cared about. He was always an obedient son who never went against his mother's words. Growing up without a father, he had a special connection with his mother. This was why the mother felt more guilty.

If she realized about her son earlier, will she still be able to guide him to the right path?! Her ignorance was what killed her on the inside!

"If I pay a little more attention to you; if I show you more love than I did before; you won't turn to a monster." Princess Gianna muttered.

"Mother, it's not - "

"It's not my fault. Is that what you're trying to say?" His mother finished it for him and he turned away. "I'm your mother. If I'm not responsible, then who would be?"

"You claimed that you love that girl, Alonzo!" Princess Gianna snapped. "She was your cousin's lover yet... " She shook her head and clenched her fist. "You killed her and even disguise it as a suicide!"

"Mother - "

"Do you even know how I'm ashamed I am? Like a monster, you killed an innocent woman and even Cayden. You harm Yelena and Gina. Above all... I was the one who brought that monster to this world!" Princess Gianna grunted and tapped her chest. "Do you know how much I wish to tear apart this body that gave birth to you?"

Getting too worked up, the already weak Princess started coughing and Alonzo immediately panicked. However, his hands were bound by a handcuff and there was nothing he could do. He rose from his seat and looked at his mother with concern.

Felix promptly poured a glass of water for his aunt and helped her drink it. "Your body is still weak, Aunt Gianna. It's not good for you to be too worked up."

"I already lose the will to live, Felix. I don't care even if I die now. It's better for me to die than to live in shame." Princess Gianna murmured.

His mother's words stabbed Alonzo's heart like a knife. Losing all his energy, he abruptly sat down on the chair again. "Please don't say that, Mother. I was wrong and I will pay for my sins. But please... don't say that again."

"You still care about your mother? Then do you even think of me when you were about to kill those two innocent people?! You live without shame for four years and now, you will pay for your sins?! Even if you are imprisoned for a thousand years, Cara Laria and Cayden won't come back to life! Gina won't get her legs back either!"

Alonzo's eyes were fixated on the table. His mother rarely raised her voice at him ever since he was a child and seeing her this angry, he couldn't look at her. Much more like he doesn't dare!

"Alonzo." Princess Gianna muttered when she stared at her son who didn't even dare to look at her now. "Do you know why I hated myself the most? Because after all the things you did, you're still my son whom I love more than anything else in this world. It can't be helped, I'm a mother."

Alonzo finally turned to his mother when he heard the most unexpected words. His reaction was a mixture of surprise and guilt.

"That's why I will spend all my remaining times to repent for your heinous sins. Though I don't know how much time I still have left." Her voice trailed off when she muttered the last sentence.

Alonzo looked at his mother and her pale and lifeless face only made him more anxious. He also heard that she hadn't recovered from her illness and... he knew that he was the reason. Hurting his mother was the last thing he wanted to do but... he was too blinded to think through this when he committed those crimes. Now, it's too late.

He abruptly stood up when his mother rose from her seat. "Mother." He muttered. Pain and guilt were evident in his eyes.

Princess Gianna stood still and just for a few seconds, she turned to her only son who will be locked up in a prison right away. Though her heart was torn to many pieces, she turned away from him and walked out of the room.

Felix tried to follow his aunt right away but...

"Please look after my mother for me."

He turned to his cousin when he heard his low and lifeless voice. He fell silent for a while and said, "She is my aunt. That's my duty." He left the room, leaving Alonzo all alone.

Staring at the door where his mother just left, Alonzo's reaction was indescribable! He was the one who ruined his life but... he never once thought that it would cost him his mother! If only he could turn back time and make all decisions while thinking of his mother; will his life turned out this way?

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