Yelena and Felix entered Ella's house after half an hour car ride. When the Captain's eyes landed on the man who welcomed them, her eyes flickered.

"Major Ellis?" She didn't expect him to be home at this hour. What's more, she wasn't that pleased to see him as her memories of this man were all bad ones.

"Captain Yelena." Ellis Geraci nodded with a calm face. "Are you here for Ella?"

Yelena had known this man for years and it's the first time he talked to her normally. As such, she can't resist the urge to raise a brow. However, when she realized that he was staring at her, she promptly said, "Yes."

Major Ellis briefly glanced at the man who was quietly standing beside Yelena. He recognized the Prince but he turned back to Yelena right away. "She already locked herself up in her room for the whole day. You can try talking to her but... I'm not sure if she would let you see her."

The Captain nodded. "I will give a try."


"You can go. I will wait here." Felix said to Yelena with a little smile. Then the Captain walked upstairs where Ella's room was located.

Yelena wasn't feeling confident. She already tried calling Ella while she was on her way here. However, her friend's phone was off.

She often spent time in Ella's house while they were cadets and she knew the Geraci Mansion well. She halted when she reached the door to Ella's room. Her hand paused in the air when she was about to knock on the door.

Could she really do this? She shut her eyes and questioned herself once more while her hand still lingered in the air. She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She must do it. She needed to face it anyway! Then she finally knocked on the door, once.

"Ella. It's me, Yelena. Can we talk?"

There was no response. Yelena knocked it again for the second time. "Ella, please open the door."

Still, there was no response and anxiety surged in her mind. Shouldn't Ella at least tell her if she didn't wish to see her for now?!

Her eyes were widened a bit and she knocked it for the third time, harder than ever. "Ella, are you there? Open the door."

As anxiety rushed through her, she was about to knock it again right away until...

The door was suddenly opened, revealing Ella who was standing on the door. Eleanor observed her friend who was wearing her uniform that was slightly wet. "Why are you here?" She asked in a low voice.

"I'm worried about you and... " Yelena paused, staring at Ella's lifeless face. It had been a while since she last saw her and she had become so thin. After a while, she finally continued by saying, "I also missed you."

Ella forced a little smile when she heard her friend. "You rarely said that. It's not your style."

"I know but... I'm telling the truth." Yelena muttered. Her anxious face was now calming a bit.

"I know that too. You don't lie." Ella said and paused before she added, "Come inside."

The two friends sat down on the couch and for a few seconds, the room was very quiet. If it's not for the incident, Ella won't be able to stop blabbering and Yelena would listen to her with patience again. That's how it always goes.

"Arias told me about the video you obtained from Sergeant Korin," Ella muttered, finally breaking the silence that already goes on for a while.

"Ella, you don't have to - "

"I'm Lt. Gen. Haric Geraci's daughter, Yelena. However..." she paused and turned to her friend. " I won't apologize to you on his behalf. That will only put you in a dilemma. I don't want to hurt you again."

"Right now, you're the one who is in more pain." Yelena promptly said. "Don't worry about me."

There was a subtle smile on Eleanor's lips. "You never change, Yelena. But the truth is... the pain I'm suffering now is nothing compared to your six years suffering. That's why I want to apologize as your best friend."

Yelena blinked in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I never know your pain and struggles during all those years. I'm sorry." Ella turned away and took a deep breath. "You always comfort me even when I have just a little worry yet I have no idea about your pain. I only knew that you are deeply hurt by your brother's passing but I never know the story behind it."

"I was the one who kept it from you. It's not your fault." Yelena muttered.

"I know you will say that." Ella shifted her gaze back to Yelena. "You don't have to walk on eggshells around me. In fact, the one who does that should be me. After all, my father takes away your brother from you and... I know how much your brother meant to you."

Eleanor knew that her father didn't just kill Yelena's brother but also shattered the world of a 19-year-old girl. That's why it was more difficult for her. If that didn't happen, what would Yelena's life be like now?

She still remembered how Yelena was like before she befriended her. Her life was dull and dark. She worked hard and she was always the best but... there was never a smile on her face.

That made Ella curious and she wanted to know more about her. As such, she kept on pestering her and stick to her like glue. Slowly, Yelena started to open up to her and her smile returned little by little while the two girls formed a tight bond.

Ella thought of the past and Yelena wasn't much different. She was also thinking of her past with Ella, the one who entered her dull world at her lowest times.

"I will never forget that you're the one who made me regain my smile six years ago," Yelena muttered after a few seconds of silence. "No matter what, I won't blame you. You're my friend."

Finally, there was a small yet genuine smile on Ella's face. It was so different from the fake smile and Yelena knew it right away. The scene warmed up her heart and ease her anxiousness.

"We will always be friends. I won't make the same mistake anymore." Ella earnestly said. She didn't want to lose her only friend again. It happened once and it was hell. She didn't want to go through that hell anymore!

Yelena tried to speak up but... she was interrupted when the door to Ella's room was suddenly opened. The one standing at the door with an anxious face was none other than Arias.

The Colonel glanced around the room and when he saw Ella with Yelena, he let out a breath in relief. He couldn't reach his girlfriend for the whole day but he couldn't just leave work. He rushed to her house as soon as he gets off from work and ran here, ignoring Ella's brother who was talking to him when he entered the house.

Yelena smiled when she saw the Deputy Commander. Then she turned to Ella. "I'll leave now. Talk with Colonel Arias."

Ella nodded and Yelena walked out of the room right away while Arias made his way to Ella. When the Colonel observed his lover, he felt a bit at ease. She seemed to be better than yesterday.

"I'm sorry, Ella. I should have come sooner." He muttered while sitting next to her. His gaze never left her ever since he appeared on the door.

"Since when did we start apologizing to each other for prioritising our job?" Ella calmly said.

As lovers with the same profession, they knew the nature of their work well and they always understood even when they couldn't have time for each other. They never complained or argued over their busy schedules.

When Arias fell silent, Ella holds his hand. "I know it's hard for you too yet you still care more about me. I should be more considerate in the future."

"You don't have to hide it if you're in pain," Arias said in a low voice.

"I never say that I'm not in pain," Ella said. "However, I refuse to break down. I still have you and Yelena. My brother also changed a lot. A lover, a friend and a brother; each one of them cared about me a lot. That means I still have something to expect, hope."

Arias let out a breath and hugged her. "I was so scared that you won't be able to be the same anymore. Don't worry, Ella. I will never give up on you. And I will never allow you to lose hope."

Ella smiled and return his hug. "Can you deliver a message to your parents?"

The Colonel pulled back and glanced at her with a confused face. "A message?"

Ella nodded. "There's not much time left before the exam. Even if I don't make it this time, I will try again next year. But... only if they still accept me." Her voice trailed off when she recalled her father's crimes.

The McLean's were reputable and well-known in the country. Would they still be able to accept the daughter of a 'murderer' and a 'traitor' to be their daughter-in-law? Ella wasn't confident.

"Don't worry. My parents won't blame you. I will make sure to deliver your message." Arias said to her with a warm smile.....

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