Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 202 - The Royal Couple

6 Months Later 

In a luxurious car which was parked in one corner of the buzzy streets of Edeladon, a young woman wearing an uniform was sitting on the backseat, staring at the people who gathered for some event with a smile on her face.

"Do you wish to join too, Your Highness? If that's the case, you can do it tonight. His Highness will love to attend the festival with you." It was Matthew who was sitting in the driver seat.

Through the front mirror, he glanced at the Crown Princess who seemed to be fascinated by the liveliness of the festival which was going on in Edeladon.

"I'm not sure, Matthew. Today is supposed to be a holiday yet... " She narrowed her eyes at the files which were placed on her thighs and shook her head. "I still have to attend a meeting. Why does it have to be today?"

Matthew laughed and turned to the backseat, observing the uniform of the Edeladon Army which the Crown Princess was wearing. The rank of a Major was on both of her shoulders and there was a nametape that reads 'Yelena Valestra.'

"But I still doubt that you will regret choosing that uniform." A teasing smile was on the Chief Guard's face.

"You know me the best," Yelena remarked with a smile and briefly glanced at the crowd before she turned back to Matthew. "Let's go. I will attend the meeting first and then make a plan later."


The meeting which was held in the Edeladon Army Headquarters was about the joint training between the forces of Silveren and Edeladon. It was first scheduled to take place months ago but due to the incident in the Silveren Army, it was postponed. Only now that it was brought up again.

Yelena was among the officers who will guide and supervise the training. So, her presence was necessary.

However, she was surprised to know that one of the two officers who came to Edeladon as the Representative of Silveren Army was Brigadier Arias McLean. After the meeting, the two took a walk around the vast Headquarters, chatting along the way.

"You seem to be adjusting well," Arias said to Yelena with a genuine smile.

"I spent three months studying the structure of my current forces. It helped me a lot." Yelena responded. "Ella is so hard to reach these days. Is studying medicine that tough?"

Arias slightly frowned. "Don't get me started. Ever since she was admitted to that Marie School of Medicine, she never had time for me. She is crazy about studying."

Yelena chuckled at the Brigadier's words. "I haven't met her again after your wedding. I really missed her."

"Don't worry. There will be a chance soon." Arias promptly said.

After chatting for a while, Arias left the Army Headquarters but Yelena still needs to meet the General of the Edeladon Army.

When she entered the General's office, Brigadier Lexus was also there.

"You want me to lead this joint training from our side?" Yelena repeated the General's words as she finds it hard to believe them. Was that even appropriate?!

General Roland Lewin nodded. "We talked about this in the meeting with other officers and we think you are the best choice for this."

The Major was perplexed. She didn't know that this was possible. She even felt tight-lipped as it was too unexpected!

"Why? Is there any problem?" General Roland asked.

"This would be a great chance for you." Brigadier Lexus Jivaro also said to her in a calm voice.

"I know but... I'm still adjusting here. Besides, that's the task of someone with high rank, not a Major like me." Yelena frankly replied.

The General slightly smiled. "This is a joint training. There are no criteria about ranks and any elite commissioned officer is eligible. Don't be too modest, Your Highness. No one would complain about this decision."

"I will help you in every way possible. You don't have to worry about this." Lexus assured her once again.

Yelena thought for a while and finally nodded. "If you trust me enough, then I will give my all."


"Are you going home right away?" Lexus asked Yelena after they left the General's office.

"Yes. I'm glad that we can wrap up the meeting smoothly." Yelena said with a little smile.

Lexus leaned a bit towards her. "Felix called me in the morning and asked me to attend the Royal Festival with him tonight. He told me to bring Gina and... " His lips curved into a playful smile when he said, "He also asked me to keep it a secret from you."

Yelena laughed when she heard the Brigadier's last sentence. "Your cousin really love surprises." She remarked.

"Though it's held annually, for you, it's your first Royal Festival. He didn't want you to miss it." Lexus promptly said and glanced at the car which awaited Yelena. "Alright. Seems like we will meet again tonight. So, I won't bid you goodbye."

Yelena nodded with a smile. She gets inside the car and returned to the palace.


"You've returned? Did the meeting went well?" It was Queen Nicola who asked her the question as soon as she entered the main room of the palace.

Yelena took a seat next to her mother-in-law. "It went well." She glanced around and turned back to the Queen. "Where is Father?"

The Queen frowned. "After taking some shooting classes from you, he is obsessed with guns these days. He went to practice again."

Yelena chuckled. "He is a diligent learner. He will master it very soon."

"He better master it soon. At this rate, he won't even have time for other things." Queen Nicola clicked her tongue.

Yelena smiled and when she turned to the right, she saw Princess Gianna who just returned. A few months ago, Yelena and Felix persuaded the aunt to stay with them in the main palace. After many failed attempts, Princess Gianna finally agreed and live with them.

"Today is a holiday, aunty. You still work?" Yelena asked the Princess with concern.

Princess Gianna shook her head with a smile. "I only check out some of our shops. On my way back, I saw people celebrating the Royal Festival. So, I spent time with them for a while."

"It's a lively festival. You should attend with Felix." The Princess calmly added and Yelena nodded.

Queen Nicola glanced at her wristwatch and frowned. "It's late. Why is your father still not home?"

Yelena chuckled when she saw the King who was already making his way to them.

"Why are you so nosy these days? It's only 5 p.m." King Lawrence Valestra said as he approached his wife.

The Queen turned away from him with a displeased face and the King turned to Yelena. "You're back? I heard that the General wants you to lead the joint training."

His words instantly piqued the curiosity of the Queen and the Princess. They darted their eyes to Yelena with a flustered face.

"Yes. I already accept but... I still feel uneasy." Yelena said in a low voice.

"Don't feel that way. I know you will do a great job. You're the pride of our royal family." King Lawrence earnestly said, regarding his daughter-in-law with a satisfying smile.

"Your father is right. You are capable enough." The Queen added and Princess Gianna nodded in agreement.

Yelena finally smiled again. "As long as you trust me, I can do it."


Felix was having a video call with someone when Yelena entered the room. He darted his eyes to her and turned back to the video call. "She's here."

With a confused face, Yelena walked to him. Then she saw her family on the screen. Her mother, father and grandfather; they were all there.

"Yelena, Felix told us that you went out for a meeting. He also said that you are so busy and you don't even have time for him in the holidays." Her mother promptly said.

"That's right, Mother. But I will make it up to him later." Yelena said and glanced down at Felix who looked at her with a playful smile.

"Are you doing fine? Tell me if your husband doesn't treat you well. I will come right away." It was her father this time.

Yelena chuckled and once again, she glanced at Felix. "Don't worry, Father. He is still doing a great job."

Her response made her parents laughed and Felix slightly frowned.

"Grandpa, are you bored these days? It's been a while since you retired." She asked, staring at her grandfather who seemed to age a lot.

"Not bored at all. I went fishing often and I also made many new friends." The grandfather replied. When he smiled, wrinkles formed in his forehead and some part of his face.

"Take good care of yourself, Grandpa. I will visit you soon." Yelena calmly said.

"Alright. Don't worry about me and take good care of your husband and his family. Work hard in your job too." Logan Arista advised his granddaughter.

Yelena nodded and her mother quickly spoke up. "We won't bother you anymore. Goodbye." She waved at the couple and ended the video call.

Yelena turned to Felix who was staring at her the whole time. The latter rose from his seat and wrapped his arms around his waist, leaning down to kiss her but... Yelena put her fingers on his lips. "We have to attend the festival. We don't have time."

The Prince blinked in surprise. "How do you know that?" He instantly frowned when he figured out how. "My cousin has become so nosy." He whined.

"Nosy or not, we must prepare right away if we want to attend the festival on time." Yelena simply said.

Felix pulled back with a displeased face. "Alright. Let's dressed up."

Glancing around their wedding photos hanged in their room, Yelena smiled and turned to the Prince. She closed the gap between them and planted a kiss on his lips. Her action made the Prince blinked but he smiled again the next second.

"Let's hurry." She said with a playful smile and he quickly nodded.


In the Royal Festival, the royal couple were joined by Lexus and Gina. Gina was still sitting in a wheelchair but Lexus always takes good care of her. They also planned to marry after a week.

The moment the royal couple showed up at the festival, there was quite a stir. People gathered them and admired them which must be suffocating but the future King and Queen treated them all with patience and kindness.

Out of their love for the country and the people, they blended themselves with the people and remained approachable even for all kinds of people.

"Your Highness, I see your photos where you wear a uniform. When I grow up, I want to be like you. I will become a soldier and marry a handsome Prince." One little girl said to the Crown Princess with a pure smile.

The Crown Prince and Crown Princess glanced at each other with a smile. Then they both bent their knee to match the little girl's height.

"I can't wait to see that. You should grow up soon." Yelena said, rubbing the little girl on her head.

"You can become a great soldier like the Crown Princess but..." Felix's lips curved into a playful smile when he said, " I doubt you will find a Prince as handsome as me."

At his response, the crowd burst out into laughter and he gently patted the little girl on her shoulder.

The crowd snapped the lovely photos of the royal couple with the little girl while the couple glanced at each other with a carefree smile on their faces yet their eyes never failed to show their deep love for each other.

All the people there knew how they succeeded in balancing their love and their duty. There's no need for competition between the two.

----- THE END -----

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