Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 21 - The Peace Day 2

At the moment, the only thing that all the soldiers in the room could think of were the people. There were thousands of people in the stadium. If a bombs were to explode, there will be a bloodbath!

The man realized that he just had a slip of tongue. He instantly kept his mouth shut to not leak any other information.​​

Colonel Maverick grabbed the man on his shirt and gave him a hard punch. "You asshole! You are okay with killing all the innocent people here?!"

The huge force of the punch made the man fall on the floor. But the usually calm Colonel had no intention to stop. He grabbed the man and continued punching him.

The soldiers were not brave enough to stop their superior. They stood still, looking at the scene anxiously. Yelena realized that she needs to do something. Besides, she was the second highest rank in the room, next to Colonel Maverick.

She bend down and hold back his arms. "Please stop, sir. You can do this later. We need to find a way to save every soul here. Please, sir! I beg you." Her voice remained respectful.

To be honest, she also barely resisted the urge to kill the man! But saving the people must come first.

Colonel Maverick soon get ahold of himself. He was always an intelligent and calm man; but knowing that thousands of souls in the stadium were in danger, he lose his cool for a brief seconds.

He take a deep breath and stand up. "Lock that man away. Make sure that he cannot sneak out!" He ordered with an authoritative tone, which the soldiers complied right away.

Yelena stood next to him. "Sir, if they could carry an explosives inside the stadium even after going through a thorough check, then there is only one possibility."

"That means they have an allies among us." Colonel Maverick opined. "There can also be another possibility. Maybe they replaced our men." He concluded.

"Captain Yelena."


"Check all the footage of the entrance and find out all those who entered without checking. We didn't have much time." The Colonel ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

Yelena and the other two soldiers went to the control room to check the CCTV right away.

Colonel Maverick make a call and ordered the bomb experts and diffusal team to gather immediately. They were very careful not to alert the enemies. If their enemies knew that their plan was exposed, they might take the initiative to explode the bomb before they were caught!

* * *

Inside the stadium, the people and the Representatives were sitting happily not even aware of the things going on around the control room. The event recently started and the Prime Minister of Silveren was currently having a welcome speech.

Prince Felix's eyes swept around every corner searching for a certain woman. Where did she go? Wasn't she supposed to stay by his side? Did something happened to her?

He grew more and more anxious as each second passed! But still he must maintain his composure and act normal as many eyes were on him.

* * *

"Did you find anything?" Colonel Maverick asked Captain Yelena as soon as he entered the control room.

He just finished briefing the bomb experts and diffusal team about the situation. He also called the Headquarters and received permission to take any necessary measures.

Yelena handed him some files. "These are the informations of the agents who are supposed to do the checking." She show him a footage of the south entrance and then paused the video. "The two agents on this gate are not the ones appointed. What you said was right, sir. They indeed replaced our men."

"What about the bombers?"

"I checked all the videos and finds 10 people who entered without going through a check. But I'm not sure how many of them carry an explosive with them." Yelena replied.

"That's good enough. Circulate those ten photos among our men. We must find them before they have any suspicion. Be careful not to alert the enemies." Colonel Maverick commanded.

Captain Yelena send out the photos to all military personnel who were on duty inside the stadium.

"This is control room. Ten people with explosives are among the crowd. I repeat. Ten people with explosives are among the crowd. Their photos were already circulated. Make sure to apprehend them before they notice. Over." The Colonel gave out his order.

As soon as the order was received, all the standby soldiers inside the stadium were divided into 11 groups. Each group will arrest one bomber each while the remaining one group will be ready to help the groups if anything happens.

Yelena and the other soldiers keenly observed the CCTV camera to find the the 10 people. They find some of them in no time but in order to take action, all of them must be located first. They need to catch them all at once!

If they catch some of them before locating the others, it will cause a huge tragedy!

A few minutes had passed and with a bomb which could explode at any time, the soldiers grew more anxious. But their lives was the last thing they worried about. Thousands of innocent people were in the stadium not even knowing that they could die any time! They must save them no matter what.

"I locate them all!" Yelena's words rang a bell of joy in their heart. Were everyone finally safe? But it's still too early to be at ease. The real work still needs to be done!

They gave the location of each bombers to their men. The soldiers blend in the crowd, disguising themselves as an ordinary people. They must make sure that they catch them in the hands, so that they will be unable to press anything.

Colonel Maverick gave them the countdown order from the control room. "Apprehend them when I finish counting! Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Now!"

All the soldiers moved in unison and caught the 10 men at once!

"Mission succeeded, sir! All the 10 men were caught!"

When everyone in the control room heard the report, they let out a breath that they didn't even know they were holding!

"Bomb diffusal team. Time to move!"

The people were a bit startled due to the action; but they all calmed down very soon.

The soldiers thought that everything was taken care of, until they heard a gun shot!


A bullet was released in the air! It made the people afraid and run away for their lives!

Captain Yelena immediately turned around and look at the screen to find out what had happened. She was sure that they were 10 people. No more or no less. How come she spot another two men with a pistol?

There could only be one possibility. They received the pistol from those 10 people!

The soldiers on standby were dealing with the bombers. Only one group were there to deal with those 2 men with guns. They were out of men! Colonel Maverick called the Headquarters and asked for back up right away.

"Sir, I will go there. Please give me your permission. We are out of soldiers!" She asked Colonel Maverick.

Most of the elite teams were escorting the VIPs out of the stadium while the bombs were in the process of diffusing. They just can't sit still and wait for back up while the people were in danger!

"Be careful, Captain." The Colonel gave her permission and Captain Yelena rushed to the stadium with some soldiers. Colonel Maverick needs to stay behind to put things in control.

* * *

"Your Highness, you need to get out of this place first. Ensuring your safety is our duty!" Lt. Morris tried his best to persuade the Crown Prince.

They were almost out of the stadium when the Prince suddenly stopped his movements.

"Answer me first. Where is Captain Yelena?" The Prince refused to move even a bit.

Lt. Morris was in a dilemma. He cannot force the Crown Prince even though it was his job to protect him. "Captain may still be inside the stadium."

Prince Felix didn't need to be told twice! He take out a Glock 19 Gen 5 pistol that was hanging on his waist and ran back to the stadium.

"Your Highness, it's dangerous!" Lt. Morris and the other team members went after the Prince. They didn't even know that the VIP brought such a weapon with him.

Prince Felix stopped his movements and turned around to look at the team members. "You won't know because you never asked me. I'm very skilled in combat and shooting guns."

He then turned around and ran towards the stadium.....

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