Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 24 - I Will Love You More And More

In the enchanting royal palace of Edeladon, Felix right hand man Cayden met the King and Queen as the Prince order. Judging from the look on their face, it was evident that they were not pleased with the news brought by the Prince's guard.

"Did you say that the Crown Prince will be staying at Silveren for a while? Why? He already finished his duties there!" The Queen of Edeladon, Nicola Valestra exclaimed with a bewildered face.​​

"Yes, Your Majesty. His Highness send me here to inform you this." Cayden replied the Queen with an utmost respect.

"Isn't it your duty to protect the Crown Prince? How can you leave him with just two guards in a foreign country?! You should have tried to persuade him to return!" The Queen reprimanded the guard with anxiousness.

"I apologize, Your Majesty." Cayden lowered his head and apologize to the Queen.

"That's enough, my queen. You know how stubborn our only son is! We are his parents but we can never made him change his mind once he made a decision. How could Cayden possibly do that?" King Lawrence Valestra, the father of Prince Felix calmly said to his wife.

"You know what happened just yesterday. Silveren is not safe for our son! What if he gets himself in danger?" The Queen almost stuttered at the thought of the incident that happened in Silveren the other day.

The King held his wife's hand to comfort her. "Fret not. Our son is smart and capable. He will be okay."

"This is weird." Prince Alonzo Vasari, the cousin of Felix said to the King and Queen. He was the son of the King's older sister, Princess Gianna.

"What is weird?" The Queen immediately asked her nephew.

"Felix have no reason to stay in that country while knowing that it was not safe for him; unless..." He looked at his uncle and aunt with a playful smile. "Unless he has a woman there."

The King and Queen instantly turned to Cayden, demanding to hear the truth. "Speak." The King ordered.

"His Highness told me to inform you that he has found the one he love; so he doesn't plan to marry anyone else. He wants you to stop searching a bride for him." Cayden replied, mustering all his courage.

The Prince should just tell these things to his parents himself! Why must he be the one to report? He was not the one having a new lover!

"So, you're saying that the Prince remain in that country because of a woman? Did he plan to stay there forever?!" The Queen completely lose her cool.

She always remain elegant like a dignified Queen; but this was too much!

Her only son won't come home even after a month all because of a woman! On top of that, the woman was from Silveren!

"His Highness said that he will return briefly when he can. At that time, he will tell you the details himself." Cayden replied.

Briefly? The King and Queen glanced at each other in disbelief. Their son had gone mad! Maybe he was away for too long that he had forgot his homeland!

* * *

Prince Felix stayed by Yelena's side for the whole day. He didn't leave the hospital room for even a second. He sat next to her bed and talk to her even though she cannot heard him.

"Did you know that you are always very cruel to me? First, you left me without any word in Belden. I searched for you everywhere and I was so happy when I finally met you again at your base. But you totally ignored me, breaking my heart again."

"You keep on pushing me away no matter how much I tried to make you open your heart for me. Then now, you are lying like this. Don't you think this is too much?"

He fold his arms and placed it on the bed. He then placed his chin on it and look at her. "But I still love you. I was not sure about my feelings when we were in Belden. But when you suddenly disappeared, I realized that you were already in my heart."

"You turned me into a helplessly patient man. Even when you ignored me, I was satisfied if I get to see you smile because of me. You warm up my heart that has been frozen for a long time. You suddenly entered my lonesome life and turned it to a beautiful mess."

"When you said that you are glad with my presence that day in Belden, I felt like I have found a long lost piece of me. The feeling was so warm that it made me want more. That's why I immediately asked you to meet up again the next day."

Felix smiled at the pleasant memories of them that day. After all, that memory was what keeps him going on even though she brushed him off each time.

"I love you, Yelena. I suddenly realized that I had never said these words to you. From now on, I will tell you as much as I can that I love you. Each day, I will love you more and more."

Unbeknownst to Felix, all his words and actions were witnessed by a man who stood near the door.

It had been a while since General Logan Arista entered his granddaughter hospital room. After having a press conference and meetings with the high ranking officers about the incident, he finally finds the time to visit her.

When he entered the room, he unexpectedly saw a young man who was talking nonstop to his granddaughter who didn't even heard him. The young man was not even aware of his presence as all his attention was focused on his granddaughter.

He listened to the things that the young man said to his unconscious granddaughter. He finds it very amusing even though he still doesn't know who the young man was as he only saw his back. He keeps on standing near the door, listening to what he said.

Felix finally sensed the presence of someone in the room. He quickly turned around and saw an old man in uniform. He recognized the man as the General of the Silveren Army and the grandfather of the woman he loved. He immediately rose from his seat when the old man approach him.

Mr. Logan Arista was a bit startled when he saw the young man's face. He too thought that the man had already returned to his homeland. He approached the man and slightly bowed to show his respect. "Prince Felix."

Though a General showing respect to one of the leaders of their ally country was completely normal, Felix felt uncomfortable when it happened.

Maybe because the old man was Yelena's grandfather. He once heard her talking to her grandfather on the phone and he could tell how much she admired and respect this man.

"General Logan Arista." He greeted the old man. He felt a bit embarrassed thinking about how long the man had been standing there. "Do you hear everything?" He asked him formally.

"That's not important, Your Highness. I used to thought that my granddaughter would be very lonely. But now that I realized she has someone by her side who loves her and cherish her, I can be at ease." The General said with a smile.

He didn't care about this young man's identity as long as he truly love his only granddaughter. Besides, from what he heard just now, it seemed like his granddaughter also felt the same. That's the only thing that matters.

Felix was a bit taken aback by the General words. But he didn't show it and smiled instead. "Thank you, General."

Mr. Logan Arista nodded in response and look at his granddaughter. His heart break at the sight of her. But the presence of Felix greatly comfort him.

Maybe his granddaughter had a good eye for men. As people often said, true nature of a people came out when they are alone.....

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