Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 26 - I'm A Good Shooter

Felix thought that the stubborn woman would instantly push him away like she always did. But the woman was very calm and obedient this time!

He was so happy that he tightened his embrace, but regret the very next second.

"Ouch! That hurts!" Yelena yelped in pain. The wound on her chest roughly clashed on Felix's body when he tightened his grip.

"Felix immediately withdraw his body. "Sorry! Sorry! I'm so thoughtless." He exclaimed with guilt but he smiled again when he witnessed Yelena's smile.

"Unfortunately, I'm still a patient. You should be careful next time." Yelena teased him.

"Next time? Does it mean you want me to hug you again?" He said with a playful smile.

Yelena quickly kept her mouth shut; but decided that it was not the best idea when she saw his victorious smile. "Ah! That was a slip of tongue."

"Slip of tongue?" He smiled. "Didn't you know that we always speak the truth when it comes to a slip of tongue?" He continued to tease her with a menacing smile.

Yelena finds herself at her wits end! But she didn't want to lose, especially to this man!

"Aww! It hurts!" She placed her hand on her injured chest, faking to be in pain! Just like she want, Felix perfectly fall for her trick!

The menacing smile instantly disappeared from his handsome face. He bend down and hold her. "How much does it hurt? This is not good. Let me call for a doctor!"

He was about to rush out to find a doctor but immediately stopped when he heard a laughter. He turned around and blinked in surprise!

Wait! Did she just took advantage of her wound? Did she just play a trick on him? And he falls for her trick?!

Yelena cleared her throat and maintain her composure. "As I said before, Your Highness, I'm still a patient. Just a fragile patient." She repeated with a roguish smile.

The poor Prince has to admit defeat. What if she continues to take advantage of her wound in the future? It's obvious that he would always fall for the same trick if it's about her injury!

He sighed and went back to his seat. "Okay, I understand. You are a patient; but you should behave like one."

"Fine. Then where are my family?" Yelena asked.

"They put you under my care and went home." Felix simply replied.

"They all know about you?"

"Yeah. Why won't they know me when I take care of you everyday?"

Yelena lowered her eyes. She was never good to him; but he always shower her with love and even look after her when she was unconscious.

He even remained in a foreign country because of her. Did she really deserve this when she always treated him poorly?!

"Why didn't you return to your country? Didn't you hate me for being cold to you?" She muttered.

"Why would I hate you when I love you? You are the most important to me!" He firmly replied her.

"Are you a fool? Are you a pushover?" She frowned at him.

He must also love himself! Why must he always care only about her? She didn't want him to live that way!

"I'm willing to be a fool or even a pushover if it's for you. I will only look at you and only care about you as long as you love me back. No...I will do that even if you don't love me!" He declared.

He looked at her right in the eyes to prove that he was serious.

Yelena remained silent for a while. But when she saw Felix eagerly waiting for her to give him an answer, she finally lose the ability to hold back herself!

"I love you." She finally said the three words which the man was dying to hear for a long time!

Felix didn't saw it coming at all! He was waiting for her to give him an answer; but this was beyond his expectations! His eyes grew wide in disbelief!

"What did you say?" He cannot believe his ears. He wanted to make sure that he didn't hear her wrong.

"I said I love you, you fool! I -"

Before Yelena could finish her words, Felix rose from his seat, bend down once again and sealed her lips with a gentle kiss.

Felix slowly pulled his head back and gently held her on the neck. Yelena could feel the rapid thumping of his heartbeat which match hers.

"Don't you dare go back on your words. If necessary, I will even chase you to the end of the earth." His lips curved into a smile.

"The same goes for you." She replied confidently.

"Then what will you do to me?" He asked her.

Yelena pointed at her wound. "I'll shoot you. The pain will be two folds compared to this." She said with a devilish smile.

She then leaned towards him and whisper in his ear. "You may not know; but I'm a good shooter."

Felix chuckled at her response. "Is this how it feels to have a soldier as a girlfriend? But why do I have a feeling that you will try to shoot me even if I upset you a little?" He teased her.

"Will you make me upset then?" She said with a serious tone.

"No, ma'am!" He responded right away.

* * *

While the two love birds were completely lost in their own world, Mrs. Vanessa Arista was visiting the Serano family mansion.

Maurice Serano and his parents, Mr. Aaron Serano and Mrs. Catherine Serano welcomed her. In fact, they were surprised to have such an important guest first thing in the morning. After all, the woman was the most influential businesswoman in the country.

"What brings you here, Mrs. Arista?" Mrs. Catherine Serano asked Mrs. Arista with a friendly smile.

She was the type of woman who was obsessed with power and fame. She was also the one who insisted to let her son marry the only daughter of TR Group.

"I'm sorry for visiting unannounced. But I think that there is a thing that need to be sort out. After much consideration, our family thought that it would be best to break off the engagement of our children." Mrs. Arista informed the Serano family.

All the Serano's were equally shocked at the sudden news. After 7 years of engagement, they want to break off now? How ridiculous!

Maurice Serano was about to say something but his mother beat him at that.

"You want to break off the engagement? But why?"

"It may be sudden for you, but I think that my daughter has suffered enough. Even though Maurice have returned, she didn't want to do anything with him. I respect her decision and I want her to lead a happy and independent life like she did now." Mrs. Arista explained.

Mrs. Serano resisted the urge to roll her eyes. The Chairwoman of TR Group only used to care about the growth and profits of her business. But now, after many years, she want to become a good and affectionate mother? How funny!

"Mrs. Arista, just because you want to break off the engagement which already stands for 7 long years, it will just be broken? I think you have no respect for us." Mrs. Serano coldly responded.

"I think you have forgotten about her deal, Mrs. Serano. It says that the engagement will be annulled if one of us wish to do so." Mrs. Arista shifted her gaze to Maurice Serano.

"Besides didn't you know that a part of it is your son's fault? If he didn't change his mind or abandoned my daughter 6 years ago, this will never happen. Instead, they might already be married by now!" She frankly pointed out the truth.

Maurice Serano felt so guilty and ashamed that he couldn't utter any single word.

"But -"

"That's enough." Mr. Serano interrupted his wife. He then looked at Mrs. Arista. "I understand. Let's break off the engagement as you wish. I know that we are the one at wrong." He calmly said.

"Thanks for understanding, Mr. Serano. I hope this won't affect our partnership." Mrs. Arista replied with a faint smile. She still wished to maintain their years of friendship.

"Of course. Business is still a business."

"Then I won't take up your time anymore. Goodbye." Mrs. Arista rose from her seat but before she could take a single step, the words of Mrs. Serano instantly stopped her from moving.

"Why didn't you bring your daughter? Isn't she supposed to be present while discussing such matter? How unrude of her!" Mrs. Serano scoffed.

Mrs. Arista was fumed with anger! She won't tolerate any sarcasm when it comes to her only daughter.

"My daughter? How can she come when she was fighting for her life even until yesterday?" She snapped. But she regret it right away!

She didn't plan to tell them about Yelena's injury. She was afraid that they would make a big fuss about it!

"What happened to Yelena?" Maurice asked right away. He rose from his seat and looked at Mrs. Arista, demanding for an answer.

Mrs Arista sighed. "The female Army Officer who got shot at the Peace Day was my daughter. She received surgery and was in a coma for three days. She only wake up last night."

She looked at Mrs. Serano with her sharp eyes. "Now that you know why my daughter cannot come, can I take my leave now?" She said in a sarcastic tone.

She didn't even need a response. She turned her back at them and leave right away.

But before Mrs. Arista reach the door, Maurice Serano ran past him and rushed to the hospital where Yelena was admitted.....

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