"I bet your brother will be very proud of you." Felix said with a warm smile. He had already heard her mentioned about her brother once at Belden. He had a feeling that the brother must be very special for her.

"You can lean on me if you have a hard time. I will be a strong pillar for you." He planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.​​

Yelena's face brightened up at his gentle reassurance. He really had a way of making her feel better.

"Then what about you? You never say anything about yourself." She asked.

His smile faded when he heard her question. "Later. I will tell you everything once you recover." He forced a little smile as he gently stroke her hair.

The forced smile! It's the first time she finds his smile not convincing; but she knows the best that everyone had a secret which they couldn't easily reveal to others.

"Okay." She smiled as she made a decision to be patient with him just like he did for her.

Unexpectedly, they heard the sound of the door being opened and two men entered the room.

The two lovers looked at Lt. Morris and Colonel Maverick in surprise. Yelena only wake up last night. How did the news spread so fast? Just like them, the two men also stared at them with a bewildered face.

"Your Highness, what are you doing here?" Lt. Morris asked with a confused face. Colonel Maverick was equally surprise as he also recognized the man.

Prince Felix struggled to answer the seemingly simple question. He was completely okay with exposing their relationship but he wondered how it would affect the woman since she was a soldier. He tilted his head to her, giving her a pleading look.

Yelena chuckled at his reaction. Did the confident Prince really struggled for words to say? She made a mental note to print his reaction in her mind as it was such a rare sight!

Lt. Morris stared at his Captain with an amazed face. Did she really chuckled in a carefree manner? It was the first time he witnessed such a scene! What really happened here?

"He is not Prince Felix. He's Austin, my boyfriend whom I met in Belden." Yelena explained with a smile.

Felix quickly turned his head to the woman. Since when did she became so brazen?! Maybe he didn't knew this woman at all!

He deliberately cleared his throat and awkwardly smiled. "You would have many things to talk about. I will leave so that you can talk freely." He hurried out of the room as if he was being chased out.

Yelena stared at the disappearing form of Felix with a bright smile. She stared at the door for quite a while, completely forgetting about the presence of the two men in the room!

Oh no! What will he do? His Captain had transformed into a lovestruck woman! She even forgot about their presence! 'She is just like her grandfather' Lt. Morris thought to himself.

"Captain." Lt. Morris called out the Captain who keep on staring at the empty door.

"Huh?" Yelena was finally brought back to reality. When she saw Colonel Maverick who was standing next to her, she immediately sat straight to greet the high ranking senior officer.

"Don't bother. Gunshot wound must not be lightly treated. Besides I know very well how it feels to get shot in the chest." Colonel Maverick said to her.

"Thank you, sir." Yelena responded.

"I'm so glad that you're getting better. I was so worried, Captain." Lt. Morris exclaimed with a bright smile. "Don't worry, Captain. When the new operation is launch, we will wipe out all the members of that crazy organisation. This will never happen again."

"Operation?" Yelena asked dumbfoundedly.

"The higher ups will launch an operation to wipe them out. It was already approved by the Parliament and they were also declared as a terrorists." Colonel Maverick explained. "Me and Lt. Morris might probably join the operation. Our whole army is very eager to take revenge for you."

How Yelena wished that she could join the operation too! But the doctor had clearly said that she needs at least 8 weeks of complete rest.

A single day hadn't even passed; so there's no hope. As far as she could remember, this type of operation was never delayed for long.

"Please be careful." She said to the two men.

Colonel Maverick's phone went off and he was about to went outside to pick up the call. But before he reach the door, he heard a thing which attracted his attention immediately.

"Did you check Nolan Iselin's condition?" Yelena asked Lt. Morris.

"Yes, Captain. Though there are some improvements, he will still needs time to fully recover. We need to be patient."

Colonel Maverick listened to them with a fully opened ears. In order to avoid suspicion, he walked out of the room after he heard Lt. Morris response.

Yelena was a bit disheartened at the news. Even though it was only a little over two weeks since Nolan Iselin was hospitalised, she had already waited for six years to find out the truth! She had become more and more impatient now.

Besides, there was Prince Felix on the other side now. In order to go to him and leave everything else aside, she must find out the truth and resolve everything first!

"I started to lose my ability to stay patient, Morris. But I cannot do anything now. I was told to rest for two months." Yelena's voice was low. She was afraid that they would fail to find out the truth. Besides, six long years had already passed!

"Don't be discouraged, Captain. I'm still here. I will not stop digging the truth. If I find any information, I will inform you right away." Lt. Morris reassured her.

"Thanks, and I'm sorry. You always need to work hard alone." She looked at him with an apologetic face.

"I think we must return now. The higher ups summon us." Colonel Maverick entered the room before Lt. Morris could answer Yelena.

"I understand." The Lieutenant responded. The two men bid goodbye to the Captain and hurried to the Headquarters.

* * *

It was midnight. Colonel Maverick was all alone in his room. He cannot sleep because of what he heard at the hospital room.

He sat on a chair, placing his elbows on the table. "Captain Yelena Arista and Lt. Morris Flavian. What are they up to?" He said to himself.

Wait! Morris Flavian? As in Eric Flavian?! His eyes grew wide open at the realization! Was he the brother of that late Eric Flavian?!

The younger siblings of the two late officers? They even digged about Nolan Iselin, the only survivor among the three friends. Something is fishy!

He thinks hard, trying to figure out what was their purpose. He then picked up his phone and called one of his subordinates and ordered, "Lt. Morris and Captain Yelena Arista. Find out what they are up to. I want every information of their whereabouts. If anyone suspicious visit Captain Yelena, inform me right away."

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