Mrs. Arista was tight lipped for a while. Though she hated the fact that Yelena joined the army despite her constant opposition, she still loves her as she was her only daughter. She also used to have a son; but Yelena was a special daughter for her. She loved her son but she loved her daughter more.

Her late son, Marvin Arista was destined to join the army to continue the family legacy; while Yelena was destined to take over her business. She was her heiress and she raised her that way. She tried her best to make her a perfect heiress; but now, all her efforts were ruined.​​

She chose Maurice Serano to be her son in law because she thought that he was a good guy. Though many conglomerates asked for her daughter's hand, she chose the heir of Serano Group. The engagement was more like a business deal; but she would never sold off her daughter to someone who doesn't worth it. That was why she chose Maurice for her daughter.

But Mrs. Arista was wrong. Maurice was not a good guy and he even hurt her daughter. Due to this, she even tried to cut ties with the Serano Group; but the latter constantly begged her and promised her that they would make up for it. So, she let it slide for the sake of their years of friendship. But she always felt guilty whenever this topic was raised. Then she made up her mind.

When Maurice return to Silveren, if he failed to make it up to her daughter; then she would surely cut ties with the Serano Group. After all, TR Group was more influential than the Serano Group.

Even though she feels guilty towards Yelena, she never showed it. She was still upset with her joining the army.

Mrs. Arista was born and raised as the only daughter and heiress of TR Group. If she wants something, she would always have it. Due to her upbringing, she was not good at showing her emotions. As such, she was never a warm and affectionate mother to her children.

"Don't worry, Mother. I will marry Maurice like your plan. I didn't care about him anyway so I'm okay with anything. Plus, I didn't plan to fall in love. I will only marry him to save your face." It was Yelena who broke the silence as her mother seemed to be at loss for words. In fact, she was quite taken aback by it because she was never able to win against her mother.

She live the first 19 years of her life according to her mother's plan. The dress she should wear, the things she should learn, whom she should befriend, the way she should behave; all these were controlled by her mother. Though her mother never had time for her due to her busy work schedule, she always had the time to give her these types of instruction.

Mrs. Arista struggled for words to say. She wanted to tell her daughter that she didn't plan to force her. She didn't want to see her being hurt again. "Yelena, I only - "

"Mother, please! Please let me breath! I'm tired of living as your puppet." Yelena brush her off.

"Enough!" This time, it was the father who finally spoke up. He rose from his seat with his gaze never leaving his daughter. His tall figure created a formidable presence.

"You shouldn't talk to your mother that way." Mr. Ethan Arista snapped.

"You finally break your silence." Yelena simply said. She didn't care about her father's words. Now that her mother had finally stopped talking, Yelena tried to leave the room to greet her grandfather. She turned her back at her parents and approached the staircase.

"Stop there!"

It didn't work. Yelena didn't stop her movement.

"How dare you ignore your parents!"

Still no response.

"Is this how a soldier should behave?"

Yelena finally stopped her movements. She turned around and faced her parents once again.

"In the army, you never disrespects me. But how come you never listened to me as your father?!" Mr. Ethan Arista scowled.

"Because you are only a good soldier, not a good father." Yelena deadpanned. Just as she turned her back at her parents again, she heard a voice from the staircase.

"What is happening here?" It was Mr. Logan Arista, the head of the Arista family.

Yelena's face softened a bit at the sight of her grandfather. She faint a smile and tried to walk up the staircase; but her grandfather had already began to walk down. The old General was still fit enough and he reached the floor in no time.

"It's nothing, Grandfather. Just a small argument." Yelena tried to reassured her grandfather.

Mr. Logan Arista eyed at his son and daughter in law; but both of them have no intention to answer him, much more like they could not. They just stood still at their place.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa. Let's have dinner together next time. Something came up and I need to go now." Yelena deliberately lied. She didn't want to stay here anymore. She hated the atmosphere. She gave her grandfather a small hug and turned around to face her parents.

"Mother, you always asked me why I keep on traveling during my holidays. Did you ever notice that I keep on traveling to a single place? Besides, it is at the same time every year. You and father may not remember; but I never forget what Belden is for me and my brother." She muttered. Then she leave the house right away, not turning back even once.

Though Mr. Logan Arista wanted to stopped his only granddaughter from leaving, he cannot do so. He understood that she didn't want to face her parents anymore. He admitted that a part of it was also his fault. He should have paid more attention to her during her younger days. He heavily sighed and returned to his room.

Yelena's parents were bewildered. What did their daughter just say? They had no idea. Then suddenly Mrs. Arista eyes grew wide open due to the sudden realization!

She heard that Yelena will spend a week in Belden. After two days, it will be the birthday of their late son. Did Yelena travel to Belden every year at this time to celebrate her late brother's birthday?

Realization struck Mrs. Arista! She finally remembered that the siblings traveled to Belden on the 23rd birthday of Marvin. It was not supposed to be an unforgettable memory as they always travel to different places together, until it became the last time they traveled together and the last birthday they ever celebrated together; as Marvin passed away that year.....

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