Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 42 - Who Is The Leader Here?

1 year ago in the terrorist base in the countryside

The newly formed Team Delta was carrying out their first mission. The aim of the mission was to wipe away the group of terrorists who recently highjack a train where some of the passengers were killed.

Captain Yelena leads her team to a secluded place in the countryside forest. When they reach there, they noticed that the base of the enemy was not a huge single house but three houses of medium size.

For a team of five, it became a very challenging task. They were aware that the number of terrorists was below 10. It was why Team Delta was tasked with the mission despite a very few number of team members.

"Captain, what will we do?" Lt. Morris muttered to the Captain. They hid behind the trees with a gun on their hand. They were very careful not to make a sound.

"Let's separate. Sergeant Calvin and Corporal Jena will enter the first house. Lt. Morris and Private Lewis will enter the second house and I will enter the final house." Captain Yelena commanded her team.

"Captain, you cannot enter alone. It's very dangerous." The team members protested, worrying about their Captain's safety.

Captain Yelena was not fazed by her team members protest. She checked her guns and look at the time. "We don't have much time. The more time we waste, the more dangerous it will become. So, rather than worrying about me, focus on our mission."

She adjusts her earpiece to communicate with the base. "This is Phoenix. Asking permission to start the mission. Over."

The team members stared at their new Captain who doesn't seem to be troubled by their messed up situation. Her confidence and focus were at another level. No wonder she was promoted to Captain just after a year!

"Focus and be alert all the time. Remember, a single mistake could cost you your life or your teammate's life." Yelena calmly instructed her team.

After receiving permissions to enter the bases, they slowly entered their assigned house. Captain Yelena entered the final house alone with high alert. As she was alone, she needs to cover her front and her backside at the same time. She held her gun and scanned every corner. Even a single sound of her footsteps cannot be heard!

"This is Phoenix. Team 1 and 2. Report your situation. Over." She ordered in a very low voice.

"This is Crow. No enemy spotted in the first house as of now. Over." Sergeant Calvin made a report.

"This is Eagle. No enemy spotted in the second house either. Over. " Lt. Morris responded.

"Carry on. Report anything suspicious. Over and out." The Captain continued to search the house.

Few minutes passed but it was very quiet to the point where she even became suspicious of it. Her team still have no report either. They were clearly informed that the terrorists were there but no living being was found there.

She concentrates and thinks about every possible answer until she heard a footstep that approached her from the back. She made her grip on the gun tighter. She suddenly turned around and pointed her gun at the person.

The one who approached her was none other than Private Lewis. The Captain let out a breath which she didn't even know she was holding. She then lowered her gun. "What are you doing here, Private?" She asked.

"Captain, we lost connection and we cannot reach you. We spot some enemies in house 2 and the Vice-Captain keeps an eye on them. We need to go there." Private Lewis informed the Captain.

Captain Yelena immediately tested their communicating device to reach the base or Team 1, but nothing worked. They were supposed to ask for back up if anything goes wrong. The other teams were on standby for that.

Now that they lost their connection, they were placed in a dilemma but they don't have time to lose. "Let's go there." The Captain said and they immediately approach the exit of the house.

When something crossed Captain Yelena's mind, she suddenly stopped her movement. "No! This can't be." She muttered to herself.

"What is it, Captain?" Private Lewis immediately asked her.

"We lost our connection the moment you see the enemies, isn't it?"

"Yes, Captain."

Yelena's eyes grew wide in disbelief. She already had a bad feeling about it when no one was outside to guard the base. Besides, it was suspiciously quiet. And now, it's connection lost!

"This is a trap! They know that we will be here tonight!" Yelena immediately composed herself, refusing to panic. "As soon as we get out of this house, run straight to the place where the standby teams are waiting. You must bring them here." She ordered the Private.

"I understand!"

The two started running towards the door again with only one thing crossing their minds. They must save their teammates. They desperately hope that it was not too late until they heard a voice.

"Come out here. We know you are inside the house. If you don't come out right now, we will kill your teammate." One terrorist shouted from the outside ground.

Yelena lowered her head and closed her eyes. Was it too late? Will she be able to save her team members?

Realizing that they had no choice, Captain Yelena and Private Lewis slowly stepped out of the house. Sergeant Calvin and Corporal Jena from the first house did the same when they heard the enemy's voice.

The moment they stepped out of the house, they were pointed with a gun on their head. They saw Lt. Morris kneeling on the ground with both his hands tied to his back. He was held back by two men with two guns pointed at him.

"Drop your guns and come closer. If you try anything, then you're dead." The leader of the terrorists, who was a man in his 40s commanded them.

All the members of Team Delta glanced at their Captain to know her decision. When the Captain nodded her head, they drop their guns in unison and walked towards the middle.

The terrorist leader glanced at them with a blank face and ask them, "Who is the leader here?"

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