Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 44 - Don't Ever Disappoint Me Again

"I agree with your suggestion. We will release your team members. Now, give me the gun." The terrorist leader extended his left hand to Captain Yelena while still pointing a gun at her with his right hand.

"Release them first and I will surrender. But I won't drop the gun until I'm convinced that they are safe." Not a single hint of fear and anxiety was evident in Yelena's face and actions. She stood there, unfazed by all the guns pointed at her and the obvious rage of the terrorists who were eager to see her fall.

The leader exchanged glances with his men, reading their opinions. After a minute, he finally nodded his head. "Release the others." He ordered his men. "Make sure to relay our message to your superiors." He said to the team members with a threatening tone.

"Captain! We cannot leave you like this!" Lt. Morris shouted while the other members instantly agreed with him.

"How will we face the General and our Commander?"

The Commander they were referring to was Maj. Gen. Ethan Arista. He was the Commander of the Rayvix Special Forces at that time.

The Captain's eyes were locked to the terrorist leader the whole time. "My grandfather will understand my decision and the Commander has nothing to do with me. Leave now! It's an order!"

The members reluctantly move when they heard their Captain. Lt. Morris narrowed his eyes and look at the Captain's left hand that was on the side. He blinked in surprise but hide his expression right away. The Captain was giving him some secret message!

Was this what their Captain was thinking? Did she confidently sacrifice herself because of this? But no matter what, being in the hands of the enemies can be hell, even if it's for a short time! He memorized what he saw and immediately leave with the other members.

Captain Yelena stared at the disappearing form of her team members and after they were out of her sight, she finally lowered the gun. The moment she did that, she was held back and her hands were tied behind her back. She was then brought inside the base.

* * *

Back to the present

Lt. Morris nervously stood beside Yelena's bed when old memories flooded his mind. "Captain, I -"

"Didn't you still not understand what I'm trying to say, Morris?" Yelena snapped. "Fear? It's a dangerous trait, especially when dealing with our enemies. Did you know that throughout the one year working together as a team, I only focus on teaching one thing to my team members? 'Be brave when needed. If you can't, then you must at least behave like it.' That's what I always teach you."

"I know, Captain." Lt. Morris hung his head low. It was the first time he witnessed his Captain this angry and it made him feel embarrassed of himself!

His Captain never mentioned that incident to them. She didn't want them to mention either. It was the same incident that made them trust and follow their Captain wholeheartedly. They were completely devoted to her.

But now that she mentioned the incident herself, it was a proof that she was really disappointed in him.

After leaving their Captain like that, they report their situation and seek help to the Army leaders. The secret message was 'after 2 hours' and they did just that. They launched another attack after two hours with the help of the standby teams and achieved their mission!

Of course, Captain Yelena made a great contribution. She made a move from the inside after two hours and help the team to achieve victory. Despite being injured due to the torture, she keeps her promise and made a move after exactly two hours.

"Morris, did you know why I made such a decision back then?" Yelena asked in a calm voice. "If I said that I'm not afraid, then it would be a lie. I tried my best not to show any weakness. After all, I'm only a human too. But I made that decision because I trust you. I trust that you saw my secret message. I trust that you will comply with that."

"Even now, you're still the comrade which I trust the most. If we are ever stuck in that kind of situation again, I bet I will still do the same...because you are worth the sacrifice."

The Lieutenant lifted his head and looked at the Captain with a bewildered face. He was about to respond but the Captain continued her words.

"So, get ahold of yourself. No matter how powerful the enemy is, he is still a devil who has no shame even after destroying many lives. And our mission is to end him." She paused for a while and shifted her cold gaze to Morris. "Don't ever disappoint me again with your cowardice behaviour. If that happens, then I won't forgive you." She stated firmly.

"I understand. I won't give up. But Captain, I will report in for a mission tomorrow. The General finally launched an operation to wipe out the organization that harm you. I will join the mission as a special member and Colonel Maverick will lead the team." Lt. Morris informed her.

The new operation? Yelena raised a brow. She thought that it would take at least another week for it to take place. She didn't expect to happen this soon. She really hopes that there won't be any more casualties or deaths.

"Okay. Be careful and don't feel troubled by the disappearance of the Iselin's. Felix's men also look for them; so we will find them soon." Yelena said, inwardly hoping that the Iselin's will be alright.

Lt. Morris was a bit taken aback by Yelena's words. One thing came to his mind; if his Captain was willing to tell these matters to the Prince, then it means she was serious with him. She never shared her problems regarding this matter with others before. He was happy knowing that Yelena had found happiness but he decided to not talk further about it. "I will do that." He responded.

Then the door opened and they were both surprised to see who the visitor was. Lt. Morris immediately stood in attention and salutes the General.

"At ease." General Logan Arista commanded and the Lieutenant complied right away. He stood still with his hands behind his back until the General take a seat.

"I'll excuse myself then." Lt. Morris saluted the General once again and turned around to leave the room.

"Thank you for always looking out for my granddaughter, Lt. Morris Flavian. You are one loyal soldier." The General said which immediately stopped the man's movement.

Lt. Morris turned around again at once. "It's my pleasure, sir." He firmly responded.

The old General nodded in approval and the Lieutenant finally leave the hospital room after saluting the General once more.....

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