Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 46 - A Pleasant Morning

From the interior of a lavish private jet, Yelena lowered her eyes to admire the enchanting view of her homeland under a pleasant morning. It had been a while since she boards her family's plane.

Felix sat beside her with an amusing smile. The happy face of the woman made him feel at ease. But the ride ended in no time as the villa was not that far by plane.

A large number of security guards were already dispatched to the villa to ensure the safety of the couple. Out of the three men who stay behind with Felix, two carried on the mission of searching the Iselin's while one stays with the Prince to be his attendant.

They were welcomed by some maids and workers who looked after the villa and the farm. The atmosphere in the countryside was different for sure but in a pleasant way.

"Shall I make breakfast for you?" Felix excitedly asked Yelena as soon as they finished unpacking.

Breakfast? No. Yelena recalled the homemade foods that Felix brought for her in the hospital days ago. No words would be able to define how horrible the taste was! Didn't he still not realized that he was a horrible cook?

Yelena pursed her lips, trying to hide her reluctance. "Umm...let the maids worry about that. How about we have a small tour of the villa and the farm?" She deliberately suggested the other.

"Sure then." Felix agreed without a protest which made the woman inwardly sigh in relief. He had no idea about what's going on in her mind!

He offered his arms to her and Yelena happily cling onto it. They walked out of the villa and the first place they visit was a stable and a medium field next to it.

"All my family members love riding horses, except my mother." Yelena scanned the horses and smiled. It had been so long since she last rode them.

Sadly, everything reminds her of her late brother. He was the one who taught her how to ride a horse. Every single place of this villa contains sweet memories that turned bitter now. The more sweet the memory was, the more bitter it became!

Before Yelena realized, Felix already hopped on to one of the horses. Coincidentally, the horse was Yelena's favourite. It was a black Arabian horse gifted to her by her brother on her 12th birthday.

"Hey, that's my most favourite horse!" Yelena said as she approached him. "Do you even know how to ride?" She said with a sarcastic smile.

"What's his name?" Felix simply replied as he rubbed the horse.

"It's Midnight. I named him that because he was so dark like midnight." Yelena said with a light chuckle.

"Watch me. Don't be too surprise." He winked at her and shifted his attention to the horse. "Let's go, Midnight."

For the next few minutes, Yelena watched Felix who rides the horse around the field. His actions made her blink repeatedly. He was a real pro!

She dumbfoundedly stared at him for the whole time. She was so blown away to the point where she didn't even notice that Felix was already approaching her.

"Tell me. How's my riding skills?" Felix said with a proud smile.

"Huh?" Yelena turned her head around with a flustered face. "It's not bad." She bluntly commented.

Felix let out a light laughter. "Well, you must be too proud to ask where I learned such skills so I will tell you. I learned horse riding since I was a child and I even became the Captain of my College Equestrian Club. Currently, I'm the President of the Equestrian Federation of Edeladon."

"Who asked you that? You're such a show-off." Yelena remarked with a displeased face while inwardly scolding herself for asking him whether he knows how to ride or not.

Felix finds her expression so satisfying! He decided to provoke her more. "Why? Are you feeling embarrassed? I just prove you wrong." He said with a victorious smile.

"Whatever. I'm going back." Yelena turned her back at him and leave the field.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Felix get off the horse and followed her but he was still unable to suppress his laughter.

"Don't walk so fast! You're not healed completely!" He warned her and fastened his speed to catch up to her but Yelena showed no signs of slowing down!

"How childish!" He muttered to himself and trailed behind her while calling her name from time to time.

"Didn't you say that you will give me a tour?" Felix grumpily complained as soon as he caught up with Yelena but they were already inside the villa. It was so fun to tease her that he can't bring himself to stop.

"There's a change of plan. I suddenly prefer to rest for the day." Yelena showed Felix a menacing smile which disappeared the next second.

Felix confusedly rubbed the side of his head. "Okay. Rest then. I will prepare breakfast."

Yelena, who was about to go upstairs immediately stopped her movement. Not breakfast again! She awkwardly turned around and flashed an appealing smile. "I suddenly think that it will not be good to rest now. We must not waste such a beautiful morning, isn't it?"

She approached Felix and pulled him out of the villa again before the Prince could say anything.

Felix was taken aback by her actions. What's wrong with her today? She keeps on changing her mind! But it's good that she changed her mind again, isn't it? Besides, he really wants to spend the morning with her. He played along and go wherever she leads him.

"Okay, here we are. This is my second favourite place." Yelena happily showed a vast orchard to Felix.

Felix scanned the area and then shifted his gaze to Yelena with a blank face. "Do you like fruits that much?"

Yelena snickered at the absurd question. "I like fruits but I love nature more."

Felix simply nodded at her response. In fact, he was feeling quite baffled. It's his first time seeing such a huge orchard. But he admits that all the ripe and enticing fruits that were still on the trees were quite a sight to behold! His lips consciously curved into an appeasing smile while he was staring at the breathtaking orchard.

Yelena chuckled when she saw him smiling over the fruit trees. Didn't he just behave like he was not interested? She clings to his arm and explained the area to him. "We have many kinds of fruits here. Apples, oranges, cherries, pears and even nuts." She pointed the left side which was a little different from the orchard. "We also have a vineyard there."

"It will be quite tough to look after all these fruit trees," Felix commented. His gaze was still fixed to the orchard and nothing else. Before this moment, he never knows that he will be this interested in farming and it's related activities.

"Yeah. But there are many workers here and they are mainly from this area. Twelve years ago, my brother suggested a good idea in favour of the workers here and we still apply the idea." Yelena replied.

"And what is that?"

"We hired many poor workers from nearby areas. We let them look after the orchard and the farm on the other side. They do all the work and we also give them all the money earned from these fruits and vegetables. In exchange, they took great care of the villa and it's surroundings."

"Judging from the number of fruits and vegetables, I think they will earn a great amount of money each year." Felix calmly said.

"That's true. But the workers are also not less in numbers. They won't earn a fortune but it will be enough to provide for their families." She explained the condition.

Felix nodded and take Yelena's arm off him and instead fits her palm perfectly with his. "Then shall we have a tour of the orchard?" He flashed a smile.

"Shall we?" She responded as she lovingly tilted her head to the left.

"Let's go." They happily walked towards the orchard while holding hands.....

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