Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 55 - Bad And Haunting Memories

When Yelena woke up the next morning, a ray of sunlight had already entered her vast room. Feeling startled at how late it seemed, her eyes darted to the small clock next to her bed.

It was already 9 in the morning! She blinked an eye as she recalled how sleeping too much had become a habit since she came to this villa.

After spending more than 6 years in the military including her training years, waking up early and stick to a tight and strict routine had become a normal lifestyle for her. But the past month was the opposite.

She sat on her bed and shook her head, not liking the fact that she had become more lazy and undisciplined. If she didn't fix as fast as possible, it will be a pure torment the moment she returns to her job. Not to mention that it was only a week away!

She sighed and tried to get off from her bed but something caught her attention. A small paper was placed on the table next to the clock. She simply took the paper and unexpectedly, it was Felix's letter.

The Prince had written the letter to tell her that he needs to go to the nearby town to meet his cousin who came to visit him. He also wrote to call him as soon as she wakes up.

She took her phone and call Felix with a smile on her face. She was quite surprised that he left her behind but judging from his protective and over-worrying nature, it makes sense. He won't allow her to spend two consecutive days outdoors.

"Sleepyhead, you only wake up now?" Felix just reached his destination when he received the call. Glancing at his watch made him chuckled. Waking up at this hour, it would be his loss if he simply let go of the chance to tease her, isn't it?

Yelena instantly frowned when she heard the Prince. He never missed the chance to make fun of her! "I wake up just now. Do you really have to make fun of me first thing in the morning? You really kill my mood."

"Who says that it was first thing in the morning? Do you know that I already reach the town which required a two-hour drive?" Felix stood next to his car, giving some time for the call. His cousin was already waiting for him but it's fine. As always, she comes first in his life.

"Okay. I give you that." Yelena immediately admitted defeat. After all, he was only telling the truth. "Who is this cousin? Alonzo?" She asked, changing the topic quickly.

"Nope. If it's that childish cousin of mine, I won't bother to drive hours just to meet him. Besides, we already met him yesterday. That's more than enough." He strongly cut off the possibility of Alonzo to be the cousin in question. He had enough of his childishness, at least for now.

"Then who?" She asked, wondering who it might be. She instantly figured out that it was not someone from the royal family as the Prince only had one cousin from his father's side and that's Alonzo. So, this valued cousin might be from his mother side.

"My only cousin from my mother's side. He is the only son of my mother's only sibling. I'll tell you more about him later." Felix responded.

Yelena simply nodded. "Okay. Have a great time with your cousin. Don't worry about me and spend as much time as you could." She blurted out.

"Woah! Now that I'm not there to nag you, you can't wait to spend your time freely, right?" Felix's teasing question was followed by light laughter. He thought that she would complain for not bringing her with him, but who would have thought that she would be more than happy to be alone?

He helplessly shook his head. She had become more and more unpredictable.

After he ended the call, he entered a luxurious hotel and ride the elevator to go to the floor where his cousin was staying.

He stood in front of one lavish suite and pressed the doorbell. Only seconds passed but the door was very quick to open.

Gazing at the young man who opened the door for him, Felix's lips curved into a smile. "Lexus."

"Felix." The cousin named Lexus greeted him. He then stepped inside to have a chat with his cousin whom he had not seen for months.

"You're still the same," Felix commented as his eyes swept around every corner of his cousin's hotel suite. Everything was in place, neatly arranged and freaking clean. He was also that type but his cousin was at another level.

At 29 years old, Lexus Jivaro was three years older than him. A man of strong principles and discipline; not to mention that he was one of the most elite officers of the Edeladon Army and the first to achieve the rank 'Brigadier' at such a young age.

"The same goes for you." Lexus simply said. "The only thing that change is your heart."

The Brigadier had heard some news from his aunt, the Queen and he was greatly amused by it. His cousin had finally opened his heart again and it was the best news for him as he was the one who witnessed all the sufferings of this Prince.

Felix chuckled when he heard Lexus. "Did my mother ask for your help? She would probably ask you to talk me out of this."

"Then what about your opinion?" Lexus asked. "Do you think I will do that?"

"No." The answer came before even a single second passed, which brightened up the usually stern face of the reputable Brigadier even in the slightest bit.

"If you know, it's great then." Lexus sat on the couch, crossing his legs. "Aunt Nicola was very emotional when she called me and she didn't even explain properly. So, I want to ask you why she was so opposed to your new relationship." He inquired Felix.

In fact, he was sure that the Queen told him every detail but... he was too occupied to listen to her. Besides, his aunt was a dramatic person. He preferred to hear the details from his cousin.

Felix took a sip of the coffee which his cousin prepared for him. "It's quite complicated." He started. "What do you think troubles my mother the most? The fact that my girlfriend is from Silveren or..." He made a deliberate paused and then continued. "The fact that she's like you."

Lexus, who was about to have some coffee paused his movement at once. His eyes darted to Felix and put down the cup of coffee. "What do you mean?" He asked. He had some speculations going on in his mind but he refused to believe it.

"Like that." Felix pointed the uniform of Lexus which was neatly displayed on one corner. The three-stars which were gold in colour, along with the National emblem of Edeladon which was placed in the shoulder were what made the uniform very enticing. It was a proof that the man was a Brigadier by rank.

For a split second, Lexus doesn't believe what he heard. But when he saw Felix's confident smile, he knew that it was the truth. He continuously glanced back and forth between his uniform and his cousin until he let out a light chuckle which startled his once confident cousin.

"I can't wait to meet her." He said. He raised the cup of coffee once again, finally having a sip of the drink.

"Are you serious?" Felix stared at his cousin with a bewildered face. He rarely saw him chuckle like that.

"Yeah. Tell me more about this interesting girlfriend of yours." Lexus simply replied with a nod.

Felix still doesn't understand his cousin. He thought that he would say it was not appropriate to date a soldier from a foreign country, especially Silveren. But without questioning further, he answered Lexus question. "She's a Captain and it's been two years since she joined the Army. Her -"

"Two years?" Lexus raised a brow. "If she's already a Captain, that means she is above average." Lexus cut him off, even though he didn't spare him a glance.

"Yes, she's an elite officer, just like you. She is also the General's granddaughter." Felix said again. He never knew that his aloof cousin could be this interested in others. Maybe because they had the same profession.

Did soldiers had some kind of magic bond between them? At the moment, Felix even regretted not serving in the military longer!

"General Logan Arista? I never knew that the General have such a granddaughter. He already has a brilliant Army Officer as a son, and now the granddaughter is also following his footsteps. How lucky of him!" Lexus chuckled again, only to make the Prince more and more bewildered.

Felix gave a quick thought at his cousin's words. Why did it feel like he knew more about the Arista's than he does?

The sound of his phone ringing instantly stopped his ongoing thoughts and he takes the phone out of his pocket. His lips curved into a smile when he saw the caller ID. She already called him again!

He picked up the call with a smile and was about to say something but... his smile instantly dropped when he heard her voice.

"Fe -Felix!"

The squeaky and stuttering voice of Yelena which he never heard before, echoed in his ears. The sound was low but he heard it clearly as if it was thunder!

She was crying!

He abruptly rose from his seat with his eyes wide open. He tried to say something but... he couldn't.

It was as if his mouth was sewed so that he couldn't open anymore. He stood froze with his face turning paler as each second passed!

"What's wrong?" Even Lexus voice was not enough to snap him out of his stupor!

Bad and haunting memories.

His memory flashed back to the time when he received a call from Cara Laria. She was calling his name as she cried and... it was the last time Felix ever had the chance to talk to her as she was found dead right after the call.....

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