Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 61 - It Will Always Remain That Way

The rainy season had started recently. It was noon when the rain started to pour all over the town which was the nearest to the Arista family villa.

In a pavilion of a small park which was located in the town, Felix stood there with his eyes which was colder than ever. With disdain, he narrowed his eyes at the woman who stood before him.

"What game are you trying to play this time?" His gentle voice which his lover used to hear all the time was gone. "What gives you the right to say such nonsense to my woman?" His heart-piercing glare shoot through Gina Larson.

Hearing the Crown Prince words which contained no hint of warmness at all, Gina struggled for words to say. She avoided his cold gaze and nervously squeezed her dress.

"Answer me!" He always tried his best to control himself, not to let anger get the best of him. He learned that lesson in a hurt way. But for the first time, he raised his voice at this woman whom he despised. How dare she said such crazy things to his woman!

Mustering all her courage, Gina lifted her head to met his eyes as he was way taller than her. "It's not like I'm wrong."

Felix was quiet for a while. It's not that he doesn't know what to say, he was debating if he should say the things which he never wanted to say before.

"How long do you plan to act innocent?" He walked closer and closer to the woman while she continuously took a step back, feeling intimidated by his powerful aura.

The Prince had no intention to stopped until her back was against the pavilion wall. He was cornering her with no way out.

"I don't understand what you're saying," Gina replied, trying her best to hide her anxiousness.

Crossing the Crown Prince was never a good idea. To be more precise, it was one of the worst. But she was blinded by her desire.

Felix's laughed, mocking at her for her shamelessness. "You don't? Do you take me as a fool?!"

When he saw her looking at him with a puzzled face, he was so disgusted that he wished to leave that place right away. But he came here to make things clear and he won't stop until he does that.

"You call yourself Cara best friend yet you're the one who does everything to end her happiness. Telling her countless lies to sabotage our relationship, making up lies to make me doubt her; you did all kind of evil deeds!"

This woman was the one who caused a cracked in their relationship. Her manipulative and scheming nature was the one which made Cara's life miserable.

No. She was not the only one to blame. He was also wrong. He believed her lies and he was continuously blinded by jealousy and anger. He doubted Cara many times and questioned her. He was the one who made her miserable. As such, he was overwhelmed with self-guilt when Cara passed away.

He realized the true colours of this woman too late. He also used to thought that she was a great friend. As such, he used to be good to her. But she turned out to be a devil in disguise.

"Why don't you think clearly about it, Your Highness? You never loved her. You mistook the pity you felt for her as love. She was a poor orphan, so -"

"Shut up!" He snapped. If this person was not a woman, she would already suffer in his hands. But hitting a woman was one of the things which he would never do.

He gazed at her with his eyes that resembled the eyes of a ferocious beast. "If it's not because of him, you will already be done for. Let me warn you. Don't ever hurt him with that disgusting and rotten nature of yours. If not, I will make you pay tenfolds for all your sins." He warned her.

He distanced himself from her and once again, he glanced at her with disdain. "Mark my words. If you ever come near my woman again, you will see how dangerous and cruel I can be."

His late lover was a victim of Gina's lies and manipulation. So, he will never let history repeat itself.

He left the pavilion without even waiting for her response. When he gets inside his car, he takes out his phone and calls Lexus.

"It's me. Come to the park and take care of her."

He ended the call right away without explaining further. He was sure that his cousin doesn't need further explanation.

Just as expected, not even ten minutes had passed when Lexus arrived by his car. He stormed out of the vehicle with an umbrella on his hands. He rushed to the woman who was sitting alone under the rain.

Sitting inside his car, Felix stared at his cousin who seemed to be very worried. The scene made him let out a heavy sigh.

What did his perfect cousin see in that woman? What made him love her and only her unconditionally for more than ten years?

No matter how much he thinks about it, he had no idea at all! For a while, he stared at his cousin with pity and then start his car to return to the villa.

Lexus stood in front of the woman who was sitting on the bench. She was drenched in the rain but still, she doesn't seem to care about it. Her head lowered and her eyes were glued to the ground. She was not aware of his presence there.

He put the umbrella above her head and shielded her from the rain which made the woman finally notice his presence. "Gina." He called her name like he always did.

Gina raised her head to look at him. Her face lightened up a bit at the sight of him. "Lexus. You're here." She doesn't seem to be amazed at all. Maybe he used to did the same thing several times.

"Come. I will drive you back to your hotel." He calmly said to her. Ever since he reached the park, his gaze had never left her. After all, she was the woman whom he deeply cherished ever since he was just a teenager. Eleven years had passed since then.

Gina shook her head when she heard him. "I don't want to return now."

"But it's raining a lot. If this goes on, you will be sick." The stern face which the Brigadier usually maintained was nowhere to be seen. Instead, his brows furrowed when he narrowed his eyes at her.

Gina smiled when she heard his response. "Back then and even now, you're the only person who worries about me and always look out for me."

Lexus sighed. She was still as stubborn as ever. He takes off his jacket and covered her so that it would help in preventing cold. He had no choice but to sat next to her. There's no way he would leave her in this situation.

He holds the umbrella and quietly sits beside her. He had an idea about what was going on but he chose not to say anything.

Witnessing her falling for his cousin was already hard enough but... sawing her in pain because of his exact cousin was more hurt than he could imagine!

"I'm really terrifying, isn't it?" Gina forced a little smile and look at Lexus. "No wonder the Crown Prince hates me." She mumbled when she turned her head away from him again.

The usually aloof Lexus truly wished to say something. But his mind went blank. He couldn't think of anything to say to her.

The Brigadier was always a man of perfection. Ever since he was young, he was smart and good at everything. Not to mention that he was also very handsome. Hailing from one of the noblest families of Edeladon, he was the man whom women fancied and men envied.

He shocked everyone when he chose the military as his career. But it was his dream ever since he was a child and he stood firm at that. He was always sure of what he wants. The same goes for his heart.

He first met this woman when he was just 18. They used to attend the same school and she was three years his junior. He fell for her one evening on his way home.

Since then, his heart never once wavered. Eleven years and he was still the same. He was still in a hopeless unrequited love.

He too admitted that she had changed so much over the years and she was not the once simple and pure-hearted girl he used to love.

He used to wonder how things go wrong. Maybe he knows the reason but... he finds it hard to accept.

Yet still, nothing changed. In fact, his love for her goes on, stronger and stronger each day. He loved her much more than one could imagine.

"You're still the same." Gina's voice aroused Lexus who was caught up in his thoughts. He turned his head and dumbfoundedly looked at her.

"At times like this, you always came and be with me. You never questioned me or asked me what happened." A slight smile appeared on Gina's face as she tilted her head to him. "I don't know about other people's opinion but I find your actions very comforting."

"You know, Gina." He finally spoke up after maintaining his silence for a while. "Other people won't have any idea because... I never do this for anyone but you. And it will always remain that way."

Her slight smile gradually faded when she heard his sincere words. She lifted her head and stared at the vast sky where droplets of water were still falling. She seemed to be lost in her puzzled thoughts while his gaze fixated on her the whole time like he always did for many years.....

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