Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 7 - Enjoyed Each Other's Presence

A few minutes had passsed and Yelena finds herself in the street. She felt perplexed. She glanced at the man next to her and questioned herself.

Why did she just accept a stranger's request? But as she recalled about it, she really finds it funny.​​

One was bold enough to asked out a stranger; while the other one was crazy enough to accept a stranger's request!

Unbeknownst to her, she let out a light chuckle. Though it was for a very split second, Prince Felix didn't failed to notice it.

"You find it funny too, isn't it? Our thoughts are quite alike." He said to Yelena.

"Yes. Who would have thought that this is our only second encounter? Besides we barely knew each other's name." Yelena replied as she observed their surroundings. She realized that many eyes were on them; which made her a bit uncomfortable.

Many people admired the dashing 'couple' who seemed to be a match made in heaven!

"If that's the case, we can take this opportunity to get to know each other. Let's have a new introduction." Prince Felix responded as he glanced at Yelena. "I'm Austin and I'm a businessman. I'm 26 years old and I came from Edeladon. What about you?" He said with a warm smile.

"I'm Macy and I'm just an office worker. I'm 25 and I came from Silveren." Yelena followed suit.

She was not a simple soldier. She was one of the members of the top secret forces. She cannot go around saying 'I'm from the Special Forces.' It was one of her duties to keep her identity as secret as possible.

"An office worker? I don't think an average office worker would afford to stay in that hotel." Felix pointed out the luxurious hotel where she was staying. He looked at her with a suspicious face.

"My parents are rich." Yelena clarified herself. Though she never spend her parents money after moving out to live one her own; its better to lie than exposing her identity.

But as she thought about it, she was really not lying. Her parents were rich. Her family was the richest family in Silveren.

"Oh! That's the case? I almost thought you were lying to me." Felix felt a bit sorry. But he too was not completely telling lies. He was a businessman.

Unlike the other Royals, the Royal family of Edeladon were allowed to work if they wished to. They never depends on the people's tax; which made them more independent and it earned them the people's respect compared to all other Royals around the world.

His late grandfather established the Royal Group and his father strengthened it. He was currently the Representative of the Royal Group; which was one of the most influential and powerful corporations of the world.

While the two were slowly walking side by side with silence, many things crossed Prince Felix's mind.

He went to the hotel to simply pay her back. Asking to accompany her was never in his plan. But he doesn't know why he did that.

He accepted the fact that he was drawn to her. He was fascinated by her. He was curious of her. May be he even liked her.

He liked her beautiful looks; but he liked her personality more.

His thoughts went as far as asking himself if this was love. Will he be able to open his heart again? He was not sure.

Whatever it was; atleast for now, he wanted to have a good time with this woman whom he barely knew.

"We have reached our destination." Yelena said; which aroused Prince Felix from his thoughts. The latter observed the large park in front of them and realized that it was the National Park. Then he followed her on the inside.

After walking for half an hour, they finally reach the peak of the small mountain which was located inside the park. They entered a small stall and sat on one corner.

Yelena's face brightened up as she saw the fascinating view just below her. "My brother said that this peak has the most beautiful view of Belden." She blurted out with glee.

"Your brother?" Prince Felix asked. His face lightened up as he witnessed her rare yet beautiful smile.

"Yes." Yelena hung her head low.

After her brother's death, she could never spoke up about him casually. She always finds it hard. But when she saw Prince Felix's curious face, she continued her words.

"I came here with my older brother 6 years ago. Today is his birthday; but he was not with me anymore."

Prince Felix raised a brow. He was amazed by the change in situation. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you."

Yelena shifted her gaze to the enchanting view. "It's fine. I used to visit this place every year on his birthday. It was always just me." She shifted her gaze back to him. "I'm glad that you're here with me today."

Yelena finally realized that with him there, she was feeling less lonely.

Whenever she went there alone; rather than enjoying the view, she would watched families having fun together. It always made her feel more lonelier. But this time, she was finally able to care about the mesmerizing view, thanks to him.

"I have to say that I'm quite amazed by your physical fitness. I barely reach this peak; but for you it seems like nothing." Prince Felix said with a smile; hoping to changed the topic.

"Of course. This is nothing for me. I'm -"

She stopped talking right away. She almost exposed her own lie!

"You are what?"


"You should finish what you said."

"I said it's nothing!" She exclaimed.

Prince Felix burst out into a laughter as he saw her reaction. He finds it adorable. May be he should always work hard to annoy her a bit!

Yelena chuckled as she saw him laughing so hard.

At that moment, Yelena finds it very comfortable to be with him. He had the ability to bring out her old self in her which already withered six years ago. It had been so long since Yelena felt happy and warm, to the point where the feeling was foreign to her!

If her family or anyone from her team saw her laughing care freely like she did just now; they will not believe even if they saw her with their own eyes! May be the cold Captain still had a warm side in her.

"You are really something." Yelena muttered as she stared at Prince Felix.

"What are you saying?" Prince Felix responded. Yelena's voice was so low that he could not hear what she said.

"Nothing. Forget it."

"How long will you stay?"

"Three more days."

"Same here. Then what are your plans for tomorrow?"

Yelena's lips curved into a playful smile. "I thought we agreed for just today."

"There is a change of plan." Felix exclaimed with a proud smile.

"No plans for tomorrow." She calmly replied. How come she was always so calm and patient when it comes to him? She didn't understand.

"Then will you accompany me?" He boldly asked her out once again.

"I'll have to think about it." She acted like she was paying no attention to his words. It made him crave for her attention even more!

"Tomorrow at 11 a.m. I'll wait for you outside your hotel."

Yelena rolled her eyes at how impatient he had became. "I say I will think about it." She retorted.

"Then think about it now. What do you say? Yes or No?" A malicious smile plastered his handsome face.

"Then it's NO."

"Then think about it. Take your time." He backed out right away. "What about exchanging our phone numbers?" He suggested.

"Let's do that tomorrow." She replied with a playful smile.

"That means you agreed to meet tomorrow?! You better not go back on your words." He smiled gleefully like a little child.

Yelena laughed at his childish reaction. Just that made him this happy?

"Sure. I'm not the type to break promises." She reassured him.

At that time and that very moment, they already forgot that one had a fiance and the other will get married soon.

They enjoyed each other's presence without a care in this world. Unbeknownst to them, they slowly started creating a world where only the two of them exists.....

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