The Prince imagination flew to one building in a huge apartmental complex of Silveren. The 12th floor where the woman he loved stayed alone... ALONE??

His face immediately turned darkened when he realized the fact. A hint of anxiety also appeared in his face that had turned sour. He sat still on the chair while squeezing his phone.

"Your Highness, what happened? Please tell me so that I could take necessary actions." Cayden was starting to feel worried. The Prince rarely lose his composure to this extent and witnessing him like this was such a miracle that it made him feel more anxious.

Felix knew that Yelena was not an average woman. As a soldier from a Special Forces, she was skilled in all types of combats and using guns. She even had a black belt in Mixed Martial Arts. She was skilled enough to protect herself but... nothing was predictable.

What if... just if... things go wrong? If that ever happens, it will be the end for him too! He cannot imagine his life without her. 

Now all his men had already retreated from Silveren, he couldn't do anything. But when an idea crossed his mind, he instantly looked at his phone and make a call.

"Lexus, please do me a favour. The thing is...."

After explaining everything to Lexus and sending him the call which he recorded, Felix put down his phone.

For a split second, he even thought about flying to Silveren right away but he opposed his own idea. He shouldn't make a fuss about it. His cousin will deal with everything there and he must trust him.

After two days, it will be weekend. He will try to go to Silveren during that time as he won't need to attend work during the weekend.

Looking at Cayden who heard everything he told Lexus, he said, "That's what happened. There is nothing we could do from here."

"Do you want me to send some men to assist the Brigadier?" Cayden asked him.

Felix gave a quick thought and realized that it was a good idea. Lexus was there for military purpose and it won't be right to distract him so much. "That's good. Send in Matthew and Joel." He instructed.

"I understand. I will tell them to depart tomorrow morning." Cayden bowed and left the office.

* * *

After hearing out Felix, Lexus along with two Private left the base where they were currently staying. As they reached the address that Felix told him, they parked the car at the side of the road and hop out to examine the area.

Lexus keenly observed the surroundings of the apartmental complex and the phone booth where the call came from. As his eyes swept around the area, he noticed that the whole area was secured by CCTV. He then ordered the soldiers to find out where they could get the footage of the same CCTV.

He was very determined to see the end to this. Apart from being Felix's cousin, he was also a soldier of Edeladon and the citizen of Edeladon. The Crown Prince, who was heir apparent to the Edeladonian throne was being threatened through a phone call! It could never be a trivial matter.

The Prince could also handed this matter to the National Intelligence Agency but he chose not to, at least for now. He was afraid that things might go out of hand.

After his men told him that they had got the information, they left the place to check out the CCTV footage.

* * *

"Did you see the video?" Lexus asked Felix who was on the other line.

Sitting in his room all alone, Felix was watching the video he just received from his cousin. Fixating his gaze on the laptop, he replied, "Yes. Is there a way we could find out who this man is?"

The man's face was not revealed. He was dressed in all black, with a cap on his head and a mask covering his face; it was impossible to see his face. The man only had an average height.

"I'm not sure but don't worry. I will try my best." Lexus reassured his cousin. "I already told the soldiers to check all the footage which is in the area. We might be able to figure out where he goes."

"Thanks, Lexus. And I'm sorry for troubling you. Two of my men will fly there as soon as the sun rises." Felix informed his cousin.

"That's good. You don't have to feel sorry. Your problem is also my problem. Besides, you're the Crown Prince. It's my duty to help you with whatever necessary." Lexus calmly said from the other line.

Felix was slightly comforted by his cousin's words but he doesn't like to talk about titles and all, at least not with Lexus who was also his best friend. "I trust you. If you cannot solve this, then no one can." He expressed how much he believed in his cousin.

"I'm glad. Try to take a rest. I will take care of things here. Good night." Lexus ended the call and continued to work on hunting down the mysterious man.

Felix put down his phone while staring at the footage which was played on his laptop. Just who was this man? He only heard his voice but his voice doesn't sound familiar. He was sure that he had never heard it before.

The man had deeply resented him. It was clear when he said that he enjoyed seeing him suffer! Yet no matter how much he thought about it, he doesn't know who would hate him enough to threaten him like that.

Enemies? He doesn't consider anyone as enemies. If someone thinks different, it was beyond what he knows.

All at once, the sight of Cara Laria who was lying on the floor covered by blood entered his mind. After listening to that unidentified man, the same scene becomes more horrendous and painful to recall! He covered his eyes with his left palm and roughly squeezed the side of his face with his long fingers. He then let out a groan.

Did that beautiful soul really died because of someone's hatred for him?! Just the possibility suffocated him so much that he couldn't hold back himself. "It's not true!" He shrieked as he shoved the laptop to the floor. It broke and the screen shattered due to the rough landing.

"This cannot be!" He abruptly rose from his seat and walked back and forth while pinching his fingers. His eyes resembled the eyes of a provoked lion who would tear apart anyone who dared to block his way!

"I'm going to kill him!" He desperately shouted. Little by little, his eyes had lost it's remaining little brightness.

All at once, he halted his legs that were walking back and forth inside his extravagant room. He rushed to the drawer on one corner and take out a box. He rummaged through the box as he was already not in his right mind.

Throwing around the things inside the box here and there, he finally reached the bottom. A photo which was put inside a nice frame was revealed and when his dimmed eyes landed on the photo, Felix collapsed to his knees!

"Why must it be you?" He muttered while his knees were still glued to the cold floors. "If I'm the one they hated, why didn't they just take it out on me? Why must you be the one to suffer?!"

"You didn't do anything wrong!" Feeling ashamed of himself, he lowered his eyes and stared at the floor. "All you ever did was loving me. Yet the price for loving someone like me was your life. What kind of nonsense is that?"

He reached out his right hand to touch the photo on the bottom of the box but halted when it just inched away. He withdrew his hand and instead, it was curled into a fist.

He moved to the side and sitting on the floors, he pressed his back against the couch. Being surrounded by the things that he threw out from the box - sweater, glove, a hand-knitted wristband and hats, earmuffs and many photos; his room was a mess and so was him.

Folding his left leg and placing his hand on his left knee, he blankly stared at the photos lying on the floors. He resembled a living corpse, the label which his acquaintance used to describe him 4 years ago.

All of a sudden, his blank face was replied by a very determined one. "I will never forgive the person who killed you. During the 22 years that you live, the world was never fair to you."

Recalling all the sufferings and mental scars of the late woman, he clenched his fist tighter. "Your parents abandoned you in an orphanage. You grew up without having anyone to rely on. You work hard all the time to afford for your studies. People look down on you and distance themselves from you and even my... my family trampled on you."

"Even though it's too late, I will make sure to reveal everything. I promise that you won't suffer unfairness anymore. I will confront everyone who wronged you and make them pay the price. I will let them know the pain of being shunned by the whole world. I promise you that."

While the Prince was totally occupied with his determination to find out the truth, lying on the floor at a few feet away from him was his phone which he unconsciously shoved away along with the laptop.

His lover might probably be anxious, trying to reach him but it was useless because the phone was already broken along with the laptop.....

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