Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 82 - One More Chance

Ella examined her friend reaction very keen. Did she just smile? Was it really the truth?! Did her best friend really fell for a Prince from another country?!

No matter how much she thought about it, Eleanor was still convinced that this doesn't make sense! She recalled the pictures and articles she read about the Crown Prince from his latest visit to Silveren. She never thought that that kind of man would be Yelena's type.

"Is this really true? You're not playing some prank with me?" She asked one more time though her friend reaction already proved everything.

"I love him." Yelena simply replied with a genuine smile. She could already guess what her friend was thinking about but she didn't bother to explain it. Overthinking was one boring trait of Eleanor and she already gets used to it.

"You mean, you like that type of man?" Eleanor imagined the features of the Prince. He didn't have any resemblance with Maurice, the man Yelena used to love! Their features and even their image in the media; they were the total opposite.

"What do you mean by that type of man?" Yelena playfully asked Ella. In fact, she was curious about the image of the Prince in her friend's eyes.

"That tall and friendly yet somehow meek. As a royal, he has a powerful and majestic aura but I think that makes him look domineering. Besides, women fall for him all around the world, so whenever I heard that, I always think that he will have plenty of beautiful women around him." Ella bluntly commented on her perception of the Prince.

Giving Yelena a doubtful look, she asked, "Does he even know how to care for someone? He always comes off as friendly buy sometimes he seems cold and unapproachable."

Hearing Ella's opinion, Yelena burst out into a laughter. Did the Prince had that kind of image? It's a new thing for her! She decided to ask him once she could talk to him.

"You and your overthinking." She shook her head and take her phone from Ella's hand once again. "How people thought about us is not always the truth. Besides, there's no such thing as 'type.' I feel warm and comfortable whenever I'm with him. Isn't that enough?"

"That's good enough but..." Ella makes a deliberate paused and repeatedly shook her head. "Ah! I don't know. I won't make up my mind until I see him in person. You know, my perception of people hardly change."

Yelena chuckled at Ella's response. She will never change her habit. "Okay. You might have the chance to meet him after this mission." She glanced at her wristwatch and realized that it was almost time for dinner. "It's late. Let's return to the base now."

She stands up and pulled up her friend who was too lazy to get up on her own. Then they return to the base which was about ten minutes walk from the place they were currently in. 

* * *

Standing in one corridor of the hospital, Felix tried to make a call. However, the call didn't connect through just like it was since yesterday. He wondered how long will he be unable to talk to Yelena.

He had many questions. Will she be okay? Will everything be alright at Agrana? What if she injured herself again?! No matter how much he worried about her, there's nothing he could do now.

He turned his head to the left and look at his cousin who still didn't utter any word. It's been two hours since he reached Silveren but Lexus didn't say anything. He sat there, staring at the woman who was lying on the bed of the ICU. He can't help but sigh at his cousin's pathetic condition.

He put his phone back to his pocket and sat next to Lexus. The sun had started setting at Silveren and it seemed like the Brigadier still doesn't eat anything for the whole day!

"Lex, this won't be good. Let's go and eat something. At this rate, you will faint very soon." The Prince calmly said to his cousin.

"I'm fine. You can go ahead." Lexus muttered and his voice was barely hearable. His eyes never leave Gina the whole time.

"You will need to be hospitalized too. Who will look after her if such a thing happen to you?" Felix was more than worried of his stubborn cousin but he tried his best to remain calm. He knows better than anyone that what Lexus needs now was someone who can patiently deal with him. Rather than forcing him, he needs to try his best to talk some sense into him.

"First, regain your strength. You look lifeless. Looking after a patient is not easy, Lex. So, look after yourself first and then you can worry about her." He added.

Lexus finally narrowed his eyes and then slowly shifted his gaze to his cousin. "She is like that because of me. I put pressure on her while knowing her..." He paused and closed his eyes when the woman's pathetic life crossed his mind. "I know her mental condition more than anyone. Yet I force her like that."

Of all the people in this world, only he knows how mentally unstable Gina was! That's why he always tried his best to give her even the slightest bit of comfort whenever he had the chance. He lived that way for many years, without asking for more.

He doesn't know the whole story of Gina. He only knows that most of her mental wounds were caused by her power-hungry father. He knows that it was not all but he didn't know the other reasons.

"What are you talking about, Lex? You didn't do any wrong." Felix didn't understand what his cousin was talking about. He didn't know Gina that well because ever since he finds out that she doesn't hesitate to harm her best friend's relationship, he always distanced himself from the woman.

"No, Felix. You didn't know anything. I have a feeling that Gina has been blackmailed and manipulated by someone. No one knows her well than me."

Felix raised a brow when he heard Lexus. In the past, he always believed in him because he knows that his cousin was always sure in whatever he did. But this time, he debated what to believed. Besides, Lexus was not in his right mind. The shock still had a huge effect on him.

"Are you sure about that, Lex? You're not in a good condition -"

"Please give me some more time, Felix. I will see the end to this matter. I will investigate everything surrounding Gina and I will solve all your question." Lexus pleaded and his once low voice had slowly regained its original state with every single word that he utter.

It was the first time that his cousin went out of line for the woman and Felix was taken aback by it. In the past, no matter what he did to Gina, even if he treated her with disgust; Lexus never once stepped in. He never asked him anything, so far from confronting him.

"But Lex, how will you -"

"If I'm wrong, I won't complain. If Gina is really the mastermind behind all these, you can punish her however you want. But Felix, please give me one last chance to do something for her. I cannot let her give up on herself." Lexus gave Gina a quick glanced and continued.

"You're the Crown Prince, Felix. If words about Gina get out, her life will become hell even if she survived. She won't be forgiven. So, I only ask you for one more chance. I want to check out all the doubts that I have for a long time."

The things that Lexus told him in the hotel crossed Felix mind. He indeed told him that Gina was not what she looked like. He even told her that she was someone who needs love and protection. Felix wondered if there was something hidden which he always failed to see? And what secret did Lexus know? What made him hold onto someone like Gina Larson? Lexus was always reasonable.

Or was it simply because he was blinded by love that made him unable to accept the truth? Love was always strong enough to tampered even a clear-minded person like Lexus!

"Okay." Felix decided to trust his cousin though it was a hard decision to make. He still felt uneasy about that call and warning. "If you need help, tell me and I will do whatever I can." He reassured Lexus with a calm voice.

Just when the Prince finished his words, one young man approached the cousins and stood beside them. Felix lifted his head to look at the man and immediately identified him as Fabian Morell, the one who worked for Lexus and assisted him in all of his activities outside his military job.

"Fabian, you're here?" Felix didn't expect to see the young man but it made him feel at ease. His cousin will have someone to assist him and look after him. That's a huge relief for the Prince who was more than worried about his cousin.

Fabian bowed to greet the two men. "Greetings, Your Highness. In the morning, the Marquess told me to come here and I came as soon as I sort things out there."

Lexus father was a Duke and as an only son, Lexus will be inheriting all his father's titles. For now, the Marquess of Giron was the Brigadier's current noble title.

Felix smiled when he realized that his cousin was still able to think through everything. He will surely need Fabian's help in his investigation. "I'm glad, Fabian. I hope that you will take good care of my cousin."

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