Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 87 - Unbelievably Jealous

While all the other soldiers were outside the base, carrying out some of their plans; Colonel Arias was alone in the main base.

Scanning through the graph and the maps of the area, he tried to figure out the best way to take control of the enemy base, with fewer casualties possible. He made up his mind not to see any of his comrades die in this mission.

But while he was examining the routes and the geographical area, one Private who barged inside the base made him lose focus. The Private ran to the storeroom which was on the left and took a first aid kit. He was about to run out of the base when the Colonel talked to him.

"What happened? Is someone injured?" Colonel Arias asked as he glanced at the first aid kit on the Private hand.

"Captain Eleanor hurt her arm. I need to -"

Before the Private could even finish explaining, Colonel Arias ran past him and stormed out the base, stunning the subordinate!

When Arias stormed out of the base, he saw Ella at a distance. Yelena was also with her, tending her wound. Forgetting about everything else, he ran to Ella and grabbed her hand at once. He scowled when he saw the wound on her arm. "Didn't I always tell you to be careful? You are always so careless, that's why you never stop worrying me." He scolded Ella who stared at him with a baffled expression on her face.

While Arias still stared at Ella with anger and concern written all over his face, the other soldiers were watching them with a perplexed face.

It's only a small wound and nothing serious! Why did the Colonel behave as if Captain Ella was going to die?!

"Sir?" Ella calm and reminding voice brought Colonel Arias back to reality. Realizing the confusing stares of his subordinates, he reluctantly withdrew his hand from Ella but the stares won't stop!

"Be careful, everyone. We have no time to injure ourselves. The D-Day is just around the corner." He awkwardly declared for the soldiers to hear while the two Captains tried hard to suppress their laughter!

Ignoring the doubtful look, Arias glanced at the Private who was standing next to him with a first aid kit. "Give me that." He reached out his hand but the Private stood still with a bewildered face. "I'm from a family of doctors. I can treat this much." He explained which snapped the Private out of his stupor.

"Here, sir." The Private handed the first aid kit to the Deputy Commander who lose no time and started tending Ella's wound right away.

Still, with a doubtful gaze, the soldiers walked away to continue with their own work. Yelena stared at the secret couple whose cover was half blown, all thanks to a small wound! She can't help but chuckle at the sight. If this goes on, she was sure that it would only be a matter of time before they exposed themselves with their own actions!

While she quietly stared at her friend with a smile, she heard the sound of her phone ringing which made her stunned! Did the District finally have a signal?! She was not aware of that though they were told that connection would probably be back by today and it's only 10 in the morning.

She hurriedly takes out her phone from her pocket and she was not surprised by the caller ID but it indeed made her smile.

* * *

Felix was still in the Arista mansion when he decided to try his luck and call his lover. Much to his frustration, he had already failed for three days. He called her number and his eyes grew wide when the call went through!

"Hello?" He holds his breath when he heard her usual calm voice which always comforted him.

"Yelena is on the phone." He informed the Arista's with a smile and when they heard that, they all gather around him excitedly.

Putting back the phone to his ear, he asked, "Are you alright? Is everything okay there?"

Yelena smiled when he asked her the exact words which she thought he would say. "I'm fine and everything's going well. How about you?"

"Do you have any idea where I am now?" He asked when an idea crossed his mind.

"Where are you?"

"Do you have time? How about a video call?" Felix nodded at the family who were more than excited to see their daughter.

"Okay." She agreed and the call turned to a video call.

When the place where the Prince was sitting appeared on Yelena's screen, she wondered how familiar it looked but she had never set her foot in Edeladon!

"Umm... Where are you? It looked quite -"

She instantly paused when a person appeared next to Felix. Wasn't that her grandfather?!

"Yelena, don't worry about things here and gave your all in that mission so that you can come home soon, okay?" Wrinkles were forming in the old General's forehead when he smiled at his only grandchild.

Yelena let out a breath and a genuine smile appeared on her face. "You too, Grandpa. Take good care of your health." She blinked when she saw her mother next.

"My daughter, we wait for you no matter what, so you can be at ease. But I see that you miss your fiance more than us and that's not so nice!" Vanessa Arista said to her daughter with a playful smile.

Yelena burst out into a laughter when she heard her mother. "I miss all of you, but the feelings are different." She chuckled when she saw Felix's satisfying smile through the screen.

"Take good care of yourself and don't get yourself injured." The father said to her with his usual stern face and voice which made everyone laughed at him.

Major General Ethan was utterly displeased with the reaction he received! He tried his best to put off his original self but how come they still laughed at him?!

"I understand, Father. Take care too." Yelena replied while suppressing her laughter.

"You are in Silveren? Since when?" Yelena excitedly asked Felix when her family members retreated.

"Well, it's a long story. Let's save that for later." Felix's observed the background which appeared on his screen. "It seems nice." He remarked with a smile. Now that he could finally saw her face, he couldn't stop smiling.

"Yes. I will show you some of the areas." Yelena focused around the area with her phone for the Prince to see.

Felix's eyes were rooted to the screen with a smile on his face until... something caught his attention. "Wait. Can you put your phone a little to the right?"

"Like this?" Yelena asked as she did as he said.

Felix's smile dropped when he gets a clear sight of someone while Yelena looked at the screen dumbfoundedly.

"Isn't that him?" Felix asked with a displeased face.

"What?" She asked back, having no idea of what he was saying.

"The man from the exhibition. He is also a soldier?" Felix bluntly said.

Yelena glanced at the place where her phone focused. She saw Colonel Arias sitting just a few feet away. She laughed when she saw the Prince's upset face. "You still remember his face? Wow! You have a good memory!" She simply commented.

"He also went to Agrana?" Felix asked though it was obvious. If Arias didn't go there, how else would he appear on the screen?!

"Yeah." She simply nodded. "He is our new Deputy Commander. He leads the team here."

"What?!" The Prince gasped. "Did he still court you? Did you say he's a superior?" He abruptly rose from his seat. If possible, he would surely fly to Agrana right away!

Yelena scoffed at his wild speculation. "When did he ever court me? You're imagining things too much!" She paused and then asked, "Do you still remember my best friend whom we met in the countryside?"

"Did you try to change the topic again?" He said with a grumpy face but when he saw her threatening glare, he reluctantly answered, "Yes. So what?"

"That's her boyfriend. So, stop speculating things." She huffed. He's always unbelievably jealous!

"Really?" The Prince's face underwent a 180-degree change right away! His grumpy face was replaced by a smile that grew wider than ever!

"Who is that?" Ella appeared out of nowhere and stood beside Yelena which startled the latter.

Yelena instantly put her phone down and awkwardly smiled at Ella. "How's your wound?"

"Talking to your lover?" Ella's lips curved into a menacing smile. She already got a glimpse of the man on her friend's screen!

Sighing in defeat, Yelena lifted her phone again and Felix was still there with a confused face. "This is Ella, my friend whom we met in the countryside. We work together here."

Staring at the man on the screen, Ella almost rolled her eyes. "So, you're the brazen foreigner who stole my friend's heart?" She scoffed.

Felix was stupefied! He had never once talked to the friend so there's no way for him to offend her! What's wrong with her?!

"Let's talk later, okay?" Yelena immediately hung up the call and sighed at her friend. "What is that? You startled him." Her friend's temper was truly something!

"I don't like him." Ella simply remarked without much thought and walked away while Yelena trailed behind her.....

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