Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 89 - Priceless Reward

"We are attacked! Hurry to the city route!" One of the terrorists who saw his friend collapsed shouted to alert the other members.

Things continued to go like the soldiers planned as all the terrorists picked up their guns and ran to the ground that leads to the city. Even the soldiers who were on duty in the forest route forget about everything else and rushed over to aid their fellow members.

Glancing at the three enemies who were still unconscious, Lt. Morris asked, "Captain, what about these three?"

"Kill them," was Captain Yelena's response which the Lieutenant complied right away.

They had no time to dragged them away or to tie them up. What if they regained their consciousness and become a problem for them? It's good to play safe in such a situation.

It's time for the other group to make a move. As soon as all the terrorists who stood guard left their post, they carefully approached the base without making a sound. After observing the base from outside, they broke the windows which leads to the room where their captured comrades were kept.

Freeing their comrades who were too tired and wounded to move on their own, they helped them to leave the base and brought them to a safe place inside the forest.

"Stay with them and stand guard here." Colonel Arias commanded one Private and one Corporal of his group.

"Yes, sir!"

"Let's go." He commanded the remaining soldiers and returned to the enemies base.

Meanwhile, the sound of firing guns could be heard from time to time on the other side. With both the terrorists and the soldiers who shielded themselves by walls or trees, it was not an easy feat to gunned down one another. Once in a whole, they would reveal themselves for a split second to fire at each other.

Hiding behind a tree which was not so protective, Lt. Gary glanced at Captain Yelena who was behind another tree just feet away from him. "Captain, the other group take too long. What will we do? We cannot hide forever. The enemies have way better shield than us."

The Captain gave a quick thought at their situation. She admitted that Lt. Gary was right and if this goes on for long, then nothing will be guaranteed for her team. "This is Phoenix. Inquiring the condition of Group Two. I repeat. Inquiring the condition of Group Two. Over."

The radio can't connect through. It was not a rare occurrence in the forest as the other group were still there. Observing her teammates who were waiting for her decision, she made up her mind. "Let's wait for a while. I trust the Deputy Commander. For now, their base is their strong shield but after a while, it will be the most unsafe place for them. We will stick to the plan."

It was one of the hardest decision she ever made. Keeping in mind all the lives that depend on her decision, she desperately waited for the other group to start the next plan but still, she maintained a face which showed no anxiousness.

A leader was the source of strength for other members. A strong leader shaped a strong team. That's what she was taught in the army.

BANG! The loud sound of a gun was followed by a shriek of one enemy. "We are attacked from both sides!"

"It's the forest route!"

"Damn those soldiers! We are cornered!"

Captain Yelena let out a breath which she didn't even know she was holding! A smile out of relief appeared on her face and she quickly glanced at the enemies. Just as expected, they were starting to panicked!

"Time to move! Cover each other and this is the most important part. You must survive!" She reminded them once again and with that said, they all emerged from their hiding place, making their way to the panicked enemies.

The other group led by Colonel Arias and Captain Ella started to gunned down the enemies from behind which the enemies failed to saw through. Captain Yelena's group attacked from the front which required more risks. One by one, the terrorists met their demise in the muzzle of the soldier's guns.

Everything was fair when it comes to war and even attacking from behind was not deemed as a cowardice act. Instead, it was all about wits and tactics which soldiers from the Rayvix Special Forces were famous for.

As they always said, there was no time for panic when it comes to a real battlefield. As such, the infamous terrorists lose the battle the very moment they were controlled by their minds rather than using their brains.

That led to the massacre of their organization that morning while the damage on the soldier's side was just two light injuries. Of course, the bulletproof vest that the soldiers wore also played an important role in surviving.

"25th June, 20XX. Time 2:50 am. All terrorists in the Rago District of Agrana are killed. Mission completed." Colonel Arias declared.

Exchanging glances with each other, the soldiers finally breathed in relief and a smile of satisfaction was evident in their faces. They had avenged their deceased comrades and at the same time, they had brought peace to the people of the District. As always, peace for others was what they sacrificed their lives for!

* * *

The sun had risen and ever since early in the morning, all news channels around the globe covered about the success of the mission.

After leaving their injured and rescued comrades to be treated in the Agrana Army hospital, the soldiers finally returned to their base where they were warmly welcomed by the civilians who heard the news. Genuine and indescribable happiness on the people's face was worth all the efforts, risks and sacrifices they made!

By the time they reached there, it was already 10 in the morning. After cleaning up themselves and their weapons, they got to have some rest in the afternoon.

As usual, they gather for a meeting when night comes. Colonel Arias led the meeting once again.

"It's quite upsetting to see that two of us are not here tonight. But they are still alive and they will get well soon after receiving some treatments." Narrowing his eyes at the soldiers, his face was brightened up with pride. "Being able to sit here in this room tonight, that alone is a huge achievement. I want to thank you all for surviving and for the great teamwork."

His gaze fixated on Yelena who served as the Assistant Leader for the mission. "I want to commend you for your performance, Captain Yelena. I understand how hard it would be to remain calm in that situation as our group were late than planned. But you put trust in us and stick to the plan, which became a key role in our success today."

"Actually, I had heard about you ever since you joined the army. From the days when your fellow soldiers criticize you saying that all your phenomenal performances were all thanks to your roots, the General; to the days when they commend you saying that you're just like the General in his prime." He paused when everyone smiled.

"Did you see, Captain? Now, when that matter is ever brought up, the other soldiers only deem it as a joke now. It's because you keep on proving yourself, just like you did today." He added and smiled when he saw Ella glancing at her friend with pride.

"You flatter me, sir. I only did what to do as a team. You always said that everything should be teamwork. Besides, you're a reliable leader. That's why everyone put their trust in you." Yelena remarked and the others nodded in agreement. The Colonel was such a great motivator!

"I have a question, sir," Corporal Allen said to Arias.

"You can ask me anything." He replied with a friendly smile. In fact, he was always friendly to them which made him approachable for even a mere Private.

"You said before that you came from a family of doctors. What made you join the army? As we all know, it's a very dangerous job." Corporal Allen curiously asked him. He was the same soldier who once provoked the Colonel due to his cowardly question.

Colonel Arias smiled to himself when he heard the question. "When I was a child, I met one Army Officer. He was the one who inspired me. I bet that everyone in this room will know him as he is still in service. But I can't say the details." His response piqued everyone's interest, including Ella. She had never heard the story before.

Colonel Arias glanced at Corporal Allen. "You're right. The path we chose is very dangerous where tomorrow is never promised for us. But the happiness on the people's face like today is what keeps us going. We need to bet our lives all the time but who cares? Due to our efforts and sacrifices, the people of our country gets to sleep peacefully. That's a priceless reward." He commented with a smile.

His words made all the soldiers lost in their thoughts. As such, the room was very quiet until Corporal Allen broke the silence. "I truly respect you, sir. I only join the army because the salaries of the soldiers are high in our country and my family always struggled financially. But from now on, I want to become someone like you so that I can continue to serve my country with pride." He said with a smile on his face yet his eyes hinted determination.

The Corporal's words filled the once quiet room with laughter again.

"We should learn to enjoy every day. We, soldiers, are the one who knows the best the value of life." Colonel Arias remarked once again. He was more than glad with the cheerful atmosphere!

"Sir, you said that we can ask you whatever you want, right? If that's the case, I have one question too." This time, it was Corporal Jena from Team Delta who spoke up.

"Go ahead." Colonel Arias simply replied with his usual friendly voice.

"I think dating in secret has become a trend these days in the army. What is your opinion on that?" Corporal Jena asked with a bright smile as she gave Captain Ella a quick glance.

Her question made everyone quiet yet one same scene crossed the mind of everyone. The day when Captain Ella got herself a little wound on her arm and the unforgettable reaction of the Colonel.....

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