A plane from Belden to Silveren just landed the Silveren International Airport. Yelena hurried out of the airport and saw a car and a young man who awaited her.

She approached the young man and by the time she reached there, the man stood in attention and saluted her.​​

"Captain." Lieutenant Morris Flavian greeted Captain Yelena. He was also the Vice Captain of Team Delta, an elite team which was part of the Rayvix Special Forces. It was the same team which Yelena leads.

"At ease." Captain Yelena commanded. "Tell me the details on our way."

Lt. Morris picked up the luggage and placed inside the car. Then the two ride the car and left for the outskirts of the city.

* * *

"You should have rest when we are off mission. Though this is not work related, I know how important it is for the both of us. But still, you need a rest too." Yelena calmly said to Morris who was driving the car.

"Don't worry, Captain. I'm fine. But I'm sorry for disturbing you in your vacation. As you said, we hardly had a rest."

"In my life, there is nothing as important as this matter. I can put aside everything else for it." Yelena replied with a determination on her face. "Then tell me. How did you find him? We already failed for the whole year." She asked Morris.

"I tracked down one of his close friends. He finally knew where Nolan Iselin moved 6 years ago. They happened to be from the same hometown and it seemed like Nolan moved back there. Captain, it feels strange. Why is there no record about his hometown in all his personal information?" Morris explained and asked Yelena.

"Maybe he chose to not write about it."

"But Captain, the informant also told me that..." Morris trailed off, hesitating to continue.

"What is it? Tell me." Yelena said right away. They finally got some information about Nolan Iselin after digging for a whole year; so she didn't want to miss anything.

"Nolan Iselin went crazy. It's been 6 years; just the same year as those incidents." Morris replied. A hint of regret could be seen on his face.

Yelena was perplexed! She closed her eyes and leaned backwards to the car seat. She then covered her eyes with her hand. What will she do now?

"6 years ago. Three best friends. All of them were a newly commissioned Army Officers. One fell off a cliff and it was concluded as an accident. Then not long after, one committed suicide. Now the last one alive went crazy." Yelena pointed out the facts with a deep sigh. Then she turned her head and look at Morris. "Do you really think your brother's death was a suicide?" She asked.

Morris stopped the car and his eyes lowered. He then glanced at Yelena. "Yes, Captain. It was a suicide. But the one who drove him to death was the same as murderer. No; he's already a murderer. He killed your brother before he made my brother to kill himself."

* * *

Captain Yelena and Lt. Morris entered a small house in the North Village. They were welcomed by an elderly couple who were very kind and friendly. They asked and find out that they were the paternal grandparents of Nolan Iselin.

"Mr. & Mrs. Iselin, did you still remember the two friends of your grandson 6 years ago? They all trained to become Army Officers at that time." Yelena asked the grandparents.

Mrs. Iselin's old face lightened up at the mentioned of her grandson friends. "Of course. They came often to our house. Aren't they Marvin and Eric?" She then stared at the duo with a confused face. "Do you know them?"

Yelena's eyes lowered as she heard her brother's name. "Yes. I'm Marvin's younger sister. My name is Yelena."

"And I'm Eric's younger brother. My name is Morris." Morris introduced himself.

"Oh! Really? It's so nice to meet you. Are they doing well?" Mrs. Iselin asked with a warm smile but the smile faded as she thought about her grandson. "Now our grandson is in no position to work for the country." Her voice was low and there was sadness in it.

"We're very sorry about your grandson. But I think you didn't heard the news, Grandma. Marvin Arista and Eric Flavian already passed away 6 years ago." Morris notified the old couple.

"They passed away?" Mr. Iselin spoke up for the first time. His friendly face was replaced by doubt and shock.

"What happened?" Mrs. Iselin asked right away. Her face turned pale at the unexpected news.

"It's a long story. But we came here hoping to meet your grandson. We are aware of his condition; but can you let us meet him just once?" Yelena asked in a respectful tone.

The elderly couple glanced at each other in confusion. What would they get by meeting their grandson who was not in his normal mind? But they knew that these two people intended to bring no harm.

"You can meet him. He is usually quiet but there are also times when he acted up." Mr. Iselin agreed to their request while his wife nodded in approval.

"Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Iselin."

The couple led them to a small room, right next to the room they were in. They opened the door and a man appeared on the scene. He sat in a chair next to the window, without even moving or blinking an eye. His body was pale and lifeless; but his whole appearance was neat and tidy.

"He just sat like that all the time. He rarely acted up so it was not that difficult to look after him. But he never answered us, no matter how much we talk to him. We didn't even know whether he remembers us or not." Mr. Iselin sighed as he explained the pathetic condition of his grandson.

Yelena and Morris slowly approached the man who was once an energetic Army Officer. Their heart ached at the sight of him. What exactly happened to the three friends? It made them more determined to discover the truth.

Yelena take out a photo from her purse and put it in front of Nolan to let him see it. Though she didn't have much hope, she still wanted to try it out.

"Mr. Nolan, do you still remember the two people with you in this photo?" She calmly asked him.

There was no response. The man sit still, never once did he glance at the photo.

Yelena put down the photo and held Nolan's hands; she then looked at him right in the eye. "You, Marvin Arista and Eric Flavian. What happened 6 years ago?" She asked in a calm yet clear voice.

The calm Nolan started to panicked at the mentioned of his two best friends! He roughly broke free from Yelena's grip with his shivering hands. It happened so fast that it made Yelena's fall to the floor with a force.

"I -I didn't see any -anything. P -Please don't kill me!" Nolan shrieked again and again as he abruptly rose from his seat. His face turned pale as if he saw a ghost!

"I -I won't tell anyone!" He screamed with a hoarse voice. He then covered both of his ears with his palms and continuously shook his head. He walked around the room with his weak body, destroying things around him.

"Nolan!" Mrs. Iselin shouted with tears as she witnessed her beloved grandson who had lose his mind once again.

But this made Nolan panicked even more. "No! No!" He screamed and lifted a medium sized vase, ready to throw it in the direction where the bewildered Yelena was!

The latter was still on the floor with her face full of shocked and pity; not even noticing the vase which was about to be thrown at her.

"Be careful, Captain!" Lt. Morris rushed to Yelena's side and covered her body with his. The vase hardly landed on his right shoulder and break into pieces; followed by blood drops.....

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