Falling For Miss Captain : LOVE Vs DUTY

Chapter 94 - Take Care Of It Yourself

Felix was in his room going through some files that were piled up in his desk. After talking to Yelena last night, he went home and forced himself to sleep though it was not easy.

After managing to sleep for a few hours, he woke up early in the morning. As it was still early, he decided to work to pass time and three hours had passed since then.

It was around 7 in the morning when King Lawrence quietly stared at his son who was very immersed in his work. He already stood there and watched him for minutes but his workaholic son doesn't notice his presence at all.

When the King of Edeladon saw his only son talking on the phone, he was stunned! Just seconds ago, his son was fully focused on his work, having no room for other things. But now with a phone on his ear, Felix had forgotten about everything else!

What shocked the King more was that his son's eyes that were always cold yet dimmed, was twinkling with mirth when he talked on the phone! It was the first time he saw his son being that happy.

Even during his childhood and teenage days, the Crown Prince was never one to act warm or showed his feelings easily. He never smiled much but since the death of Cara Laria, he always puts up a friendly facade for others while grumbling with pain on the inside.

When the King saw his son finally putting down the phone after minutes of talking, he makes his way to him. "Can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure." Felix simply replied and rose from his seat. He and his father took a seat in the couches which were placed in the left of his huge room.

"Is something going on with you these days? I heard that you make another plan to go to Silveren this weekend as well." King Lawrence asked his son with a concerned face.

"I can't tell you that for now. Maybe later." Felix thought about the news about Gina that Lexus told him last night through a phone call. It seemed like they would need more time and have to keep it a secret for a longer time.

King Lawrence narrowed his eyes on the floor as he braced both his palms. It was never easy to have a normal conversation with his son since the death of that woman. As a father, he also wished to know what his son was up to but he felt relieved that Felix at least gave him a response.

"I don't do anything unnecessary." Felix bluntly added when he saw his father's downhearted face. Even for him, it was a hard task to open up to his own father. Their relationship was always a complicated one as far as he could remember.

King Lawrence slightly smiled at his son's words. He really finds him strange today. "Who are you talking to on the phone?"

"My woman," Felix replied. Now that Yelena had finished her mission, she had more time for him which he was really happy with. He loved the most when he talked with her in the morning as that always made his day better.

Though the King already expected that response, hearing it still felt strange. Maybe Felix's quick response intrigued him. "What is her name again? What kind of woman is she?" Sawing the happy smile in his son's face when he was using the phone, the King couldn't resist the urge to ask him the question.

For a while, Felix looked at his father with a surprised face. The question was so unexpected for him! Maintaining his composure again, he thought about the woman who suddenly entered his life and added colours to it.

"She's Yelena Arista. As I already said before, she's the daughter of Mrs. Vanessa Arista. Her father is also an Army Officer with the rank of Major General. She is the granddaughter of the General of Silveren Army." Felix stated Yelena's background to his father.

"General Logan Arista?" The King raised a brow. He had known the old General for years but he didn't know a thing about his family. Recalling the nature of the General, he was somehow convinced that his granddaughter would also be great just like him. As the saying goes, an apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The Prince nodded his head. "You will know what kind of woman she is when you meet her. So, I will only say one thing about her." He made a deliberate paused and met his father's gaze. "She is someone who always trusts me wholeheartedly. No matter what people say about me, she only believes if I say it. She always listens to me and believes in me."

"So father, do you think I'll be able to give up on such a woman, just because of some problems? That will not happen. I will never do something which I would surely regret, not again." Felix firmly stated, showing no sign of backing down.

The father was tight-lipped. Did his son love the woman this much? Even a phone call with her could change him that much! Somehow, it made him more interested in the woman. Then he finally spoke up. "Let me meet her someday when there is a chance."

Felix raised a brow at his father's words. What had gotten into him today? Before this, he always opposed him strongly! "What are you planning to do?" He bluntly asked.

"I'm just curious about what kind of woman make you change this way. Did you know, son? You're quite different these days." The King calmly pointed out his son's change in behaviour these days. In fact, it amazed both the Queen and him.

Unlike his old self, their son always tried his best to take care of himself. He never skipped breakfast like he always did before. The most shocking thing was that these days, they never saw their son drinking or getting drunk! And they understand what made him change this way.

"I don't have time to think about how I changed. About Yelena, she is quite busy and she only returned to her job after two months break. I don't think she won't have time. If you really wished to meet her, you can go to Silveren." Felix simply replied which made his father blinked in surprise.

"Are you serious?" King Lawrence gasped. "You can bring her to us for just a day. I'm sure that your mother would also like to see her."

"Father." Felix narrowed his eyes and tightly holds his one palm with the other. "If you wish to see her, then it's up to you to find the time to see her. Do you still remember how Cara was mistreated by my own family? I will never let Yelena suffer the same. So, if you are the one in need, you should take care of it yourself."

The Prince wished that his family would accept Yelena. But he will never let her give in to his family or make her succumbed to their wishes. Just because he wanted his family to approve her, he will never let her lower herself! He made a mistake in the past and he won't ever repeat it. Besides, if his family disapproved her till the end, he was willing to give up everything and go to her.

When his mind was flooded with such things, his father's next words took him by surprise.

"Then can you ask her when I could meet her?" King Lawrence calmly asked his son. It seemed like he was not offended by his son's sharp words at all.

Staring at his father with a dumbfounded face, Felix replied, "She is abroad performing an important mission. So, she will only return to Silveren this Sunday. I think she will have some free time after that."

King Lawrence Valestra didn't say anything and only nodded at his son's response. Judging from the look on his face, it seemed like he was busy thinking about something which the Prince didn't know.

"Are you planning to go and see her?" Felix still doubted the possibility. After Operation Peace Day was successfully performed by Colonel Maverick and his team, Silveren had become much peaceful for the Edeladons but... will the King himself really go there to see his son's lover? Felix was not that convinced.

"Maybe. But I can't guarantee anything." The King said with a slight smile and rose from his seat. "You will eat breakfast today too, right? I think your mother will be ready by now. Let's eat it all together." He gently patted his son on the shoulder and walked out of the room.

Watching the disappearing form of his father, Felix was still stupefied. Can a person change that much in a short period? Just days ago, his father surely told him that he shouldn't be persistent in his relationship with a Silveren soldier. He advised him to look a bigger picture and give up on the woman but that didn't affect him at all!

Instead, he showed his parents the ring on his finger and informed them that he already got engaged to the exact soldier. The drama and opposition that day gave him quite a headache.

Thinking about what his father just said to him, Felix sighed. He had no idea what was going on in his father's mind. Glancing at his watch, he realized that he will be late for work if he didn't have his breakfast right now. He then walked out of his room and went down to the dining room.....

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